A/N My first Supernatural fic! I've been wanting to do one since I became obsessed with the show and here it is, enjoy!

Disclaimer: is it mine? Ahahaha! No.

Something wasn't right. He wasn't sure what had first tipped him off, something small, something almost unnoticeable; but in his line of work those were the differences between life and death. "Dean, what's wrong?"

It was like playing spot the difference – once you spotted one others were easy to pick out; the knotted eyebrows, the shadowed eyes, and that stance! The one he always wore when he faced down a perceived threat, be it human or supernatural. But never before with his father. Now it appeared John Winchester was public enemy number one, or top of Dean's hit list anyway. "N-nothing, sir."

This statement was made somewhat less reassuring by the flinch the eight-year-old made when John moved to approach. He tried to hide it, but the damage had been done; John had noticed the even smaller child hiding half in the shadows.

What? It couldn't be…but that would explain the overly defensive posture and the 'back off' vibes Dean was emitting, he always acted like a mother bear when he thought something might harm Sam, A predatory, aggressive bear ready to attack. But why was he setting off the 'Sammy Alarm'.

He took a decisive step forward and watched as panic rose in Dean's eyes and Dean stepped back. Alarmed, he took another more cautious step forward. It was like watching a dam burst, the way the held back fear seemed to flood into Dean's eyes. His arms came up in an attempt to make a human shield for his brother, a small, desperate last barrier.

"Please don't hurt Sammy!"

Shock froze John in place. Him hurt Sammy? It was ludicrous, appalling. The very idea of anyone hurting his babies made his face twist into an ugly snarl.

Dean – misinterpreting it – flew into a frantic panic. "No, No, NO!"

John's face whipped back as his eldest launched himself at him, frantically beating against him. It was a laughable attempt against a fully grown man and an ex-marine at that but the sheer desperation of it hammered into John's heart.

"Don't hurt Sammy! DON'T HURT SAMMY!"

Trying desperately to fend his son off whilst not hurting him, John attempted to make Dean see sense. "No, no Dean, I'd never hurt Sam, of course I'd never hurt Sammy." But the reassurances fell on deaf ears as Dean's yelling got louder and his hitting more hysterical. From the corner a big-eyed, little shadow started to whimper at the commotion.

A/N It may seem a bit unclear at the moment, all shall be revealed.

My writing isn't perfect and probably will never be, but reviews keep me going and comments help me improve so please review! sammypuppydogeyes