Because, I Said So
Warnings: Boys love. NaruSasu (Maybe some NaruSasuNaru)
Rated: M
Na, I know you guys are probably pretty mad that I'm starting another story when I haven't even update my other ones yet but hang in there okay. I'm super sorry but this has just been on my mind for days and I've got to get it on paper. Tell me what you think.
Oh and go check out my profile and vote on which story you want updated ASAP. That will defiantly make me update faster. So go go go!
Sasuke stared at the scene before him in disbelief, he dropped the bottle of champaign out of shock. He couldn't believe it. He couldn't fucking believe it! With his god damn co-worker for fucks sake! How long had this been going on? Had he meant nothing to that bastard?!
Different emotions filled him as he continued to stare. Rage, anger, betrayal, confusion, loneliness, heartache and finally sadness won over all. He just couldn't believe Neji would do something like this. He felt so stupid. The heart-broken boy turned his eyes away from the scene, he just …couldn't look at it anymore. Sasuke leaned his back against the ally wall and slowly slid down, hands clutching his heart as he desperately tried to swallow the tears forming, but the sound of smacking lips and moans coming from the couple behind the wall didn't help that idea at all.
So he took a deep breath, blinking back the tears in his eyes and got him self together, he refused to let himself break down right here, before walking away back to his apartment. He roughly pulled the gold heart shaped necklace from around his neck and chucked it as hard and far as he could.
As he watched the locket sore and crash into the ground, breaking into millions of tiny pieces, he swore from that day on he was threw with men and woman alike, all he ended up with was getting hurt.
PAUSE! (Sasuke)
Ok so I suppose you all are wondering what the hells going here right? I'm sure you are because I would too if I was in your predicament. So anyway, well the name's Sasuke Uchiha. And I guess I'm going to be telling you mySupposedly life changing story.
Well, we're a bit ahead in the story because after that lying, cheating, conniving no good fucking asshole! …erm sorry about that, uh yyeahanyway after that, you know the asshole, did that to me, that was when the real story began.
Now, here's how it happened…..
(End Sasuke)
The life of Sasuke Uchiha was one to admire. He was well paid, had a loving family, (yeah I know loving yeah right) a super sexy boyfriend, and an amazing job. Yup he was living the life. He was currently housing in a 3 bed room stylish loft, in Tokyo, Japan. Now I hope you weren't thinking that he was living in that big ass apartment all by him self? Of course not, he had two Roomy's. Haku (his all time best friend also known as Chibi) and Ino. (his worst nightmare also known as bitch) So as you all know yes he was living with two girls, well technically two girls because Haku was a transsexual, but it was strictly platonic so don't get the wrong idea.
Now that, that's all explained that lets get to the real story.
A long haired brunet, about 5'3 with beautiful big brown eyes, dressed in a big white t shirt and boxers sat on the sofa, with an irritated expression. He munched on his potato chips in annoyance. He was trying to watch TV but somebody kept distracting him from finding out if Shusuke-kun was getting back together with Menomi-chan. He was about a second away from exploding if he saw his best friend run pass him on more fucking time.
"Sasuke." He called out, an edge in his voice. The only reply he was awarded with was for the raven to run right past the couch again, trying to put on his tie.
"Sasuke!" He yelled out once more, this time with more force, the irritation showing clearly in his voice. Sasuke ignored him and ran past him once again; almost tripping on the pants he was trying to pull up, and buttoning his shirt at the same time.
Now he was really annoyed, taking a deep breath and huffing inAnnoyancehe decided to end this once and for all.
"SASUKE!" He yelled with enough force to actually shake the whole place. Breathing hard, he opened his eyes to look at Sasuke to see if he finally got his attention, only to be on the receiving end of the Im-in-a-bitchy-and-pissy-mood-right-now-so-fuck-off-before-I-bite-your-head-off glare.
"What! What god damn it! What!" Sasuke hissed out. Haku was working his last nerves. It took every ounce of self control in his body to stop himself from strangling the brunet. He was already starting the morning off on the wrong foot. His clock didn't go off this morning, Ino had, Purposely,flushed the toilet while he was in the shower, he had to skip breakfast, he was late for work, and now he had his roommatebothering him at the worst of times.
Man, he was so god damned frustrated.
Sasuke stomped his foot like a little kid that didn't get what he wanted. And started to throw a little temper tantrum. It was rather cute actually with his hair in a mess, overly large button up white shirt wrinkled and messy, andhis black pants unbuttoned.
Haku could only watch in amusment as Sasuke stomped around the living room throwing pillows and trying to rip his hair out, until he seemed to get tired and slumped against the couch in defeat. Haku smiledsofly and walked over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder he gently and softly asked what was wrong.
Sasuke sighed and sifted to sit Indian stile on the floor, back facing the sofa,one of his hands reaching up torump his at his friend worriedly, bending down to squat in front of said friend. Looking up atworried Hakus face Sasuke sighed once again. A deep frown of sadness on his face.
"You see…well you know how Neji left on that damn business trip about a month ago, well he's….he's coming back to day. And at first I was so happy because I've missed him a lot, but…he hasn't called, or anything. He didn't even tell me he was coming home, his mother did. All the things he promised he would do he didn't … and that hurts. But his mom told me he and his family would be having a get together tonight at some fancy restaurant to celebrate the return of Neji. So here I am freaking out about the return of my boyfriend and I wasn't even invited….I mean I was, but…" Sasuke looked extremely sad, betrayed even. And Haku was just angry that Sasuke was so blinded by love that he couldn't see a bastard when shown one.
"But not by the person you wanted." Haku finished for him. Sasuke looked up at Haku pitifully before nodding sadly. Haku sighed. Honestly, he didn't understand what Sasuke saw in the guy. He was a fucking block of ice! He wasn't charming in anyway. Sure he was good looking but his personality was just so horrible. And he was so damn possessive. The guy treated Sasuke like shit and some piece of property he owned, not like a person at all. He ordered him around, and Sasuke, like some robotic obedient house wife, did exactly as he was told. He didn't love Sasuke that's for sure, hell, the guy wasn't even nice! But Neji was a stage in Sasuke's life he just had to get through. He just hoped he'd make it out ok.
Haku placed a hand gently on Sasukes back and rubbed small circles soothingly. "Its alright. I'm sure everything will work out in the end. But for now Hun why don't we get some ice cream? That always seemed to cheer you up when your sad." Haku lifted himself up from off the floor and gave an irritated grunt when the collar to his shirt around his neck fell off around his shoulder. Honestly, the damn thing never stayed up.
Sasuke smiled sadly up at Haku before also lifting himself off the floor, dusting off the imaginary dirt on the back of his pants. Haku frowned. He hated that smile. And it was over Neji of all people too. He didn't deserve a guy like Sasuke.
"Chibi you know I'd love to but," Sasuke lifted him arm in the air, the sleeve covering his arm slid down slightly and he checked his watch. "I'm already over an hours late for work." He said with surprisingly a lot of calmness. But Haku wasn't fooled. It was only a matter of time before it dawned on him what he had just said. So he counted.
One...Haku lifted his hand to cover his ears just in time.
"Over an hour late for work!? Holy shit! I'm so late!" Sasuke screamed. Hand flying to his hair puling and tugging as if his life depended on it.
"Oh god Haku! I'm late! I'm late! I'm late, late LATE! Kakashi's going to kill me! Keys! Keys! Where're my god dammed keys!" He yelled as he once again started his sprint around the living room desperately searching for his keys. Haku gave a amused chuckle and a soft shake of the head before calmly walking over to the kitchen counter and lifting the keys from it. He jingled them around for a second trying to catch Sasuke's attention but Sasuke was still having his nervous break down. He thought about slapping Sasuke to get his attention but decided against it. The last thing he needed was for them to end up fighing and then Sasuke would start whining and giving him the silent treatment.
Been there. Done that. Didn't need to go there again.
Honestly Sasuke was such a baby sometimes.
So he just jingled them louder and was happy that he'd finally caught Sasukes attention. His face lit up and he rushed over to Haku practically snatching the keys from his hands, grabbing his coatand rushing out the door. Haku had an offended look on his face. 'Why that little ungrateful bas-' but before he could only finish the thought Sasuke ran right back in gave him a quick hug and thanks before rushing out again. The loud slamming of the door echoing out threw out the room.
"When you get there call me and tell me if you still have a job!" Haku yelled out.
"Roger that!" Was the muffled reply.
Sasuke sprinted down the steps, sometimes just jumping over a few. He didn't have time to wait for the elevator plus a little exercise never hurt anyone. He waved at the secretary working the front desk before rushing out of the building, almost knocking over some old lady on her way in. But quickly apologized. His inner self gave a whoop of joy when he finally spotted his car. It wasn't the best of cars or in the best condition but hey, he was never one to be picky. It was all he could afford right now but that'll all change with that promotion he was a shoe in to get. But he'd never get it being late like this! Climing in quickly, and in a rush like fashon, he slammed the door shut. He groaned as he put his car in drive.
He was so dead!
Back at the loft Haku smiled to himself before making his way back over to the sofa. He lifted a pillow off the carpet that had been thrown earlier by Sasuke and hugged it close. Then plopped down on the couch. He picked up the remote and clicked on the television. His eyes lit up and gave and he gave a yell of happiness.
He had not missed the whole episode of his shows!
"Shusuke don't do it! She's a bitch! You don't need her!"
Sasuke rushed in threw the office doors. A cup of coffee in one hand and a folder under his arms. He smiled polity at people who wished him a good morning.
He urgently pushed the button on the elevator several times, tapping his foot impatentally.
'Come on, come on, come on!'
Groaning in annoyance, he decided to take the stairs once more. When he finally made it to the top floor gasping for air, he greeted Sakura who was sitting at her desk looking at him in amusement. She popped her gum at him arrogantly and looking him up and down. She returned her attention back to painting her nails, a bright shade of pink.
"Mr. Hatake has been asking about you. Better get in there quick he's in a meeting." She stated, not even looking up from her current task.
Sasuke scowled at her before hurriedly making his way into the meeting office.
He pushed open the transparent glass doors, and quietly walked into the main office doors where Kakashi, his boss, and other important executives were currently having a meeting about merging companies or some shit like that.
He carefully placed the cappuccino on the desk and folder beside it, his eyes never leaving the office carpet. He bowed respectfully. When he lifted his head and prepared to exit, his eyes unexpectedlycaught the eyes of a handsome young blonde male, with eyes a shad of deep blue he'd never seen before, and those same blue eyes were staring at him with so much intensity that he almost ran into the door on his way out.
When most of the men in the room turned to stare at him, witnessing his little accident, and the same blonde smirked at him, he flushed lightly in embarrassment, quickly hurrying out.
"Yes I understand that but Mr. Hatake is in a meeting now, so you'll just have to wait."
"No he-"
"Yes thats what-"
"Ok look just-"
"HEY! Don't get fucking snippy with me! I told you he was busy god damn it!"
"Yeah well up yours too lady!" Sasuke slammed the phone down roughly, his deck shaking slightly from the impact. He huffed in annoyance. Stupid old hag.. He shook off the incident, angry at him self for acting so immaturely.
His eyes turned to the desk opposite from his and he rolled his eyes at the co secretary. She was filing her nails again and still smacking that gum. To be honest, he was surprised Sakura still worked here. She was lazy, rude, and a real bitch too. She even took credit for most of the things Sasuke works hard on, claiming it as hers. And would you look at her hair, what kind of secretary for the largest corporation in Japan has pink hair? And between you and me, its not even natural. Please, don't ask
The doors to the main office opend up and men dressed in black dress suits all came pouring out. Along with his boss who was shaking hands with a tall slightly older blonde. Both males wearing a broad grin.
Sasuke briefly wondered where that other blonde with the pretty eyes was.
'I wonder if he's a natural blonde? Yes, now thats something I'd love to find that out for my self. Hmm, maybe hes foreigner?'
Then, not even ten seconds after his last thoughts a tall, young blonde male strolled out of the office like he owned the place, a bored look on his face.
The blue-eyed male walked over to where the other taller blonde male was that was speaking with Kakashi, and stood by his side. Breifly scratching the back og his head irritably.
He looked around the office curiously, admiring the expensive décor and designs that was put into it. He gave a small nod of approval.
Growing bored in his current activity, his eyes drifted around the room some more and focused in on the desk of the co secretary who was still popping that gum and playing salutary on the computer, she looked up at him when she notice she had his attention and gave a small flirty wink, blowing a bubble. He gave an amused smile and a soft snort, and shake his head.
'She is sooooo barking up the wrong tree.'
His eyes turned to the desk opposite from the bubble gum haired girl, and notice the openly staring brunet. Of course Naruto knew he didn't realize he was so openly and bluntly staring but hey, he might as well have some fun with it.
Sasuke on the other hand, did indeed not notice he was staring so obviously at the tall blonde, to caught up in his own thoughts to notice. So he was caught of guard when the other male gave him a smirk and a small wink, mouthing the words 'like what you see?'.
A faint red blush emerged upon Sasukes face, embarrassed at being caught and gave a small cough, quickly turning his a attention back to the computer. He muttered to himself under his breath.
Narutos smirk stretched out into a full out grin. And to think he didn't even want to accompany his father to this boring business meeting thingy. But he was certainly glad he did. Now all he had to do was have a little chat with Kakashi about that cute black haired secretary of his.
It was a later on that evening when everyone was packing up and getting ready to head on home, when Sasuke was just adding the final adjustments to cleaning up his desk area and shutting down his computer, Sakura was on the other side of the room putting her jacket on, rolling her eyes at his actions.
"You are such a neat freak." She had stated, a snobby stuck up tone to her voice. Sasuke spared her a side glance.
"And you are such a bit-"
It was at that moment when Kakashi opened his office door and called for both his secretary and co secretary to have a word with him before they left, interrupting Sasukes last statement.
They both glance at each other curiously before cautiously heading inside the office, bumping shoulders slightly. Sakura quickly wiping at it like she'd been burned and Sasuke rolling his eyes.
Sasuke turned his full attention to his boss, who was watching the both of them amusedly, and bowed respectfully. He briefly heard Sakura mumbling something that sounded suspiciously like, 'fucking suck up' but he ignored it until Kakashi closed his eyes in thought and leaned his weight onto his folded arms, resting on the desk.
Sasuke gave a sharp, discreet kick to Sakura's shin, on his way up from his leaning position, for her comment and relished in the horribly suppressed yelp that came from the pink haired girl. Her hands reaching for it on reflex. She glared at Sasuke, ready to deliver a stream of inappropriate words.
Kakashi opened one eye curiously and stared at Sakura, questionably, but she just smiled in way that said it was nothing.
Kasha sighed and leaned back into his chair looking at the two of them intensely, for several seconds.
"I've made my decision." he said, breaking the thick silence and awkward atmosphere that had formed in the room.
Almost sensing the confusion radiating of the two, Kakashi gave a sigh.
"The promotion." He exasperated.
Sasukes and Sakuras eyes lit up in realization and they waited anxiously for the next words to come fromKakashis lips. Sakura still rubbing her leg.
The silver headed boss closed his eyes in thought once more, a crinkle of stress forming in his forehead. "I understand that the two of you are very hard working employees of mine, and I am very grateful to have the two of you working under me, but, one of the two of you have out done your selves and shall be rewarded as gratitude."
'This is it, this is it.' Sasuke chanted mentality. He knew it was all his, no one deserved this as much as he did.
Kakashi turned his attention to Sasuke.
"Sasuke." He said, in a stern voice. Sasukes eyes lit up, although his face stayed impassive, void of all emotions.
"Yes." Sasuke finally answers.
"I'm very sorry, congratulations Sakura."
Sasuke zipped his coat up more tightly around his slim torso and shivered. Puffs of smoke breathing from his mouth do to the cold weather. He walked slowly and dejectedly threw the parking lot towards his car.
He stared at his beat up old car blankly. Pulling the car door open, he winching at the loud creaks of protest it made. He climbed in slamming the door closed behind him. He stared out threw the windshield. After all the hard work he'd done, and all those extra hours he'd worked...
He shook his head, a smirk forming aslong his lips.
Sasuke turned his meek, pale, blank black eyes to the keys ignition and turned the key. He gave a dry, emotionlesssnort when the car started up but instantly shut off again. He try again only to end up in the same predicament.
His emotionless laughter grew louder. He tipped his head back and laughed harder, banging his clenchedhands on the steering wheel.
"Why am I not FUCKING surprised!" He shouted in all his laughter. Still laughing, he climbed out of the car, grabbing his car keys, and roughly slammed the door shut. He kicked the car once for good measure, and gave a dark chuckle when the bumper to his car fell strait off.
A dry smirk graced his face as he walked away from his car and the corporation that had betrayed him.
Taking a seat on the near by bus stop, He combed a hand threw his hair in frustration.
"So now what am I going to do, buses don't run this late, the train stations way out of reach, and theres no way in hell I'm hitch hiking so what…. Is that Neji?!" Sasukes eyes widened, his mouth hanging openunashamedly in pure stared at a figure across the street smiling and hugging a woman who Sasuke instantly recognized as Nejis mother, in pure shock.
Before he knew it a sincere smile had spread across his face and his eyes glittered with unshed tears. It had been so long, no too long since he'd seen Neji. And god damn was he happy.
He was up and off of the bus stop in a split second, rushing over to the restaurant across the street as fast as his feet could carry him. He tried to call out to Neji a few times but the cold air burned his throat and forced him into a coughing fit.
He stood in front of the high class place, breathing hard, puffs of smoke still coming from his mouth, and smiled, entering the building not even caring about his ruffled appearance. He looked around and quickly spotted Neji excusing himself from his table and heading out to the back of the building with some woman. Sasuke was so happy he didn't even care to look into the fact that Neji was with a woman.
Sasuke hastily grabbed a bottle of champaign resting in the cooling area for the guests and quickly rushed out the restaurant.
He walked around the back and smiled when he spotted the familiar long black hair pulled back into a ponytail. He was about to announce his presence, when he was interrupted by the voice of his current lover.
Neji smirked, he grabbed the young woman by her hips and pulled her close.
"I've missed you so much you have no idea." He whispered. Kissing a spot just below her ear, over and over again.
She giggled and placed her hands on Nejis strong well built chest, giving a pathetic push.
"Stop it Neji, you can wait can't you? I want to celebrate! Your back and I just got promoted to second in charge today." She gushed. Nejis smirked widened and he held her more tightly, nuzzling her neck.
"You know you don't mean that." He ran his tongue along her neck. "Lets just leave now and celebrate at my place." He whispered, seductively.
She giggling again and wrapped her arms around his neck giving a certain eavesdropper a good view of her face.
"Yeah your right I like your plan much better." Smiling, she leaned up and pressed her lips firmly against his.
"Sakura.." He whispered breathlessly, deepening the kiss.
Back behind the alley way wall, Sasuke stared at the scene before him in disbelief, he dropped the bottle of champaign out of shock. He couldn't believe it. He couldn't fucking believe it! With his god damn co-worker for fucks sake! How long had this been going on? Had he meant nothing to that bastard?!
He slowly shook his head. he could'nt...believe.. emotions filled him ashe continued to stare; rage, anger, betrayal, confusion, loneliness, heartache and finally sadness won over all. He just couldn't believe Neji would do something like this. He felt so stupid. The heart-broken boy turned his eyes away from the scene, he just …couldn't look at it anymore. Sasuke leaned his back against the ally wall and slowly slid down,hands clutching his heart as he desperately tried to swallow the tears forming, but the sound of smacking lips and moans coming from the couple behind the wall didn't help that idea at all.
So he took a deep breath, blinking back the tears in his eyes and got him self together, he refused to let himself break down right here, before walking away back to his apartment. He roughly pulled the gold heart shaped necklace from around his neck and chucked it as hard and far as he could.
As he watched the locket sore and crash into the ground, breaking into millions of tiny pieces, he swore from that day on he was threw with men and woman alike, all he ended up with was getting hurt.
His cell phone vibrated happily in his pocket, but he completely ignored it continuing on with his journey of walking home.
When the phone rang for the third time he got irritated and finally picked it up noticing the number was unidentified.
"Hello?" He asks, his voice flat and harsh.
"Ahh, I'm glad I caught you! Look, I, giggling I….need you to do me a favor ok. Head back over to, stop it I'm on the phone! That tickles! To the…,the office and get that box of things from under my desk and bring it to my apartment. Here's the address-"
Sasukes face flushed with anger, who the hell did this bitch think she was calling after stealing the promotion he deserved, taking his boyfriend, and now she had the nerve to call him and ask him to run errands for her like some fucking slave?!
"Look, Sakura, you are the last person right now that I want to see, let alone hear. I've had a really fucked up day and all I want is to go home and go to sleep, so if you want what ever the hell it is your talking about done get you lazy ass up and do it your goddamn self." He hissed out, cutting of her last sentence. On the other line of the phone Sakura frowned and firmly pushed Neji off her.
"Sasuke, I don't think you realize just what my position in the office is now. I'm your boss now. You have to do what I tell you or I'll firer your ass with out a second thought. You already know I don't like you. Now, get your lazy ass down to the office and get my things or your career is over!" Her voice was smug, and confident. A real bitch I say.
Sasukes hands fisted around the phone tightly, he gritted his teeth together. Oh how he so wanted to tell her to go fuck herself, but he couldn't afford to lose his job right now. Rent was just around the corner and he needed to get his car fixed.
"Fine." He forced out angrily, Snapping the phone shut harshly, not even waiting for a reply. He muttered to himself under his breath walking back toward the office doors.
"Stupid no good, fucked up ugly ass bitchy pissy pink haired slutty…"
Sasuke huffed and grunted as he lifted the heavy box up, covering most of his face. God what the hell did Sakura have in that box, it felt like a ton of bricks. He stumbled a bit dropping the box halfway. He took a deep breath and counted to three. With a big 'heave' he lifted the box up once more and took a hesitant step down the stairs.
'Baby steps Sasuke two feet on each step' He told him self encouragingly. His arms trembled a bit do to the heavy sack of shit he was holding and he took another step down the stairs. Then another and so on, sometimes stopping to catch his breath and rest his arms.
He was a about to take another step when he stumbled, his legs caught off balance by a warm, but solid object. He felt his body falling forward and he closed his eyes on reflex waiting and expecting the excruciating pain soon to come from the impact. He was surprised, however, when he felt a strong arm wrap around his wait and pull him forward quickly, right onto a soft warm object. His hands reached out quickly, on reflex, and held onto the warm about object tightly, face forcefully pressed into the objects chest.
Sasuke briefly heard the sound of the box of junk rolling down the steps and crashing to the ground. He gave a sigh of relief, he was so glad that was the box and not him.
Sasuke blew a strand oh his now ruffled hair from out off his face and, with some effort, removed his fingers from around the warm object. He smiled.
He looked up, ready to express his thanks, and right into a pair of startled blue eyes. That smile instantly slipped from his face.
His on eyes widened when he realized that the so called, 'object' that had saved him was the same handsome blonde from earlier.
And he was sitting in that same blondes lap, cuddled up against that same hot, but surly strait blonde.
'Fuck, he's built..'
Wait, what?!
His face flushed a bright red, he quickly tried to scramble away, yelling out an apology and a quick thanks but that same strong arm wove around his waisttightly keeping him in place. The blondes eyes lost the fright that had filled them and was replaced by amusement. With there eye still locked, A smirk quickly formed along his lips.
"Na, well not exactly a bright orange Mclaren F1, but this is defiantly, a start."
Well what do you think? Is it crap, its crap isn't it! I knew it was crap. Excuse me while I go cry in a dark corner by my self.
If you want to cheer me up reviews make me happy. Oh and go vote people! You want updates don't you! Vote! VOTE! VOTE GOT DAMN IT! VOTE!