Again, no comment.

Sasukestared up into the handsome mans blue eyes in a dazed confusion. What was with the lusty stare and the seductive smirk?

"" He stammered. "Uh …yeah… so.. thanks for the save from the fall that I'm pretty sure would have broken my neck and left me paralyzed for life, but you…um plan on letting me go anytime soon?" He asked a bit uncomfortably, motioning towards the strong grip the man had on his hips. Don't get him wrong, it wasn't that he was complaining or anything I mean it has been a long time, a really long time since anyone has held him in even a remotely intimate embrace and it did feel real good to have those strong arms wrapped around him…but it was wrong! He'd literally fallen into some strange blond mans arms who was smirking at him in such a sexy way and god did he have the bluest eye….

No! Bad thoughts!

Back to reasoning! He was cuddled up with a stranger!

Naruto arched an eyebrow at the cute brunets change of facial expressions, he seemed to be having an internal debate within himself. It was incredibly adorable. A devious thought flew threw the blonde's mind, his old prankster side coming into play, as he thought of all the possible expressions he could get out of this amusing man.

He leaned down, his lips curled back in that same seductive smirk, eyes a smoldering sexy blue, face merely inches away from the smaller males whose eyes widened at the close contact. Naruto reached up and brushed back a strand of black hair behind a pale ear and whispered into them, softly, "Well, its not every day a cute kitten just suddenly lands in my lap. I want to make sure you don't try to run away. Maybe I should take you home with me and tie you up to make sure you never leave." He pulled back slightly and watch intensely for the younger mans reaction.

"O-oh….w-well..u-uh." Came the small almost frightened reply. A soft blush formed along pale cheeks as he stammered helplessly.

'Shit!' He thought. 'Just exactly what kind of sick person have I gotten myself involved with!'

Just then his blue eyes filled with mirth and his seductive smirk stretched out into a full blown grin, deeply amused laughs rising from his throat. Sasuke was first surprised by the sudden change of mood before his face scrunched up in offence. Was this idiot mocking him!? Lips pulled down in an offended frown he shoved himself away from the laughing man and stood up, thoroughly embarrassed.

"Well then, I'm glad you've found me so amusing, dobe, thanks for all you help but I think I'll be taking my leave now." He snapped. The blond stopped his laughter and stood also, a large tan hand reaching forward quickly, and grabbing a smaller pale wrist. Sasuke halted in his departure and turned his still deeply offended eyes toward the man in curiosity.

"Hey, hey, wait. Sorry ok, I wasn't laughing at you….ok maybe I was but not like you think! Its just your expression was so humorous , and I was trying to see what reaction I could get out of out of you. Don't worry I'm not really some perv intent on taking to home as my pet, was just messing with ya. Didn't think you'd take it to heart." He quickly explained, releasing his wrist. Sasuke eyed him suspiciously before sighing and turning around fully. He extended his hand towards him in invitation.

"We haven't been properly introduced. I'm Sasuke, Sasuke Uchiha. And you are? Mr. Dobe." This time round it was Narutos face whose scrunched up at the insult, but reluctantly extended his hand also.

"Naruto. Naruto Uzumaki. And don't call me dope, jerk." Sasuke just smirked and let go of his hand. He turned around, going down the steps towards the exit and motioned for the other man to follow.

As soon as the cool air reached his heated skin he shivered, vaguely remembering he'd have to walk home. Hearing the door open and close behind him he turned towards his new blond companion. The both of them heading towards Narutos car.

"So, Sasuke. Nice name by the way." The man started, staring into black eyes curiously. "What exactly are you doing here at midnight caring a big ass box of shit twice your size down a six story flight of steps?" Sasuke snorted. " You make it sound idiotic."

"Did I? Oh gee I hadn't noticed."

"Don't get smart. What about you, what are you doing sitting in the middle of a stair way at this time of night? Huh? Mr. dope?"

"You know for someone so attractive your kind of bastard-ish. Bastard. Sides I asked you first."

Sasuke sighed and combed a hand threw his hair. "It's a long and complicated story." Naruto shrugged. Unlocking his car and opening the door, "I've got time. Come on climb in, I'll give you a ride and you can tell me on the way." Sasuke eyed him suspiciously, and Naruto sighed noticing the look. "Don't worry, I already told you I'm not some perv whose gonna tie you up and have my naughty way with you." Sasuke, deeming his answer suitable, climbed in. "Gosh! People these days cant take a joke." Naruto muttered to him self closing the passengers side door and climbing in on the other side.

"Oooh… that's rough. And all this happened to you in one day? Man what fucked up luck you've got. But hey look on the bright side you got to meet me didn't you!" Naruto said with a grin. Giving the smaller man a comforting pat on the shoulder. Sasuke rolled his eyes holding his head in the palm of his hand as he stared out the window.

"Yes, yes your right thats just wonderful isn't it! I lost the promotion I worked sohard for to some ditzy pink bimbo who probably flashed her boobs and polished his silverware and Kakashi jumped right on it, my fucked up ass car finally died on me, Neji, the man I loved more than anyone, who I trusted so much, lied to me and cheated on me with a women no less, that woman no less but hey what's that, ill tell you what that is, its absolutely nothing compared to the fact that I got to meet the wonderful the magnificent Naruto fucking Usumaki!" He stated bitterly, Narutolooked at him in disbelief, a little hurt in his eyes.

"Hey hey that's a little harsh don't you think, I was just trying to lighten the mood." He mumbled dejectedly. Sasuke sighed and turned to look at the blonde in apology.

"Yeah I know, sorry, its just,…it hurts you know…I'm sure what ever I did….whatever it was that made all this happen to me wasn't so bad as that it…I…" His statement was left unfinished as tears started to well up in his eyes.

" I'm not going cry I promised myself I wasn't going cry!"Naruto looked on sadly at the brunet in near tears and remained silent for the rest of the ride out of respect.

Naruto pulled up next to the large building and put his car in park. "This it?" He asked, looking to his left for approval. Sasuke nodded, whipping away the few stray tears that refused to stay put. Opening the door he whispered a small thank you before closing it and heading towards his apartment building he was surprised, however, when a tan arm rung around his neck and continued on with him.

"Let me walk you to your door, yeah? It looks like you might break down any minute and you'll need all the moral support you can get. And there no one who knows how to comfort like Naruto Uzumaki, believe it." Sasuke shook his head in amusement letting a small smile grace his lips.

"Dobe." He whispered softly. They walked in silence from then on until reaching the elevator.

"Where to?" Naruto asked.

"Four." He answered as a thought struck him. "Hey it just accrued to me the you still haven't told me why you were at the office so late." He stated accusingly. " Here I am poring my heart out to you and you've told me nothing." Naruto scratched the back of his head nervously.

"Ah well after hearing your heart breaking story mine was kinda lame so I was hoping you'd forget."

"I'm listening."

"Well, my dad had some important matter to discuss with your boss about merging companies or some shit like that and it ended up lasting for about 3 hours after we'd left the first time and I was seriously losing my mind with boredom so I'd been planning on calming down by going outside to take a smoke but the elevator was off because of the late hours and there were way to many goddamn stairs so I just sat down and had me a smoke. The end."

The elevator made sound announcing that it was on its specific floor and Naruto and Sasuke both exited heading down the hall way.

"You were right, that was lame." He chuckled when he received a soft punch to the arm. Before they knew it they were in front of Sasukes door.

"Well, this is it." Sasuke said turning toward the blond his back facing the door. A small smile tugged at his lips. "Thanks. Despite what I said in the car I think meeting you was a strike of good luck out of this horrid day." Turing and inserting his key into the lock he got the door open about a crack when Naruto called out to him.

"Ah wait Sasuke." Turing, Sasuke looked at him curiously. Naruto shuffled around in his pocket for a second before pulling out a small card and handing it over to the brunet.

" Uzumaki's …escorting? Naruto you're an escort?" He asked surprised. No wonder the blond was so charming.

"Yeah well the big business world just wasn't for me. Anyway call me there anytime you wanna talk or go out or whatever. Just ask for me and tell them your name so you wont get charged." Sasuke, still looking down at the card in disbelief, was shocked when a pair of warm lips descended upon his forehead. Looking up in surprise he blushed at the warm smile the blond sent in his direction.

"I'll see you soon Sasuke." And with he was gone walking down the hallway leaving an embarrassed Sasuke to stare at his broad back in disbelief. Shaking his head he opened the door, walked in and leaned his back against it for a second. A pale hand, of its own accord, reached up to rub the spot where he'd been kissed.

A small almost microscopic smile graced his face that night falling into a peaceful slumber.

"Sasuke…." Someone was called him, he knew that of course but he was having such a wonderful dream…

"Sasuke." God just five more minutes…

"Sasuke!" Go awaaaaaaaay!

"Oh for fucks sake, Haku, let me show you how its done."

"GET YOUR LAZY ASS UP FAGGOT!" Screamed a high pitched voice witch instantly awoke the tired Uchiha. Glaring daggers at the smirking blonde girl he flipped her off before falling right back down onto his soft bed with a content sigh.

"Oh no you don't!" A more softer voice said before he was throw off the bed and onto the floor in a tangled mess. Ino started laughing hysterically while Haku covered his mouth to muffle his chuckles.

Sasuke glared at the both of them before getting up and stomping towards the bathroom.

After there little episode this morning Sasuke sat down and explained his day to the girls over breakfast and way he wasn't attending work that day. Hakus eyes filled with pain and even Ino held a bit of sympathy for him.

"Oh Sasuke!" Haku had anguished, rushing over to hug him instantly.

"Sasuke-kun" Ino had said hugging him also, hey, she was a girl, and girls are very emotionally, even to people they dislike.

"Hey hey you guys my day wasn't all bad, I um…met this guy…well actually I kind of fell on him but we hit it off pretty well." Haku and Ino both pulled back instantly.

"Details!" They both squealed. Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"Don't give me that look were just friends, and he's not even be gay….I think…oh I don't know! I cant tell anymore!….Plus with what happened with Neji I'm really not ready to jump right back into a relationship…I just…I don't want to get hurt again…" He mumbled. Ino bubbled up with rage.

"Ugh! I cant believe this! Why would anyone, anyonewant to cheat with that died pink haired, big forehead-ed, slutty, fat,…bitch!" She yelled. "And I don't even like you but it makes me so mad!" she stormed off to her room and slammed the door shut. Sasuke looked towards Haku, one eyebrow arched in question.

"Ino and Sakura went to high school together…lets just say there weren't on good terms. Anyway now tell me about this new guy…."

"Just a minute I need to call into work sick." He got up walked over to the phone and dialed the memorized work number.

"Hatake inc. This is Sakura speaking how may I help you." Ugh just what he needed… his new boss to pick up the phone.

"Sakura-" he started but was immediately interrupted.

"Where the hell are you Uchiha! I saw what you did you my stuff you idiotic cretin! Get you ass here pronto or your fired! You here me fired! Who the hell do you think you are! The nerve of you to throw my belongings down a flight of fucking stairs!"

"Look Sakura-"

"That's Ms. Haruno to you!"

"… I'm sorry to inform you that I cannot come into work today for I am sick and as you know I have never taking a sick day of from work so I do not need you approval, see you tomorrow….Ms. Haruno."

"Wait just a minute you cant just-" With that he abruptly hung up the phone with a hard slam and settled him self on the couch with a sigh, one hand covering his eyes. Haku made his way over to him and sat down next to him stroking his hair in an comforting way.

"Sasuke your so mature. I heard her screeching from where I was sitting. I don't know how you do it. I would have ended up knocking her out by now."

Sasuke chuckled. " Yeah but its only a matter of time, just got to take it day by day, she'll get what's coming to her." After that, Sasuke and Haku spent the morning watching TV, talking, and playing there favorite past time activity game, rating celebrities.

"Ok my turn Sasuke, so Kevin Zegers or Zack Efron?"

"Defiantly Kevin Zegers he grew up nicely. My turn, Joe, Nick, or Kevin Jonas?"

"Oh that's a hard one but Defiantly between Joe and Nick."

"What about Keven?"

Haku made a face and Sasuke laughed, just then the door bell rang. Sasuke got up to answer it asking Haku if he wanted anything from the fridge while he was up.

'I wonder If Haku or Ino ordered pizza?' He thought, but what was behind the door was defiantly not the pizza delivery boy.

"N-Naruto what -what are you doing here?" He asked. Thoroughly surprised he had not be expecting to see the blond again so soon and god he must look a mess he didn't bother changing out of pajamas since he was staying home all day nor did he brush his hair. But Naruto didn't seamed to notice or just didn't care because he was nervous and struggling to say something.

"Ok so me and my dad were back at the office today, I only went cause I thought I'd see you again, but then they said you called in sick so here I am, and well also ..I know we don't really know each other and .. You just got out of a relationship but I well its just.."

"Dope your babbling." He stated, thoroughly amused. The blond looked up at him for the first time since he'd opened the door and let out a shaky sigh.

"Ok then I'll just come out and say it…Sasuke, will you go out on a date with me?"


Review, I don't like it but I hope you will! I might just end this story.