June 26

Hey! I know I finished this story, like, ages ago (lol), but I've been looking back at it a lot recently...and I just wanted to ask you guys this...

How would you feel about me re-writing it?

You know, make it longer, more description, more dialogue, more Fax-action? Things like that. Because I'm looking back at it and going, "Huh...I could have done sooo much better than that." I mean I'm looking back and just looking at the word count is enough to make me want to drag the original out and start typing. I write longer chapters now, like, 2000-3000 words per chapter, about 2400 average. Some of the chapters here are barely 1000 words. Lame. I want length. I want substance. I want description. I want FAX! :D

Besides...I don't think I'm going to go through with Code Name Alpha for a while...too many other things going on at the moment. But, if I direct my energies toward Midnight Morning like I want to, then I can really do something. :D I work where my mind wants to, and my mind wants Midnight Morning right now.

So, how about it? Re-write? There would probably be 2 or 3 extra chapters, if not more, not to mention over double the amount of words it has now. What is there to lose?

Please don't review here! Well, you can, but I'd prefer if you took the poll on my profile. I can keep track of things easier that way, but either way is fine.

Thank you!

- Saz