A/N What can I say? A plot bunny attack out of no-where, they just don't accept sick days.
Disclaimer: Sam and Dean aren't mine, I just like to borrow them sometimes and put them in sucky situations because I just don't think they have sucky enough lives already.
Finally. It was a weird thought to have, but then again he was kinda a weird guy. They all were. His dad deciding that the best way to deal with his grief and spend those lonely nights with his new-found widower status was to go and hunt things most people didn't think exist. Him following the guy's lead without question. And then his little brother, who suddenly became the biggest freak in the family when he decided he wanted normal. Yeah, they were all kinda screwed up.
He knew that he wasn't all that emotionally well rounded and stuff, but really, in his circumstances who would be. But this latest quirk really took the cake. I mean, who actually becomes excited when their father goes missing?
It was unhealthy, that much he was sure- not trusting anyone but a select few, not caring about anyone but a select few. Well, sure he cared about people-you had to in his line of work- but actually caring so much that any arguments or disagreements you had with them could tear you in half and leave you feeling physically ill? To know that there was only two people in the world who really knew you and that had so much sway over you and the rest could go to hell? That wasn't good.
It had freakin' broken him when Sammy had left. Like he was a Jack o'lantern who'd been hollowed out and his insides had just been dumped; like his feelings were trash. Like his heart didn't mean squat to those two.
So he was emotionally retarded. Fact. Let's just leave it there. He knew that about himself, alright? So it really hadn't surprised him how majorly twisted his reaction had been to his dad's sudden and unexpected disappearance had been-relief.
Finally. He always known that one day he'd break, that he'd go chasing after his not-so-constant constant; because he'd known from day one that he couldn't survive without his Sammy. People often thought Dean didn't think about his emotions but he knew he was always just waiting for an excuse and now he had the perfect one.
Finally he could bring Sammy home.
A/N So, what do you think? Please review, because that's when the plot-bunnies come a'visiting.