Disclaimer: I do not own Maximum Ride or the song this story is based off of.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Max!" Angel shouted. She placed a sloppy kiss on my cheek and wrapped her skinny arms around my neck.

I looked up from my book, and I couldn't help but smile. "Love you too, kiddo," I said, giving her a big hug. She brimmed wildly before running over to Nudge.

There was a heck of a lot of hugging going around with the girls. I mean, seriously, can we talk about physical contact? We usually don't use friendly gestures around here. It's normally just a simple, "Yo, what's up?" or a quick flash of teeth, but not today. Valentine's Day just has to be special. Has anyone here ever decorated for Valentine's Day? Well, take that, multiply by four, and add six mutant bird-kids to the equation. Oh yeah, things get really interesting here around the holidays.

"Eww, MAX!" Gazzy yelled in horror from the other room. "Angel kissed me!"

I smiled snidely and laughed. "She's your sister, Gaz, get used to it." He cried out and ran down the hall. His blond hair almost looked pink with all of the glitter in it. Angel walked out of her brother's room with her hands behind her back, no doubt concealing the deadly glitter.

"Max, Max, Max!" Nudge called too quickly.

"What, what, what?" I answered as similarly as possible.

"They're having a celebration down at the park later on tonight. There's gonna be a light show and a movie! Oh, and lots of food, yeah. There's going to be a lot of food there. And there's also gonna be games for the kids! I was kind of wondering if we could go. You know, get out a little bit and have some fun and–"

I raised an eye brow and she stopped talking. "I don't know, Nudge," I said. "We don't mix too well in public scenes."

"Please, please, please, please, pleeeease, Max, can we go? Pretty please with a cherry on top can we go?" Her bottom lip trembled. I looked away. Beware, Bambi eyes are lethal, more lethal than glitter, might I add.

"If Iggy is willing to watch you guys," I began and almost finished.

But who needs to finish a sentence when you have a mind reading six-year-old and a motor-mouth eleven-year-old to beat you to it? They both said "Yes!" and gave the other a high five. I rolled my eyes and read the next page in my book. Not two minutes passed before everyone was out the door. Well, not everyone.

Fang crept silently into the room. The only problem was I didn't realize that until he was practically on top of me. Not literally! "Did you send the kids out for a reason?"

I gasped in surprise, doing a nice flip off of the couch and landed on the floor with an oof. Fang laughed behind me before offering to help me up.

"Could you be any quieter?" I said snidely.

And what do I get for an answer? You guessed it. Pure silence.

"Okay, okay," I sighed, taking a deep breath. "They wanted to go to some Valentine's Day celebration thing down at the park. So, yeah, why not, I figured. Let's let them have some fun."

Fang raised an eyebrow. "And you didn't go because . . ."

I shrugged and said, "Don't know, maybe I just wanted to bask in your glory? No, I think it was because I wanted to just sit and relax."

A twinge of a smile was apparent on Fang's face for a second. "So," he said flopping down on the couch, "whatcha want to do?"

I sat down next to him and clicked on the TV. "I don't know, you?" Fang shrugged and shook his head, too wrapped up in some meaningless show.

"It's really Valentine's Day already?" he asked mindlessly.

"Uh, yeah, that's why the kids are out," I reminded him.

"You know what that means, right?" he asked. Fang turned toward me, smiling mischievously. Uh-oh. What Fang gets that look on his face, its best you run while you still can, but being me, I sat there like a deer in the headlights.

"Um, no," I gulped. Fang leaned across the couch, gradually getting closer to me. His eyes were smoldering with these crazy emotions I forgot he had. Crap. He reached across me, letting his hand rest on my leg. Double crap.

"It's my birthday," he whispered into my ear.

"N-no it isn't," I stuttered. Did I just stutter? Ouch. I'm never going to live this down, am I? I didn't think so.

I felt him smile against my skin, which sent shivers up and down my spine. Great, more things to give him more pleasure, and that's so what I need right now. Note the sarcasm that should be in my voice. "Maybe so," he whispered, "but why not? Either way, I want to celebrate today."

"Okay, then, let's wait for the kids so we can all celebrate together!" I gasped, dramatically leaping off of the couch.

Fang sent me a sly smile, and I swallowed hard. "I was thinking that just you and me could celebrate. You know, alone."

Have you ever been in a canyon or any place else where it echoes? Yeah, that would be me right about now. Alone, alone, alone, alone, alone– are you getting sick of it yet? Like I was saying, his words echoed in my head like a bad record. I backed up, real smart, Max. Fang rose from the couch and took a step toward me. Please don't let this be going where I think its going.

"Fang," I said wearily, taking another few steps back. His face was impassive, but I could seriously feel the heat coming from his eyes.

"Max," he whispered. I loved the way he said my name sometimes. Right now, on the other hand, I was too worried about getting attacked then to focus on how my name rolled off of his tongue.

In one last desperate attempt of safety, I whipped around and tried running away. You can guess what happened next. This was turning out into a bad horror flick. The girl turns and runs away to go lock herself in her room. Then, the crazy psychopath, or the overly handsome, determined hybrid in this case, follows the poor girl into her room where he continues his torturous acts.

Regardless to how you perceive this, I ended up being tackled onto my bed. Fang whirled me around so I was lying on my back and facing up to see him over me. He looked down at me with pleasure. Too much pleasure if you're asking me for my opinion, but I guess you really don't want to hear it.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Max," he hummed into my ear. Fang's lips brushed up against my cheek, giving me a sad excuse for a kiss. Well, compared to every other kiss, this one was totally pathetic. At that instant, I smelled something sweet, not sugar sweet, but nature sweet. It was light and refreshing.

"What's that?" I asked, leaning my head against his.

Fang pulled a bouquet of flowers out from behind him. My eyes widened ever so slightly in astonishment. It was a lovely bouquet of red and lavender flowers. There were camellias, carnations, freesia, and gloxinias. Then there were more. Yes, a heck of a lot more. Then there were a few orchids, four different kinds of roses, and some tulips. And then, right smack dab in the middle, there was a trio of white roses. How did I know this? Easy. The tag was still wrapped around the plastic. I'm not a flower expert; no way would I have known that without help.

"My god, Fang," I gaped, "I . . . I don't know what to say."

He smiled at me. Gosh, that smile could turn the darkest room into one huge window. The light just pours out. "Don't say anything," Fang said too softly for it to be normal, but he has his way with words.

Don't ask what happened next. Actually, you could probably guess. Let's just say that Hollywood would have been put to shame by that make out scene. Did I just say that? I mean, uh. . . .

Somewhere in the distance, I heard the front door open. I pushed Fang off of me and jumped up, stopping by the mirror to make sure I was presentable. Fang shook his head, his already messy hair looking somewhat more normal. We jogged down the hallway and down the stairs. He grabbed my waist right before we entered the main room and smiled wickedly.

"I still say that today is my birthday," he chuckled before he pulled me into him. Fang pressed his lips against mine, and who am I to refuse him? What can I say? Hormones get the best of me sometimes. His breath lingered on my neck for the longest time. I could still feel the warmth of his kiss on my lips as we stood there.

"Max! Fang! We're home!" Nudge called from the main room.

Fang and I scrambled to meet them. The girls were carrying small bags with hearts on them, each of their cheeks painted with hearts as well. The Gasman's hair still sparkled red from the glitter incident earlier.

"Hey guys," I said casually. "How was it?"

"Oh, Max, it was so much fun! They had music and streamers and balloons and treat bags and–"

I looked away and Nudge finally stopped. "It was really nice," Gazzy said. Iggy shrugged and went over to the couch.

Angel smiled sweetly at me, but that was before the smirk came. "Did you have fun, Max?" she whispered with a snicker.

I blushed and shook my head. What? Me? Fang? Kissing? No, where would you get that idea? It was more like a make out session, but no one's keeping record, am I right? Please say I am.

"Here, Max," Gazzy mumbled, shoving a heart-shaped box at me.

I looked down at the fancy gold lettering. "Chocolates? Thanks, Gaz, that's so sweet of you."

He smiled and walked away. I opened the box, and was about to pick one up when Fang grabbed my wrist.

"What?" I questioned him. He nodded in the direction of the box. That's when I finally noticed the shape of the chocolates, or should I say invertebrates? For all of you who didn't pay attention in science class, maybe you should, because maybe you could have caught my possible mistake.

Now, you're probably wondering how chocolates could possibly be an invertebrate, heck, it's not even a living thing. The thing is, I don't think they were really chocolates. So, I have one question. Is a worm a type of invertebrate?

I wrinkled my nose in disgust. "Gazzy!" I shouted, dropping the worm-filled box onto the ground. The kids all began to laugh, and I did too eventually.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Fang," I said, trying to muffle my laughs. "Have a chocolate covered worm. I insist."

He chuckled and kissed my forehead. "How 'bout you just kiss me instead?"

I looked over at the rest of the flock. They were either too busy laughing or watching TV. "Come here, you," I murmured, grabbing Fang by the collar and pulling him into me. What can I say? Valentine's Day is kind of crazy around here. Between the worms and Fang, I think I'm set for the rest of the decade.

Oh well, I thought and I kissed Fang again, kicking the box of so called chocolates out of the way.

Okay...I know that this is so not the season for Valentine's Day stories, but I just felt like writing this one. xD And yes, I did avoid that make out scene...I didn't feel like writing it, ok? By the way, this isn't based off of a song. It's just a burst of energy.

Thanks for the reviews, alerts, and favorites you guys!

- Saz