Leo, Raph, Don, Splinter, Koji, Karen, Musha, and Ura arrived on the scene to find Satoshi sitting under the shade of a palm tree eating coconut with a very sandy creature.

"Oh, hey dudes, what took you so long to get here?"

"Mikey?" Leo made an incredulous face.

None of them knew what to say for a while. But Satoshi broke the silence unwittingly by running and giving Karen a hug, "Hey Kar! Guess what! Just today I bumped into Mr. Mikey. See I thought he was a pocket monster and so I sort of attacked him, but then I realized he was a disguised actor instead and so we had dinner together! And then we came here! He's really fun!"

"Actor, indeed. Satoshi what are you doing out of school?"

"Yeah!" Satoshi laughed, avoiding the question, "And wow, you guys sure have a funny taste in disguises!" He remarked, noting the green (or furry) faces.

"Michelangelo, we have to talk."

"Yes, and I believe there is something I have to explain to you Satoshi-kun."

Both boys ducked their heads and allowed themselves to be led off in separate ways for the scolding of a life time.

The night sky was so pretty, no matter why Leo had been staring at it before. Mikey smiled contentedly. Even if he hadn't found his girl yet, it was still a pretty amazing day.

"Your marshmallow is burning." Satoshi remarked.

Mikey squeaked in terror, immediately pulling his darling marshmallow out of the fire in a vain attempt to save it. But alas it was burnt. With a sigh he took it off his stick and fed it to the flames.

He looked over to Satoshi and was surprised to find the boy offering him one of his two toasty marshmallows, "Hey, thanks Sato-kun."

He grinned, smores outlining his mouth.

"So you're really a mutant turtle?"


"I think that's cool. Even if it means you aren't the famous actor Milo de Millo."

"I guess we both told some lies, huh?"

"No…yeah, I guess. But I am a pokémon trainer with seven badges, and I did really see Shou Shinjo once…on tv…and I plan to become a TEAM member when I'm fifteen, just like Karen."

They ate smores in silence for a while, until one of the authority figures told them it was time to put out the fire and come brush their teeth and go to bed. Mikey groaned but Satoshi just laughed and gobbled down the rest of the smores.

Just as they were about to head in, Satoshi handed Mikey a monster ball. "Here you can have her…until you guys go back home at least…and maybe we'll go out and I'll teach you how to catch some of your own and battle and stuff!" And he ran off ahead.

Mikey smiled again.

When he got to his room he decided to see what the monster was. He threw the ball in the air, thrill consuming his heart.

But nothing happened.

He did this three more times until he noticed the small button. Sheepishly, he pressed it before throwing the ball and then there was a bright flash.

Ironically, it was the same small brown cute creature he'd been admiring in the picture last night. And it was absolutely adorable and just had this really cute sounding voice!

The Eevee rubbed up against Mikey as he vaguely wondered how Satoshi had known. Maybe Karen'd mentioned it. Unable to contain himself he picked it up and cuddled it, all the while thinking how great life was.

"Hey, guys! Guys! Wake up! I have something to show you!" He ran out into the dark living room, hoping not to fall into something again.

Klunk was not a little jealous.