Around 6:48am, the young blonde shota slowly regained consciousness, blinking several times before looking at his surroundings. Eyes focusing, he realized that he was in a different room and quickly got up from the bed, looking confused. "Where am I? this is not my room…" he muttered. He looked down at what he's wearing: pink pajamas with rabbit patterns. He remembered what happened to him last night and even became more confused and shocked. "I-I was kidnapped!"
He decided to go back to his real home so he slowly opened the fusuma door and lightly closed it and at the same time checking whether someone's coming. Looking as though the coast is clear, he jumped on the roof to check where he is and to know where the exit is. His jaw dropped.
"This place is 10 times bigger than the Souma main mansion." He gasped.
He didn't realize while he was looking at the whole place, a maid saw him and screamed, "Mitsukuni-sama! Get down from there!" He saw her and said worryingly, "Oh no! She saw me! Need to go home fast." And he jumped out of sight. The maid ran to the master's room and panted, "Mitsukuni-sama's trying to run away again, sir."
"Again? What's gotten into him lately?" the head barked as he stood up. "Call Chika and tell him."
"Right away, sir." The maid nodded.
The young blonde shota who was mistaken as Mitsukuni was jumping from roof to roof, looking for a place to hide or the nearest exit he could find. He was lost in this huge mansion and he noticed that there are traps everywhere so he tried to be more careful. "This is getting nowhere…" he said sadly.
"That is true, oniisan."
A young boy with glasses at the same age as him jumped out of nowhere and faced him. "Mitsukuni-niisan, why are trying to accomplish here?" he asked him politely.
"Mitsukuni…? Who's that person?" Momiji asked him back.
The young boy sighed. "Stop acting like you don't know yourself."
The young shota frowned and pouted. "What do you mean by acting? I am definitely not acting and who are you anyway? You people living in this mansion just kidnapped me last night!"
"You don't know who I am?" he repeated.
"Yup! It's the first time I've met you." He said honestly.
"And…you said that we kidnapped you last night?" he continued.
"That's right! You're a kidnapper, aren't you? Don't lie to me!" he nodded vigorously, pointing at him in such manner.
"You are not…" he spoke softly.
"That's right!"
"You're not yourself today oniisan! You must have temporary amnesia!" he cried.
"What?!" Momiji stared at him in disbelief.
The boy with the glasses walked towards him and tries to comfort him, "That's okay oniisan, I won't hurt you or anything. You need some rest."
The young shota backed away from him as possible, looking unconvinced. "Don't go near me! I don't have a brother!" he wailed.
"Mitsukuni-niisan…" he muttered. "I have no choice since you can't remember me at the moment." He stopped walking and formed a fighting stance, breathing slowly.
"What are you planning to do?" the blonde boy asked timidly, gradually stopping his pace.
"Hyaaa!" he charged, giving him a 45 degree kick. The blonde boy evaded it with ease but the boy with the glasses didn't stop there. He gave him a fury of punches and an assortment of kicks, aiming at the young boy's vital points. He thrust his left elbow to his stomach, which he avoided it in difficulty but then he was quick: after the thrust, he suddenly kicked him from below, making him trip and lose balance. Having the chance, he ran from behind and made a quick hit from the neck. The blonde boy felt dizzy and fell on the floor, unconscious once again. "You avoided most of my attacks even though you lost your memory about me. You're a Haninozuka after all." He said to himself as he picked him up.
At the Souma's residence, the other blonde boy woke up because of his stomach asking him to eat food. He didn't know why he followed the brown haired girl and the fact that she mistaken him as the boy named "Momiji." He looked at the luggage and that was brought for 'him' and decided to check what's inside.
To his surprise, almost of the clothes in the luggage are girl outfits. "Is Momiji a girl?" he asked himself but of course he was wrong because he saw a pair of boxer shorts.
He was surprised yet again when someone knocked the door lightly and a female's voice spoke, "Are you awake now, Momiji-kun?"
"Umm yes, just a moment, I'll go change." He said in a worried tone, knowing that lying is not a good thing.
"Okay then, your uniform is on top of the chair near the closet. I've prepared it last night while you were sleeping." She told him softly.
"T-thank you Honda-san." He said shyly as he stood up.
"Honda-san? You used to call me Tohru-chan but its okay." She giggled. "You're still not feeling well, aren't you?"
"Uh kind of." He lied.
"Anyways, come downstairs to eat breakfast." And she left.
Listening the footsteps and were soon gone, he walked to where 'Momiji's unform laid out for him. He was surprised. It was a girl's uniform and instead for a shirt, it was shorts. "Better wear this, it might look good on me." He smiled to himself.
After wearing the uniform, he looked himself in the mirror. The uniform does look good on him. In fact, it made him a lot cuter. He thought to himself, "Maybe that Momiji person looks like this when he's going to school."
Looking at the time, he realized that he's going to be late for Momiji's school so he decided to go downstairs to eat. As he arrived in the kitchen, he saw three other people, a man in this 20's having layered raven-coloured hair and eyes, a boy with orange hair and vermillion eyes that seems to be in the same year as the girl, and another boy who somehow looks like a girl having purple hair and eyes.
The two boys were arguing and the raven haired man didn't bother to stop them. "You woke up late today, baka neko." The boy with girlish looks said frankly.
"Late?! Don't mess with me, baka nezumi! It was your fault why I woke up late dammit!" the orange haired guy stammered in fury.
"Yeah, blame it all to me. That's what you're good at, baka neko." He continued indifferently as he ate.
"Baka nezumi."
"Baka neko."
"Baka nezumi."
While the two continued to rip each other's head off, the raven haired guy said casually without looking behind. "Oh you're awake now Momiji-kun! Why don't you eat breakfast so you won't be late for school as well as those two will be."
The two teenagers stopped bickering and the purple haired guy greeted him softly, "Morning Momiji-kun. Did you get a nice sleep?"
Hunny nodded in honestly, sitting beside the orange haired teenager and at the same time looking at the food that is served for him. It was a simple breakfast, just like what Mori and he usually eat in the morning. Picking up the chopsticks and the bowl of rice, he started eating. "Wow it tastes great!" he said brightly.
"Really?" the girl with long brown hair entered the dining room, giving everyone a cheerful smile. "That's good then. At least you're going back to your old self."
"Umm thanks for worrying about me, Tohru-chan." He thanked her politely.
"Don't thank me." Tohru said cheerfully. "Kyo-kun, Yuki-kun, don't forget that we and Uo-chan and Hana-chan are all going to play badminton after school." She reminded them.
"Badminton? Well I don't mind as long as baka nezumi is my opponent." He shot a determined look at the purple haired guy.
"Sure, I'll keep that in mind. Let's meet later at the classroom." He nodded and giving her a gentle smile that caused the orange haired guy named Kyo growled.
While they were talking, Momiji now knew which is which but he still doesn't know the name of the raven haired man who's right beside him. He finished eating and stood up but realized that he should pick up the plates since he's not in his mansion. "Oh please don't do that Momiji-kun, I'll handle it. We're all going to be late for school." Tohru told him.
"But i-" he paused.
The boy named Kyo stood up and barked, "Let Shigure do all the dishes since he's the only one staying in this house for the rest of the day."
Yuki, the other boy, stood up as well and added, "That's a good point. You do the dishes Shigure. Don't let Tohru-san do all the dishes or else,"
The two teenagers glared at the raven haired man and threatened him, "You'll never see daylight again."
The man named Shigure pouted, "That's so mean of you, bullying me like that! Just because I stay here all day means you can order me around! This is my house you know! Ne Tohru-chan?" he looked at Tohru who is supposed to be beside him but noticed that she not there anymore, so is Momiji.
"Thank you for volunteering to wash all the dishes, Shigure-san!" Tohru thanked him as she stepped outside of the house.
"See you later Shi-chan!" Hunny bid him goodbye as well, going out with them.
After shutting the door, silence came. Shigure didn't pick up the dishes and walked to the hallway where the phone is. He dialled someone's number and all of a sudden, he started acting like he was sick, "Hey Mitsuru-chan, I got sick cough and my companions forced me to wash all of the dishes…cough could you please come over here?"
The person he's talking to said indignantly, "What?! Go there just to wash your dishes?!"
"Please I beg of you! I'll be waiting for you! Bye!" he quickly said goodbye and put down the phone. "That worked pretty well. Lalalala…"
While walking on the street, Tohru and the two guys were talking, Hunny looked at the school I.D. At first, he thought that these people were mistaken because of his physical appearance but in fact they really thought it was him because the Momiji they knew really resembled him. Wow, this is amazing, we both have the same blonde hair and brown eyes. I think that our heights are almost the same. This is too good to be true, Hunny thought to himself as he kept on staring on Momiji's I.D.
"Momiji-kun?" Tohru called him.
Looking up at her, he replied sweetly, "What is it Tohru-chan?"
"You don't mind to come and play with us later, ne?" she asked him.
"Of course! I want to play with you guys!" he said happily. Also, I wanted to know what it feels like being a normal person.
"Your voice is annoying, you rabbit." Kyo grumbled as he hit on the head.
Hunny's eyes became watery and wailed. "Waaahh! Kyo-chan hit me for no reason!"
"Kyo-kun, please don't do that." Tohru sighed as she rubbed the young blonde's head lightly.
"Don't call me while using chan dammit!" he gritted his teeth.
"What's wrong with that? He always calls you like that." She posed.
Looking at her straight into her eyes, he turned away, blushing slightly. "Fine."
Hunny noticed this and blurted out. "You like her, don't cha?"
Kyo and Tohru froze and stuttered. "O-of cour-se not! We're only friends!"
"Really? That because Kyo-chan is acting protective all over Tohru-chan awhile ago…" he sang and he continued to walk.
Tohru looked at Kyo from Hunny, looking confused. "T-that's not true! You actually believed in him?!" Kyo said indignantly.
"I-I don't know! Let's just forget about it!" she suggested and the two of them nodded.
While walking silently, Yuki muttered to Hunny, "Don't tease them, especially Tohru-san."
"Okay, if you say so but I know you can tell too, right?" he mused.
Yuki didn't reply but only smiled slightly.
As they continued to go to school, a guy wearing the same uniform as Kyo and Yuki showed up in one corner. He had white hair on top but have the root end black, the same as his eyes. He wears an assortment of bracelets and necklaces, making him look like a rocker goth person. "Yo." He greeted them. For Hunny, the guy's expression somehow reminded him of Mori.
"Morning Hatsuharu-san!" Tohru greeted him cheerfully.
"Morning Haru." The two teenagers greeted as well.
Looking at the three of them, Hunny greeted as well, "Good morning Haru-chan!"
"Ah. Good morning too." He nodded. He walked towards Hunny and pulled out a bag of sweets and lollipops from his bag. "Hatori forgot to put this in your luggage."
"Really? Wow these are a lot! Thanks Haru-chan!" he thanked cheerfully as he accepted them from him.
"Let's get going or we might get late for school." Yuki told them.
Momiji felt someone poking him to wake up. He opened his eyes, rubbing his right eye to see clearly. He was in a car, specifically a limo. He noticed that the clothes he's wearing is different. It was a boy's uniform. Light blue blazer and white long sleeved polo and navy blue pants. Not that he didn't mind wearing them, but the direction of where the car is going matters to him. "You're awake." A deep voice spoke.
He didn't realize that a guy wearing the same uniform was sitting beside him. He has short black hair and onyx eyes, having a tannish colored skin. After few moments of staring at him, Momiji gasped. "You're the one who got in the way last night while those guys chased after me!"
"Ah. It's me." He nodded.
"Where are you taking me?" he asked him frantically.
"School." He told him curtly.
"School? But this is not my uniform." He said sadly.
"It is the uniform we're supposed to wear." He said indifferently.
"We're here." He told him.
As the two of them got out of the limo, Momiji was amazed. The school was different; it was way different from his school. The school is at least 10 or 20 times bigger than Kaibara High. "Is this really a school?" he mouthed at Mori.
"It is." He nodded in honesty. "Mitsukuni,"
"Huh? That's not my name. my name is-" he stopped talking when the tall companion of his gave him the stuff bunny, Bun Bun. He accepted it and looked at it closely. "This is not my usa-chan!" he wailed as he started to cry.
The students who were watching them, especially the female student body, were shocked. "Hunny-sempai rejected his beloved Bun Bun?" they gasped.
Mori took out a strawberry flavoured lollipop and gave it to him to stop crying. He gradually accepted it and popped it inside his mouth. "Yay! This lollipop tastes great!" he regained his happy face.
Few minutes before the Host club opens, Mori and Momiji entered the room.
"Mori-sempai! Hunny-sempai!" the twins greeted them in unison.
"Ah." He greeted back.
"What is this place, Morinozuka-san?" Momiji asked him in curiosity.
"This is-"
"Hunny-sempai! What's gotten into you? It's like that you don't know this place at all." Hikaru asked him, looking worried.
"I really don't know this place. Morinozuka-san told me to come here." Momiji told him in honesty.
"What?!" Tamaki and Kaoru stared at him in disbelief.
"Morinozuka? That's a bit too formal, Hunny-sempai." Haruhi looked at the blonde shota.
"Who are you? Who are all of you? And, Hunny is not my name, so is Mitsukuni." He told them.
All of the Host club members were shocked. "You don't know us?!" Tamaki gasped.
"Uh huh." He nodded.
"Mori-sempai, this is got to be a joke." Hikaru and Kaoru turned their attention to him, waiting for him to answer.
"He got himself temporary amnesia." He said simply.
"Temporary Amnesia?!" Tamaki and the twins repeated in shock.
"That's wrong! I don't have amnesia! Where am I anyway?!" Momiji tried to get their attention.
"That's okay, Hunny-sempai, we'll take care of you! We'll do anything what it takes to get your memories back!" Tamaki said dramatically.
Momiji couldn't take this any longer and wailed. "Waaaah! You people are weird! I want to go back to my home! I miss my usa-chan, and my friends! Especially Haru-chan!"
"But Haru-chan is here!" Tamaki pointed at Haruhi who nodded.
He looked at her closely and continued to cry. "That's not Haru-chan!"
All of them were confused and at the same time, amazed. 'Hunny' said that he missed Haru-chan which they think is Haruhi but for some reason, he claimed that Haruhi is not Haru-chan. Then, Kyouya spoke, "His memories' messed up."
"Really?! How come?!" the twins chorused.
Mori told them. "Hunny tried to ran away last night and when we got him, I accidentatlly let his head bumped on the floor or wall."
"So that's the reason why he doesn't remember us!" Tamaki nodded, finally understanding the situation.
Haruhi, not joining from the conversation, looked at Momiji and muttered, "But there's something different about him…"
Thank god I'm done!
This is only the second chapter and it's this long?! Omg sorry guys! I don't know what's gotten into me lately.
Well, this is chapter two. Hmm…to be honest, I've finished reading the manga fruits basket and read the latest chapter in Ouran. The creators are very good. I love all of their works. It 's a work of art.
Well, I hope you like this chapter.