Prayers of a Fallen Angel

"For every action there must be an equal and opposite reaction."

Back then, I didn't know how important those words would become to me. It seems like time has flown by so much quicker than I had ever expected. If only, if only I had realized it first. But, by the time I had figured out what those words meant, it was already too late.

Chapter one : prices to be paid, sacrifices to be made

In this world, there is always a price to be paid,

And sacrifices to be made.

27, Janvier 2010

Mikan POV

"For every action, there must be an equal and opposite reaction," stated Jinno-sensei. "That is Newton's third law of motion." He continued on babbling about how this whole idea of gravity went about. Then he said, "There will be a quiz on Newton's Laws of Motion tomorrow!"

We all groaned. Why did Jin-jin have to be such a stickler about these things? The bell rang. Everyone hurried out of class as fast as a pride of lions chasing prey.

Suddenly, the PA came on, and the secretary said, " Sakura Mikan, please come to the office."

On that note, I strolled to the office, oblivious of why they called me there in the first place.

Once I got to the office, the secretary ushered me into the principal's office. Upon opening the door, I discovered a small child sitting in a large bureau. Next to him, stood Koizumi Luna, with a pleased sneer on her face.

" Sakura Mikan?" the boy inquired.

"Yup, that's me!" I replied.

"You must be wondering what you're doing here, right?"

"Well, I haven't really thought about it until now."

"By now, I'm sure you're fully aware that you're a multi-alice user, am I correct?"

"Um, yeah. I think so."

"Good. Then I should probably tell you that you will be transferred to our L'Académie D'Alice branch in France. You leave in a week."

My jaw dropped open.

"Eeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhh?! You're kidding, right?"

"Well, you can stay under one condition. You remove the nullification alice stone from my body."

I thought about it for a moment. I remembered what I had seen in that time/space portal. I saw the elementary school principal, trying to use my mother for his own evil doing. I remembered what he had done to my father, and most importantly, I remembered what my mother had done to his body.

" I suppose this will become my first sacrifice. It shall be the price I pay to protect my friends and of course, my mother." I thought.

"No, the price for my staying at this school is much too high. Pray, do tell me, what do you think is going to happen if I actually did remove that stone from your body?"

" How dare you speak to the principal in such a manner!" Luna screeched, her claws had come out, and her alice was on standby. I suddenly recalled what had happened to Subaru, Hotaru's brother, when she had used her alice on him.

I immediately tried to dodge the power-crazy woman, but with no avail. I am very lucky that my nullification alice activate involuntarily, otherwise, I might've become one of the principal's pawns.

I sprinted away from the principal's office as quickly as a speeding bullet and raced down the hall back to the safety of my one-star bedroom.

" Dear kami-sama, I swear, I don't care what it takes, but please; I'm begging you, please, please protect my friends while I'm gone." I silently prayed in my head, while simultaneously packing my clothes into a light orange suitcase. I took one last look at my one-star bedroom, taking in it's simple furniture and petite size, knowing that it may just be my last time looking at it. I wiped my tears, grabbed my scarf, and ran out the door to meet my friends in the cafeteria.


At the cafeteria

Hotaru POV

When Mikan entered the room, she seemed somewhat….gloomy. Even though she was wearing a smile, something seemed very off.

"Hey Mikan!" greeted Anna cheerfully..

"Knnichiwa, minna~" she replied.

BAKABAKABAKA! I fired three shots out of my baka gun toward Mikan's head.

"Ow!" she yelped in pain. "What was that for?"

"That was for being late to lunch," I said in response.

"Gomen, I got called to the office."

"Nevertheless, that is still not an excuse."


"I wonder if I should tell them what happened in the office?" Mikan thought. "Maybe not. I think I'll just keep this to myself."