Chapter 12:

Chapter 12:

Vanora laughed at her friend who was sitting gazing in the direction of the wall.

"They've been gone a month K'tanya, that isn't abnormal." She explained, but K'tanya simply ignored her.

"They're coming home today, I just know it." She mumbled under her breath. Just then, number 4 came running into the tavern with a grin on his face.

"Papa is back!" he exclaimed. Instantly, Vanora and K'tanya were on their feet and running to the gates where the knights would pass when they entered the fort.

They passed by quickly and K'tanya had to retain a laugh at all the wenches who openly flirted with the knights. Bors passed by them and enveloped Vanora in a crushing hug and a very passionate kiss. K'tanya peered through the bars in time to see Tristan toss her a fleeting glance before vanishing from sight. All the knights still present gave her a sympathetic look and Dagonet placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"You should talk to him." He said before following Bors and the other knights to the tavern for a night of drinking. K'tanya, however, went off in search of the silent scout.

"Tristan?" she called out as she climbed to ladder in the stables. When she reached the top she saw Tristan leaning against the window looking out at the world beyond him.

"Tristan, what's wrong?" she asked as she walked over to him. Tristan didn't reply and K'tanya felt as though a knife had pierced her heart.

"Tristan, did something happen while you were away?" she inquired in a small and broken voice. She placed her hand on his shoulder and he finally turned towards her.

"Arius is gone, you are free." Came his answer.

"What do you mean?" Tristan sighed and backed away from her making tears form in her eyes.

"You have your freedom, you can do what you wish. I cannot."

"No. I love you Tristan and I don't care about freedom." Anger began to seep into her voice as she followed after him.

"Freedom means nothing to me without you and if I have to wait two years for you to receive yours, then I will. I'm not giving up on you. . . on us." Tristan turned to her and grasped her arms roughly causing her to give out a cry of pain.

"I have nothing to give you. I am a slave of Rome. You should find a life with someone else!" K'tanya flinched at the words that were blows to her heart and the tears began to fall.

"I see the logic in what you say, but I think you are an idiot. I could never trust someone with my past like I do with you. I could never love someone like I do you." At this she slapped him hoping it would knock some sense into him. Instead, Tristan spun her about and slammed her into the wall behind them.

"We have a chance for freedom, freedom together. We have a chance at love and I am not going to let your ridiculous ideas jeopordize that. I love you and I will never stop loving you. You don't want me to give up, I know you don't. If you did you never would have said you loved me." She had him there. Had Tristan really wanted her to forget him he never would have given her his heart in all its' entirety.

"I love you." She said in a hoarse whisper. "I don't want to lose you like I lost my family. I want to wake up every day and see you right beside me. I want you to be there when I wake up from every nightmare. I want you to love me." The tears had stopped and she now waited for what he would say.

"Every day when the sun rises. . ." he paused and swallowed the lump in his throat.

"Every day when the sun rises I want to be right beside you. I want to hold you in my arms and be the only one to hold your heart. I love you K'tanya. I love you more than I have ever loved anything." After another pause he added an afterthought.

"Forgive me for my stupid ideas?" he asked and K'tanya smiled.

"On one condition." Tristan's eyebrow perked up and she stroked his cheek gently.

"Kiss me." Tristan instantly captured her lips with his knowing that he was going to be with her for the rest of his life and nothing was going to change that. They had a chance at freedom, a chance at love and he was never going to sacrifice that chance.

The End

a.n: Sniffle. I'm done. Sorry it was so short, but I was being forced to hurry up so…yeah. Anyways. Reviews are lovely especially if you have any ideas for a sequel or want one. Yep. First fic done, I feel so proud. Thank you all for your continued support and this story may be rewritten in the near future so stay tuned. Love you all.
