-1Hi Peoples! I just wanted to say thank you guys soo much for reviewing on my other story "Crimson Wings"! I'm starting a new story so please enjoy to read it. I know, I know, the stories I'm thinking up now have the ability to manipulate water. I don't know. I just like it when the water moves and sparkles in the sunlight and moonlight. Bare with me people.(laughs)
" Who would have thought it would get dark this quick! I seriously thought the sun would be just beginning to go down huh?" the young sixteen year old girl named Nidoriko said to her best friend. She had a smooth toffee colored complexion, with piercing light blue eyes and long midnight black hair that stops right above her butt. She was very well built with a body women of all ages envied and men of all ages wanted. She's an expert in martial arts and has the ability to move water when she wants to. Only her friend Tenten and her family knows about this Kekkei Genkai.
" I know, I kinda like the night though. It's peaceful and calm. Ya know makes you want to go to sleep." Tenten said yawning. Tenten had a tan colored complexion with milk chocolate colored eyes that'll draw you in. She also had a well built body that the female population envied. She had elbow length brown hair but decides to wear them in two buns on the side of her head. She also, is an expert in martial arts and in using weapons of all sorts. ( I forgot to mention that about Nidoriko. She's also and expert in weapons, she just doesn't use them as much as Tenten.)
Nidoriko yawned as well.
" Goodness, you got me on the sleep works now! I guess I'll see you tomorrow. I wanted to take a quick sparring with you at our spot at noon.) She said.
" Oh Ok, I'll meet you there. Bring your weapons I wanted to show you a new trick that I wanted to teach you." Tenten said.
" Ok see ya later." Nidoriko said
" Alright bye." Tenten said, and with that they separated to their walk home.
Nidoriko breathed in a lung full of fresh night hair into her body savoring the scent.
" Ahhh..! It smells soo good at here. I got to remind myself to take a midnight stroll tomorrow." she said.
All of a sudden three thugs from the darkness encircled the young fighter saying the corniest shit she's ever heard.
" What's a fine young girl like you doing walking here by yourself eh?" One of them said. Nidoriko just scoffed at him rolling her eyes.
" Trying to get home peacefully, but you crackshits got in my way. I suggest you move before I get really angry.' She said she her voice lowered dangerously. All of them laughed. They seemed to be drunk.
" Please, as if a weakling like you could fight us. Now come with us, we doing want to us force on a beautiful, delicate girl like you." The second one said as all of them approached her even closer.
" Yeah, yeah I heard that crap before, get out of my way." She said as she pushed her way through on to be stopped with a hand grasped on her shoulder. Nidoriko was ticked off by the sudden contact.
" Your not going anywhere." The third one said. Nidoriko turned around with her piercing eyes narrowing glowing in the night.
" Don't you EVER touch me!" She said while grabbing his arm and pulling him towards her only to be greeting by her mind blowing elbow hit. He flew back a couple of meters with a broken nose bleeding like a water fountain. Nidoriko could have sworn she saw him crying. She chuckled at that.
" You'll pay for that you little bitch!" One of them said while both of the thug charged after her, one on her right and one on her left.
' Oh so he called me a bitch? I got something for him and his little friend.' She thought evilly.
Time they approached her, she jumped in the air and kicked them both at the same time while she was in the air, and sent them both stumbling back. Then when she landed the ground she swiftly turned and kicked them both across the face at the same time and both of the flew in the air and landed to where their bloody friend were. She calmly walked up to them and crossed her arms while looking down at them. All three of them looked up at her crying and shaking in fear of her inhuman strength and fighting abilities.
" Now I wonder…" She said. Then she got face to face with all three of them who in return backed up a little.
" Who's the bitch now? HUH?!" She yelled the last part out in their faces. All of them screamed like little girls and started crying some more.
" Don't let me catch you following and trying t o hurt girls at the midnight hour no more. Or so help me, you…are…MINE!" Her eyes instantly glowed light blue and the three thugs scurried of falling and slipping down in the process. Nidoriko just laughed.
" Well let me get home, mama and Sayuki might get worried like they always do." she said and with that she quietly walked they rest of the way home enjoying the peaceful, crisp air of the night.
Please review, and these story I'm so going to have a great time writing this!