Anon notes: Hi! Here's the forth chapter… Thanks to all those who gave this story reviews you gave me the energy to write this forth chapter YAY for you… Plus NichiChan first answered 'Mirror' YOUR RIGHT! … YAY! *throws confetti*… Let's see if they figure it out…

I don't own Princess Princess... (Although I wish I did...)








The pink haired princess screamed as he and his companions made their way to their rooms, since the clue suggested that the answer was in their rooms. The blue and golden haired princesses decided to ignore the unusual idiotic frantic of screams and constant complaints. The two just decided to look back at the piece of paper Arisada-san has given them.

~First… What turns everything around, but does not move? You can find this in you rooms… …Behind this you'll find the second clue…


"What do you think the answer is Yuujirou?"

"Hm… I know I've heard this riddle before… I just can't remember what the answer was…"

After a few minutes they've reached the hallway where their rooms are to be found. They've agreed to stay in Yuujirou and Tooru's room since Mikoto's room would be manly as he would put it. They've sat inside the room for a half hour now. Mikoto sat on the floor, while Yuujirou laid in his bed at the bottom buck. While Tooru sat in his own bed above the blondes, staring at the ceiling. The three were truly and sincerely bored, Mikoto kept on scratching his head trying to figure out the answer.

"Miko-Chan Iif you think to much… You'll hurt yourself…"

"Well at least I'm thinking!"

"What was that… Mi-ko-Chan?"


"That's enough Yuujirou… Mikoto is messed up enough… Oh and Mikoto you might want to look at the mirror you hair is a mess…"

Tooru said as matter-of-factly kind of way. While Mikoto nodded and stood up making his way to the wall mirror in the room. At the same time Yuujirou's eyes widen like something big just hit him. Tooru stared at him and nearly fainted with shock when Yuujirou stood up suddenly and ran towards the mirror shoving Mikoto out of the mirror's way making Mikoto fall on his butt in the process.

"Hey! If you wanted to look at yourself so bad, you can have the freaking mirror! No pushing was necessary you kn…"


Yuujirou shouted instantly getting a silence Mikoto as a result and Tooru following him and now both were staring at Yuujirou as the blond stared at the mirror as if something was going to happen.

"What turns everything around, but does not move? You can find this in you rooms… …Behind this you'll find the second clue… A mirror…"

With that Yuujirou placed his hand on both sides of the mirror and lifted it removing it from its support on the wall. When it was fully removed all three princesses were no staring at a folded paper taped on the wall where the mirror had been.

"YOU DID IT YUUJIROU!" Tooru and Mikoto cheered…

"Ho ho ho ho… Of course… It is I, Yuujirou Shihoudani who has solved it after all…"

"YOU'RE SO AMAZING!" Tooru and Mikoto cheered once again…

"Alright that's enough… I fell your love…"

After the cheering of the pink and blue princesses to the blond princess. Yuujirou took the folded paper on the wall and opened it, revealing a new riddle to be solved.

~AMAZING… As expected from the princesses I chose… Ha ha ha… Now for your second clue my little trinkets…

~It is a building where many stories are contained…

4 + n 05

In the academy is the location you'll find what you seek…


The three princesses stared at the noted on the piece of paper. Their brains still trying to register the riddle on it. When…


Mikoto would've manage to finish his sentence, if it wasn't for the handkerchief that Yuujirou shoved in his mouth to shut him up. Mikoto coughed up the handkerchief and Tooru was patting the back of the pink princess to calm him down.

"What is Arisada-san playing at…"

Fifteen minutes was spent with Yuujirou focusing on the riddle, Mikoto trying to open the his box by force, and Tooru having the first aid kit ready just in case Mikoto hurts himself which will likely happen any moment.


And Mikoto was hit on the head with the flat-tipped screw driver Mikoto was trying to open the box. Mikoto fell backwards and as he fell Tooru placed some ointment and a pink band-aid on the bruised area but of course Tooru won't tell Mikoto that the band-aid is pink. Hey Tooru can also play a trick or two sometimes.

"I can't think of anythi…"

Yuujirou stopped and looked at Mikoto then at Tooru then at Mikoto again.

"Cute band-aid Mikoto… And I don't even wanna know what stupidity you did that would result to you having a band-aid on your forehead…"


Then Mikoto rushed to the mirror and looked at himself and fainted. (I think his spirit just left) Plus he was mumbling something that sounded like 'Why me?' and 'Why don't I have manly friends while in his fainted condition. Which the other two paid absolutely no attention to at all.

"I can't figure this out…"

"Hey can I have a look Yuujirou…"

"Uh… Sure"

The sudden small, unplanned touch of their hands made Tooru's heart rush and his face blush. While Yuujirou smiled at the blue princess making the said princess take the paper and turned around for his face no to be seen any longer than it should. Yuujirou chuckled at how shy Tooru was plus Tooru was cute too.

"The answer is South…"

"Huh? What?"

"I said the answer of the '4 + n 05' is south.."

Tooru said his face still blushing while handing the paper back to Yuujirou. Yuujioru momentarily forgot about the blushing boy and took the paper with haste. Staring at the riddle and trying to make sense of what the other princess said.

"Eh? But how?

"If you turn it upside down it spells south…"

Yuujirou turned the paper upside down and stared again.

"Nope don't see it…"

"Come with me I'll show you…"

Yuujirou nodded and followed Tooru to his desk as Tooru took his digital scientific calculator. Yuujirou looked from Tooru, to the calculator simultaneously, still confused and clueless.

"Here type what's on the riddle…"

"Okay… Now what…?"

"Turn it upside down…"

"Hey you're right…"

"It's not obvious on the paper since the numbers were written normally… But when you use a calculator and turn it upside down… The numbers become words…"

"And you know this because…"

"I used to do that a lot when I' bored…"

"You're amazing Tooru!"

Yuujirou praised Tooru and lunched into the blue princess without warning making the fall on the floor with a loud 'thunk' sound that accompanied them. Yuujirou apologized and was about to get up. Now Yuujirou was hovering over an intensely blushing Tooru.

"Aren't you cute Tooru-chan…"


Next thing that happened was Yuujirou placing a small kiss on Tooru's forehead. Making Tooru blush even more. Plus when Mikoto was waking up, he was greeted by the scene of the two after all they were in the same room. And then even resulted to a once again fainted Mikoto Yukata, a dazing, not to mention blushing Tooru Kouno, and a chuckling Yuujirou Shihoudani…

'Oh well… I guess I did go a little too far… Next time then… Definitely…'

Yuujirou thought as he took the paper and scanned the riddles once again.

"Well at least we know that the building were looking for is in the south of the academy…"


Anon Notes: THANK YOU EVRYONE FOR WAITING! I'M SO HAPPY THAT SO MANY HAVE READ MY STORY! Sorry it took so long… I had school stuff to do and a I also had a really long 'AUTHOR'S BLOCK'… Seriously, I hate it when that happens… Thank you once again! (^_^)

Anon Azure now signing off…