No one is here everyone steers clear of the so called monster I have no fangs or claws Just these three whisker-like scars
Only three stay by me Though forced by formality Maybe one truly cares with his oh so loving stares.
I could stand to be ignored with only four who stay with me for now
But not a village full of hate towards only me and my demon who for now cause no harm but good every day
No but all these people Look at me as if I am the source of all evil No one sees a young boy
Naruto with a pain filled soul and hurt tearful eyes Yet still smiles Knowing That as life passes by
In the bad there is still good And in the good there will always be bad He smiles to show he is still there And he lives without fear
But he knows eventually even him with his strong smiles and almost non-exist frowns will breakdown into the tears
That blood may run down his wrists and then heal his demon wont let him rid himself of this world
So he waits for someone else To stop his heart and hear his final breaths
But no one comes to bring him down to the ground with hollow eyes When he falls he shall smile For he has wanted and Waited for his demise.