Neville Longbottom smiled at his baby girl while she slept in her crib

Neville Longbottom smiled at his baby girl while she slept in her crib.

When she was born, it was one of the happiest moments of his life.

He wanted to be the father his dad did not have the chance to be and he knew Hannah felt the same way for his sake.

While his daughter's small chest rose up and went back down with her small breaths, he thanked Merlin that he had the chance to be the dad his parents would be proud of.

When Hannah and little Alice were able to leave the hospital they, instead of heading home, went up a few floors and went into a different ward.

The small family went to visit Frank and Alice Longbottom and Neville was almost positive they knew whom they were looking at when they stared at the child.

As they were leaving, Neville almost cried when he saw a Droobles gum wrapper tucked into his daughter blanket.

((A/N: I only know Neville married Hannah Abbott, but I'm not sure about his children, though I needed to write this.))