DISCLAMER: none of this is mine! Not the characters, not the places or the names or even most
of the Plot! If you recognize it at all it isn't mine and if any authors out there recognize anything
they think I have accidentally used that was theirs, any thing at all, e-mail me at
and tell me so and I will clearly say in the idea/writing that it is yours or if it really bothers you I
will change or delete it!

A/N: this is a re posting of the old story with a new chapter on the end hopefully I have fixed al
the probs all you kind and amazing reviewers pointed out, feel free to tell me if I missed any.


Ch 1: Of Boredom, Beginnings, and Bus Rides


That was the primary thought running thro the mind of 10 yr old Lilly flower evens. She
wasn't actually 10 yet but she would be in exactly two hours it was 10 pm and Lilly was suffering
through a speech given by her older sister Petunia on Lilly's own in adequacies both physical and
mental accompanied by possible cures or actions, which could be taken to improve matters. These
ranged from deportation to having Lilly committed to her becoming a nun. This was one of Petunias
favorite subjects and it was clear she had given it some considerable thought.

"…And so" Petunia was saying "short of walking around with a paper bag over your head" she
stopped here to titter at her own 'wit' then continued "I can only suggest a lot of make up - I of
course would be happy to advise you - and always wear sunglasses" Lilly had to stifle a giggle as
Petunias words reminded her of a song 'always wear sun screen' which she hated while it was out but
she still found its similarity to Petunias words funny but then Lilly was very sleepy and extremely
board so any thing would seem funny to her right then. Because of this Lilly tuned back in to Petunias
speech in time to hear her say "yes that should hide those ABNORMAL" a word Petunia stressed
with the up most distain and disapproval "green eyes of yours honestly I don't know where you get
that coloring from" the emerald green fathomless eyes in question had their 'abnormally' pail and long
lashed lids drooping over them with the wait of sheer boredom she was currently feeling so they
semi-masked their green enchanting almost glowing depths.

Her long braid of bright red hair pooled in
her lap stark against the khaki of her cap sleeved belly top and the dark denim of her tight hipster
flared jeans Lilly played with the bobble securing the end of her plat it was khaki like her top and had a
small lily flower on the end matching her name (part of an Christmas gift from a slightly insane aunt
who probably thought it was 'cute') seeing where Lilly's attention focused currently Petunia launched
into a speech desecrating Lilly's beautiful hair "and that's another thing" she ranted "if you would just
cut that infernal hair of yours" she stated "a good black die some straitening irons and you'd look a
good deal better" Lilly wasn't vain simply because looks didn't matter one way or the next to her just
as long as she was clean and at least semi-presentable when she had to be Lilly was happy but now
she wrinkled her tiny slightly up turned and…well… sweet button nose and shuddered hard enough to
make the dusting of freckles (which was all Lilly's ivory-white skin had to show for an active summer
in the sun) shake. It wasn't that Lilly particularly liked her almost knee length cascade of lovely copper
ringlets indeed as with the rest of her appearance she felt neither one way or the next about it but the
thought of short cropped badly straitened and artificially blackened hair was enough to make even Lilly
shudder. Deciding it was time to end this conversation as boredom was bearable but the idea of
Petunia running off to find the necessaries to 'improve' Lilly's appearance was not a risk she was
willing to take just now.

Ignoring Petunia who was still babbling mid-sentence about where she could
obtain a suitable black die at this time of the night Lilly stood up stretching her small slender fingers of
her equally tiny pail hands towards the ceiling about as far as her petit frame would allow which was
indeed was very far at all owing to Lilly's rather noticeable lacking in the height department then she
bent at 90 decrees about her nicely slim waist and effortlessly touched her toes but finding she'd been
sitting inactive for so long that this amount of stretching did not prove sufficient she slipped without
thinking into a perfect splits and the its counter part the blocks (A/N for any one who doesn't know,
the splits is stretching your legs as far forward as they go and the blocks are the same but instead of
stretching forwards you stretch the legs as far out to the sides as possible) laying her head on her each
leg and touching her toes in each position as she did so in an effort to stretch further her back and leg
muscles and then in a final attempt Lilly leaned back and pushed her body up into an faultless almost
strait legged back-bridge and from there she stood at last feeling her tense muscles loosen which, of
course, had been the object of her stretches; satisfied she did a few (very) high kicks to the front and
sides with her slim well shaped long looking (though in actual fact due to Lilly's own afore stated
lacking in the height department they really weren't that long) legs (but never the less in her belly top
and hipster jeans just then she looked the picture of any legs-up-to-her-armpits super model) and then
shook out her limbs to finish her worm down. Straitening Lilly made for the door with petunias
oblivious chattering still in the background but she stopped when she heard a tapping at the window.

Looking over she found that the tapping was in fact a large tawny owl beating on the window pain
with its beak, Lilly being the animal lover that she was immediately went to let it in which was clearly
the purpose of its incessant tapping. Unfortunately the owls tapping had served the duel purpose of
alerting Lilly to its presence out side the window and lifting Petunia from her musings and alerting her
of the same fact. Petunia was now shrieking. Loudly! Despite or possibly because of her sisters cries
Lilly increased her pace and was soon at the other side of the room where she stood on her tiptoes
(to compensate for her diminutive height) and reached up a hand with clean and nicely shaped nails
which currently were tinted an aqua-marine shade of blue with which she clasped the window catch

In doing this however Lilly could not help but notice the clock on the mantel piece it read 1 minute
past 12 Lilly stopped for a moment to digest the information that she was now officially 10 yrs old
and that Petunias continued now hysterical shrieks and of course the sound of the owls beak against
the double glazing must have drowned out the clocks tinny hourly chime. Shaking herself awake and
blaming the lateness of the hour for her laps in concentration Lilly completed her task of opening the
window. Much to petunias disgust the moment there was a gap large enough to admit it the owl
surged into the Evans's sitting room began hooting and flying around the standing lamp.

The hooting call was very pleasant Lilly thought as she vaguely herd Petunia yelling

"…tell mom and dad when they get home tell them the moment they get in tomorrow ….as soon as
they come through the door you'll be in soooooo much trouble…. letting disgusting, filthy, dirty,
noisy, BIRDS into the house…. what will the neighbors think what if someone saw or heard cant you
shut that damn thing up…?" while petunia was saying all this Lilly had taken the letter (which the owl
had brought with it and was clearly offering to her) from its leg while it lighted on the corner of the
coffee table in the center of the Evans's lounge and now she was taking no notice of petunia, the owl
or even the parchment in her hand any more because she was franticly trying to digest the news that
she; Lilly Flower Evens was a witch!

Finding that her ranting was getting her nowhere and that Lilly was in some kind of trance she stopped
mid sentence stalked over to Lilly and slapped her hard around the face. Still Lilly didn't react -
Petunia frequently attacked her when their parents were out at one of their many important
conferences about their jointly owned business called Grunnings drill manufacturers but Lilly rarely
got badly hurt, not because she fought back as Lilly who had a temper as fiery as her hair refused to
attack and maliciously hurt any member of her family (unfortunately for them this resolution didn't of
course leave them exempt from the list of subjects who were often the targets of Lilly's many and
varied though mostly harmless practical jokes and ingenious highly amusing pranks) but because Lilly
was a fast runner and provided she wasn't cornered could escape Petunias clumsy attacks 9 times out
of 10 but when she couldn't…an involuntary shiver creped through her slight frame at the thought of
what happened when she couldn't escape her sisters attacks.

Lilly also had few friends partly by
choice though she knew that any lasting bond she may have formed with any of her contemporaries
would be cruelly scissored by Petunia's wicked malice. Lilly however didn't mind as even though she
was on a swimming and diving teem who often competed in galas she was a synchronized swimmer a
trampolinest a horse rider and a top class performance as well as competitive dancer and gymnast,
and these activities served not only to keep her out of the house and away from Petunia but also to
bring her into contact with many other people, and she was well liked if not adored by most of these!
However Lilly always kept them at arms length and managed to remain aloof so they always stayed
acquaintances and teem mates rather than close friends. Lilly was exceptionally bright and was
perfectly content to write or read or entertain her self in any spare time she had in truth she always was
the dreamer the odd one out in any crowed, never quite feeling that she fitted in and now she knew
why, she was a witch!

Whether as a result of Petunias slap or these broodings the letter had induced Lilly's fingers loosened
on her Hogworts letter and it fluttered limply down till it rested on the blue floral print carpet at Lilly's
feet. Triumphantly petunia swooped down on it seizing it a bony long fingered fist and placing it close
under her hook like nose so her silted beady plain blue eyes could squint shortsightedly at the text on
the stolen parchment and almost instantly any trace of triumph drained from her snubbed horse like
features as the information enclosed in the letter sunk in to her brain. She shrieked dropping the
parchment as though it had suddenly become red hot and jumped back from it malicious face now
turned to Lilly.

Perhaps this was the best reaction Lilly could have hoped for because the shriek as Petunia let the
parchment fall for a second time onto the floral print carpet served to awake Lilly and rouse her from
her musings on finding she possessed a magical power and the rapid retreat from where the creamy
white sheet now lay gave Lilly both space and time to react. It wasn't long but it was enough Lilly
streaked nimbly past her sister dodging obstacles with the ease of a cat while Petunia blundered after
her preceded by a series of clatters and bangs as the objects Lilly had so blithely dodged proved to
much for petunias dexterity and were subsequently knocked from their place as she continued arms
out stretched and fake nailed claw like bony fingers reached out in a fruitless attempt to both stop the
damage her clumsy progress across the room was making and to land another bruising blow on her
much quicker younger sister. Lilly was now at the door but hesitated on the thresh hold looking back
she saw the abused and crumpled though still some how dignified cream parchment which Petunia
had slipped on then kicked violently out of the way during her bungled attempts to catch Lilly, its
green ink seemed to glitter in the light of the standing lamp as it emblazoned the words
"Hogworts school of which craft and wizardry" Lilly's hesitation cost her precious seconds which
could aid her in a brake for the safety of her locked room door but now this site decided her ducking
the flailing fist of her sister now nearly on top of her Lilly sprinted back towards the corner of the
room and her precious parchment leaping a coffee table with a dancers grace she landed perfectly feet
together head up just as if she were in one of her dance or gymnastics classes directly next to her
target scooping up the parchment in a single lightning gesture Lilly turned ready for another speedy
escape only to find her way bared by her livid and disgusted sister Lilly knew it was no good she was
trapped, cornered but she tried any way fruitlessly dodging petunias attacks her slim lithe body
whipping around and to the side ducking to avoid first a fist then a heavy booted foot her penetrating
now haunted emerald gaze was frantic it was fixed hopelessly on the door but it was no good Lilly felt
sick, she felt claustrophobic, she was caged like an animal at the zoo.

Lilly hated being trapped or enclosed there was no escape in a cage, and there was no escape now!
Petunia landed her first blow then her second shrieking all the time about her disgrace to the family
and their good name soon the intense pain blurred together kick, punch, slap or scratch Lilly could
only curl up in her corner protecting her head with her hands and arms as blow after blow rained
down on her and wait for it to be over. Semi conscious and dazed Lilly barely registered the ending
of the attack as the pain didn't leave her, it didn't even fade slightly, the dull ache of burses and sharp
stings of a cut lip and multiple scratches from petunias vicious claws throbbed mercilessly and Lilly
didn't even have the energy or the inclination to move. She moaned dully and petunias hooked nose
and beady eyes swam into her field vision she blinked feeling numbly surprised as more tears tricked
from her cloudy expressionless eyes, she hadn't thought she still had it in her to cry but heedless of
Lilly's exhaustion and pain the tears kept falling in warm rivulets on her now very white face and
soaking into a white lily in the carpets floral pattern; it was after Lilly registered this irony that Petunia
finally spoke…finally? Was it though? How long had Petunia been staring into her now almost vacant
face? seconds? Minuets? Hours? Time had merged into a spiraling pool neither passing nor standing
still simply there, beating in time with the pulsing throbs of her battered body and stopping her
slipping completely into the void of unconsciousness.

Petunia was talking now but Lilly just court her last words said with an utter loathing which matched
the expression on her pug like horse face

"You WITCH!" she spat "you are no longer my sister" and with that the girl who was once Lilly's
older sister stalked out of the room and a few seconds later Lilly herd her bedroom door slam and
then her brain swam in a final whirl of colors then sank listless into the blackness that was now almost
familiar she welcomed it, letting its nothingness fill her, cover her, hold her, here she was safe, here
there was no pain, no fatigue, here there was nothing, safe, protective, nothing.

Lilly woke up around 2 am and she hurt her body was one wholeness of pain! she felt as if her ribs
were broken and that someone was hammering the inside of her head with granite ice picks finally
she sat up feeling woozy and giddy-sick it passed soon enough and the earlier events came flooding
back to her looking at her tightly clenched fist Lilly found she still held her Hogworts letter; her slow
witted ex-sister hadn't had the brains to take it from her even though she dived back past Petunia
risking the beating she had ended up getting just to reach this letter. It was then that Lilly thanked god
for her own sister…no that wasn't right was it, not now any way! She thanked god for PETUNIAS
ignorance and idiocy. Then a thought struck her Lilly's resolve never to pompously hurt family…did
it still hold now petunia had declared herself no longer related to Lilly? Brushing aside these thoughts
for later consideration and holding her letter like the life line that it was Lilly reached a decision, and,
dragging her weary feet every muscle, sinew and tendon screaming its agonizing protest she found her
trunk and went to pack.

Once she had done that she washed her face and tended to her injuries a quick glance in the mirror
told her that thankfully no brushing had come up on her face. Yet! Brushing her hair Lilly called a cab
masquerading as her mother and gave instructions that her 'daughter' Lilly should be collected from
their family home in Privet Drive next to Magnolia Crescent and drive her to the nearest train station
as soon as possible, the woman on the phone stated that the taxi would collect Mrs. Evans 'daughter'
in about five minuets thanking her Lilly replaced the receiver and went into the kitchen where she
wrote her mother and father a long informative letter including all the information from her Hogworts
letter and stating that she would contact them as soon as she reached her new lodgings, she knew of
course what they would say because it was what they always said 'that's nice dear'. Rolling her eyes
and signing her note Lilly just had time to make sure she had packed everything she owned that wasn't
nailed down and have a quick glance in the hall mirror and then a muffled horn sounded outside and
Lilly made her slow deliberate and most of all silent way out of her house closing the door gently so
as not to arouse the now snoring Petunia. She duble-checked the locked door, pocketed the key and
between her and the taxi driver managed to deposit her trunk in the back then she strapped her self in
and the driver started the engine. She would pay both the cabbie and her train fair with her mothers
credit card number which both Lilly and Petunia were told to memorize in case of emergencies then
once in London as obviously that's where she was headed she would empty her bank account and
find some where to stay. 'Well' Lilly thought philosophically as she watched the familiar scenery flash
'at least I'm not board any more!'

A/N: so? What did you guys think? Its no good asking if you want another chapter coz it is
already up PLEASE tell me what you think! If you have reviewed the first one of these has my
re-posting improved it? Have I missed anything?
Goddess bless luv Aurora xxx