((A/N: I've read this scene in a few different fics and decided to write my own version

((A/N: I've read this scene in a few different fics and decided to write my own version.))

"Black, Sirius."

McGonagall said the name off the top of the list loudly, her voice showing she was not surprised at the addition of another Black.

The boy sauntered up the steps and sat down on the stool with much more dignity than an eleven year old first year should have.

After the Sorting Hat fell over his long hair (too long in McGonagall's opinion) there was a pause.

During the silence, everyone was slightly bored since they all knew where the kid was going to end up: to the group of haughty looking students with their green and silver ties.

Obviously the hat was having trouble picking the boy's House because it took another minute for it to decide. This, though, did give a few older students curious looks.

Finally the hat straightened and shouted, "Gryffindor!"

The whole room stopped chattering. Every single person in the Great Hall was looking at the equally, if not more, shocked wizard who's gray eyes were bulging.

He sat on the stool longer than needed; his mouth agape, but no one said anything. All the students and teachers were staring at him as he stood up.

Then, to add another thing to the story that would be told to the families in the letters that night, the child called Sirius started laughing as he jumped off the steps.

He high-fived another boy with glasses on his way towards the long table full of Gryffindors.

Like a gunshot, everyone started talking, most not even bothering to gossip behind their hands as they stood up to ogle at the Black.

While ignoring the murmurs and stares, the boy stood up to wave at his cousin.

On the other side of the room, Narcissa Black let her perfect composure drop as she goggled, open-mouthed, at the old Sorting Hat on the three-legged stool.