Regulus Black made his way toward the Sorting Hat after the Deputy Headmistress called out his name

Regulus Black made his way toward the Sorting Hat after the Deputy Headmistress called out his name.

Everyone in the Hall was watching the small boy, not unlike Sirius in looks.

It was obvious, though, he did not have the confidence like his older brother as he tripped a little in nervousness.

One's first thought about the sorting of a Black would be that they would, no doubt, end up in the house of Salazar Slytherin, but the students now knew better.

They knew, after watching Sirius Black get sorted into Gryffindor, not to judge a book by it's cover… or title.

This time, however, it took the hat much longer than usual to depict which table the poor boy would be sitting at for the next seven years.

"One more Black to add to the list, eh?" The Sorting Hat said to Regulus. "I won't be as fast to deduce your fate. I can tell you would do fine in Slytherin, where the rest of your family was. But, alas, I see a hint of defiance in your blood, like your brother."


"No," the wide-rimmed hat repeated.

"I- I couldn't…." The young boy stammered.

"I see a bit of bravery… and rebellion. Though it seems it will only come out when it is almost too late… a long time from now. Okay then."

After one more question of assurance, the hat declared, "Slytherin!"

Once again, like déjà vu, there was silence before a burst of chatter.

Everyone was looking at Regulus and Sirius, though only James Potter would notice the slightly dismay in his gray-eyed friend.

((A/N: Once again, I read a very brief sorting of Regulus and it got me thinking of how he defied Voldy. I was going to do a fic about Sirius' realization of his brother's… goodness, but that did not seem to play out enough in my head. So... I decided to go off of the first chapter.))