James Potter sat in a squishy, red chair near the fireplace.
Earlier, it had been him and his friends, sitting in the Gryffindor common room, chatting and doing work.
Now, almost everyone had gone to bed, knowing that staying up late would do him or her no good for the classes the next morning.
The only two people left in the room were he and one other.
That one other was a girl who sat across from the bespectacled boy, finishing up her essay.
Lily Evans did not even acknowledge his presence and that was, partly, why he kept his eyes on her and not on his parchment.
Even if he wanted to, he could not look away from the girl he had realized he was in love with months earlier.
Becoming Head Boy, he knew, made her see he was not as much of a prat as she thought, and he hoped she would get to know him better.
His wishes were not in vain as she soon started to warm up to him, but not in the way that he had desired.
Slowly but surely, they were becoming friends, but he knew he wanted more.
Now he was intent on telling her the truth, even if it sent butterflies- no dragons, flying around in his stomach.
"Potter," Lily started, making him jump, "will you stop staring at me, it's annoying."
James sat up straighter as he looked her in her green eyes.
James Potter stood and took the few steps toward her armchair.
Trying not to notice her flush or her gasp, he put both hands around her, on an arm of the chair.
Now that she was trapped, James whispered, "I love you" before kissing her on the mouth.
As suddenly as he did it, he pulled away, walking hurriedly towards the stairs.
"James! Wait," Lily croaked.
He turned around and was surprised to find her just a few feet away from him.
"Lily, listen. I'm sorry and I know you don't like me that way, but I-"
Lily crashing her lips onto his cut off the tall boy.
((A/N: I had wanted to do something like this for a while and decided to do it now. I will be doing many couples and their kisses (some first, others not). Please R/R))