Angelina was always able to tell them apart. She was one of the few people besides their sister and one or two brothers who could tell which Weasley twin was which.
And, truth be told, she had always liked George in a more romantic way than she did Fred. She had been a bit disappointed when it was Fred who had asked her to the Yule Ball and not the other redhead.
Angelina had a suspicion that George felt the same but did not act upon his feelings because of the strong loyalty he had (like a true Weasley).
It was not until their last year (before their grand exit) that George came up to her.
She jumped as she turned around in her spot in the Common Room. George was standing there, alone, his hands shoved in his pockets. When he was not with Fred, he was a little low key, but he looked nervous as he glanced up at her.
"Hey George, what's up?"
"Yeah… I was wondering if… you wanted to go get something to eat with me?"
"Sure," she grinned, "wait… dinner ended an hour ago!"
His usual mischievous smirk appeared on his freckled face as he held his hand out to her, "Not for a Weasley."
Smiling, she grabbed his hand, the difference in color making her smile wider.
He led her through the Portrait Hole, down the different halls, turning so many times around the corners that she stopped trying to keep up forever ago. Finally, going down near the dungeons, the came upon a giant bowl of fruit.
"Well, not that this little escapade was fun, but I'm a little hungry and looking at food isn't-"
Angelina stopped at the amused look on George's face, "Okay, fill me in here."
"Keep in mind, this is one of the infamous Weasley twin secrets. Although… I think Hermione found about this too…."
With a shrug he used his left hand, his right still wrapped around hers, and reached to tickle the big pear on the picture. It immediately giggled and the painting swung open, revealing a kitchen as grand as the Great Hall above it.
George made to move but his companion's pause made him look back. He tugged on her hand, making her shut her gaping mouth, and helped her through the second hole.
"Mr. Weasley! What would you like, sir? Pumpkin Pasties? Butterbeer?" A big-eared House-elf squeaked; bowing to the two as numerous more creatures crowded around them.
"Yes, we would like two Butterbeers and?" He looked at Angelina to ask her what else she wanted.
"A piece of vanilla cake, please," she nodded.
"One fork or two," another House-elf asked.
"Two," Angelina said as George peaked at her.
After a moment, the two sat across from each other at a table, a slice of cake between them. They chatted about many things, like the friends they were. Though, Angelina could tell there was something on both their minds.
Finally, George set down his fork.
"Angelina," he began, the use of her whole name caused her to fight off a smile. "I… well I er… I like you a lot. You're one of my closest friends and I would never want to jeopardize that but for a long time I think I- though it might be too soon…."
When Angelina reached across the table, she stopped his babbling by putting her hand on the back of his neck. She pulled him close, quickly kissing him hard.
As they ended it, she noticed a glint in his eyes he rarely had when he was not with his twin.
"Same goes for me," Angelina whispered before George kissed her again.
They continued this for a few minutes, ignoring the House-elves scurrying around them. Then a loud wolf-whistle made them jump apart. Fred and Katie Bell were standing there with surprised and entertained faces.
"I knew it," Fred said with grin as he patted his brother on the back before sitting next to them.