Draco kissed his wife's cheek before walking out of the hospital room. The last twelve hours had been the happiest and scariest of his life. A few hours ago, his son had been born.
As he Apparated home to shower, he sat down on the couch and started crying. He was terrified. He had no idea how to raise a son! His upbringing was definitely not one to take pointers from. Draco knew he could not treat his son like he was treated.
He had changed after the war. In all reality, he had changed during the war. He knew what he was doing was wrong, but had to do it. If he had disobeyed Voldemort, either he or his family would have lost their lives.
The only time before the Dark Lord fell that he was actually proud of his family's actions, was when his mother lied about Harry Potter's vital signs.
He sighed as his tears ceased to fall anymore and ran his hands through his blonde hair. Draco stood and walked to the bathroom, shedding his clothes on the way.
As he stepped into the steaming shower, he started to think again.
The day his father died was an explosion of different emotions inside of him. Part of him was sad to see his father go, but another was happy; happy to be free from the torture he had to endure while he was growing up.
Draco's eyes automatically wandered to his left forearm. That was another thing his father had invoked on him, despite his and his mother's protests.
"The agony stopped when his heart stopped," Draco thought as he closed his eyes against the hot water.
After getting out and drying off, he went back to St. Mungo's with some fresh clothes on. When he entered the room, Astoria opened her eyes and smiled weakly.
"Draco," she whispered holding her hand out.
He quickly walked to her bedside and sank onto the bed, grabbing her hand.
"Where'd you go?"
"To take a shower," he said, kissing her hand.
For a few moments they just looked at each other and the son in the cot next to them.
"I'm scared," Draco said quietly.
"Me too… but you're going to be a great dad."
His eyes fell to the floor as he squeezed her hand tighter.
"I promise, no… I swear to be a great father. I swear to let our child do whatever he pleases and to not force ridiculous ideas into him…. I will not be like my father," he said with such conviction, Astoria had to caress his cheek to get his face to soften again.
"I know you will, don't worry."
With a small smile, Draco bent down to kiss his wife's cheek, then his son's.
"Goodnight Scorpius."