AN: this is my first KP fic so please be kind and tell me what you think
Summery :AU tired of being the butt of the media's jokes and constantly being sidelined and ignored by his best friend, Ron sets out to improve himself in more ways then one, read as he becomes a hero in his own right stepping out of Kim's shadow and into the adventure of a life time
set the day after ron gets locked in the closet , MULTIPALxovers in future chapters
Rated M
EVOLUTION:a Ron Stoppable story
Chapter1: trapped in the closet aftermath
Monday:Memorial day
he was finally out, he couldn't believe that she had forgotten about him, it was understandable sure just unbelievable after everything they've been through and after everything he had to go through just to please her, like going on missions he never wanted to go on missions but she did and he went along just so she could have some one to watch her back
and so that she could be safe, but no matter how much he would tell her it was too dangerous she would always ignore him and go any way,
as he was approaching his house he stopped and went a different way
RON :(thought)'that's right I was suppose to call today might as well visit her so we could talk in person'
about ten minutes later...
he found himself at the home of ...
as he approaches the door he looks to see if any one spotted him
when he knocked on the door she answered half a second later
when then their eyes met he saw that she was really worried about him she then dragged him in and pulled him into a hug
BONNIE:"where have you been, I was calling you all weekend you didn't show up at the dance , you weren't home when I called, you didn't even show up to temple on Saturday."
RON:"I know, I've been in school"
RON:"yeah in school trapped in a janitors closet "
BONNIE:"WHAT!, how , when "
he started to explain what happened form the beginning all the way to the end
once he was done they went to her kitchen to get him and Rufus something to eat
now this may look weird to someone if they were peeking in through the window
the queen of Middleton high school was talking to the social outcast of the high school
well contraire to popular belief they have actually been friends for along time they have known each other almost all their lives , you see Ron met Bonnie on a Saturday 24 to 48 hours before he met Kim in pre-school,
so by default he's known Bonnie longer
they met again school wise in junior high, in different groups of people so they started acting like they couldn't stand each other and so on and they've been keeping up appearances ever since
she would send him codes in her own way for example,
loser: hi
out of the way loser: hi , how are you call me later
get a life : see you at my house
out of my way stoppable : watch out for the jocks,
so they sat there eating and talking after awhile Ron called his mother to tell her that he was ok ,
Bonnie looked at him as he was talking to his mother on the phone, she had seen what happens to him in school,how he gets picked on and how Kim just keeps stringing him along, this past week ever since Kim hooked up with Josh its like Ron didn't even exist and that pissed Bonnie off to no end
because she knew it hurt him to see Kim with Josh she knew that Ron had feelings for Kim and it kills her to see the look on Ron's face when they make out right in front of him, he tries to hide it with that dopey grin but she saw through it just how she sees that he could actually be an A student if he was serious enough,
he just takes it slow , that's how he likes it .
RON(Hanging up phone):"well my mom was worried but i think I put her at ease now "
BONNIE :"that's good, listen Ron... "
beep beep be beep
RON:"go Wade"
WADE :"Ron, Drakken's at it again, this time in Japan the usual death ray but he's using the heat from the Kirishima volcano to make it more powerful then usual "
RON:"so that would mean that the usual self destruct plan is out seeing as it can cause a mass eruption of the volcano"
RON:"don't worry I gotta a plan, where's my ride"
WADE:"at Kim's place in 5 minutes"
RON:"ok I 'll be there Ron out, let's go Rufus"
RUFUS:"hic yeah!"
BONNIE:"be careful Ron"
RON:"you know me Bonbon I always am "
and with that being said he left as he ran out her door he could hear her yell
the air craft was in its decent when he arrived, he was then met with a death glare from a pair of glowing green eyes
KIM:"RON, where have you been I was about to leave with out you "
RON(thought):'she can't be serious, she's not even going to apologize or any thing?, sometimes i wonder what I'm even doing here ' he though narrowing his eyes at her
KIM:"well !"
Ron said nothing, he just went straight to the craft into the rest room and changed into the mission clothes that were in his back pack leaving a very steamed Kim to her thoughts
KIM:(thought)'whats wrong with him? what ever it is , he'll get over it ' she thought as she got on board and started to get ready for the mission,
two minutes later, Ron was in his gear and ready to go and was now discussing a plan with Wade
RON:"so I was thinking about maybe making sure the crowd is off the island or maybe just avoid the whole self destruct button move stealthily and cut the power"
WADE:"and what about the laser ?"
RON:"I was thinking that maybe we can turn it into either an overly expensive toaster over or a really heavy paper weight"
WADE:"I think we can manage that, call me when your feet touch land Wade out"
Kim looked at Ron in curiosity
KIM:"what was that all about?"
RON:"I just thinking up a plan with wade so that we avoid unnecessary death and injury"
KIM:"sounds good but it will be better to just go with what we usually do and just end it quickly and painlessly so I can worry about my date with Josh tonight"
he was going to protest but she had already jumped out the plane
RON(thought):"here we go again ,... she really needs to sort out her priorities " with that last thought he jumped out the plane
fliping through the air as he usually did when she wasn't looking he had pushed the button on the Kimmunicator to try and explain his plan
(AN:just to clear it up the reason he's yelling is because he is in the air)
Ron was pissed he knew Kim could hear him and he knew she was ignoring him
RON:'why is she so fucking stubborn, fine I 'll let her do it her way but that doesn't mean I still can't atleast try out my plan' hethought shifting his weight and changing directions and was heading straight for the beach,
he had gotten the island's geographic schematics and found that there was an underwater passageway
he quickly threw on a breathing mask released his harness and dove straight for the water he didn't have to worry about Rufus because he had his own breathing mask once in the water he swam for the passage way
Kim sailed through the air in thought
KIM:(thought)'should I wear the green dress or the blue dress for my date tonight?'
KIM:(thought)'-sigh-, what is wrong with him, coming up with plans who dose he think he is,he's over there screaming his head off because of being so high in the air like last time,lets get this over with and if it messes up I can always say it was his fault , now what am I going to wear for tonight' (AN:in case you haven't notice Kim is being a major jerk and kinda shallow mostly due to being what they call jock(Dick)-a-matized and she will be for like half of this fic, but she will notice the error of her ways later on)
-with Ron-
what felt like 2 hours of swimming was litterly 20 minutes
untill he finally found the passage and swam through it with gusto, he swam until he saw a latter and began to climb up untill he breached the surface he then undid the latch on the cellar door and peered out of out of the cellar to see if Drakken's henchmen were in the area when didn't see anyone
he got out of the celler and onto the floor,tired from swimming
RON:(panting)"damn,ok.. starting ...tomorrow I am going ... to start getting in ...shape ... your with me right Rufus ?"
Rufus :"hic yeah hic" he said half heartedly fully knowing of Ron's eating habbits
RON:"ok lets call Wade" he said taking out the kimmunicator and contacting said boy genius
RON:"Wade, I'm in , there is a problem Kim totally ignored me and is going to do the usual plan"
WADE:" that's bad we have to work quickly and disable the energy core from the laser the the vulcano just look for a tramsmiter "
RON:"on it"
Ron moved quickly and swiftly as to not draw attention to himself this was easy for him seeing as he did this constintly in school to avoid bullys and jocks
he had reached the the first upper level when he spotted the transmiter
RON:" Wade I think I found it, but it seems too easy though this is Draken we are talking about"
WADE:"hook up the Kimunnicator to the transmitter and I'll do the to the upper levcls and see what you can do, remember approch with caution"
RON:"got it, you rock Wade"
WADE :"don't I always"
Ron did what he was instructed and proceeded to the upper levels and out of the base to warn people
he had gone to a local radio station to tell the DJ to really a simple message which was "get out of the area, if you have to get out of the island and get to safety the volcano could blow at any minute"when the DJ relayed the message Ron got back into the base sticking to the shadows when he got there he found that Kim was about to an entrance not just any entrance but the usual un-stealthy entrance announcing herself to the enemy,
so acting quickly he opened up the panel of the main computer he was hiding behind he then put ruffus inside to chomp on the wires,
he then quickly tried to move with out being spotted the key word being TRIED , that being said because when he moved Kim and Shego had began to fight like they always did except this time Kim was more focused on her date with Josh which led to her losing ground in the fight and then wich led to her spotting Ron giving a way his position
KIM:"RON! where did you go I though you were right behid me"
RON:"thanks a lot Kim you just gave away my spot "
SHEGO:"oohhh trouble in paradise , so whats wrong,is princess taking you for granted stoppable?"
Ron said nothing and continued to the best of his ability to move around until Shego jumped in front of him hands blazing green
SHEGO:"where do you think your going "
RON :"oh no where I'm just trying to get away from the glowing hands of doom!"
he said shifting from side to side to avoid touching the glowing hands
but before he could do more he was he felt something colliding with his center of gravity and balance making him go through the window that was on his left which led out and directly into the active volcano, hanging on to the broken windowsill he looked up and saw what caused his fall
it was Kim she collided with him , she's the reason why he's dangling out of a window, just so that she could fight Shego
SHEGO:"wow you do realize that you just kicked your partner out and directly into the volcano right? "
Kim ignoring Shego's question stated
KIM:"let's wrap this up quick Shego I have a date I need get ready for " she said lashing out a kick to Shego's head only for shego to duck under and counter with a punch to the gut...
Meanwhile ..
Ron was still dangling from the window trying to get his footing when suddenly he lost his grip and began to fall and landed on a clif leading to a small cave
RON:"ok that hurt" he said dusting himself off he then noticed a something shineing at the end of the cave
"what is that?" curiosity got the better of him as he went forward, as he got closer he could see
what was shining it was a weird looking stone it looked like an arm of some sort holding a blue skull , it was strange but it was like the stone was calling out to him, as he got closer he reached out with his left arm, as soon as he touched it, in a flash it was gone Ron was shocked to say the least
RON:"the hell was that ," he saw an inscription on the templet that the stone was on
"Nero's legacy ? what at weird name for a stone" he then proceeded to go out side of the cave
and climb his way up and back into the base
when he got back into the base he saw that Kim and Shego where still fighting
so acting quickly he went back to the main computer to retrieve Rufus as soon as he got Rufus he went back to the sub levles dogding the goons that where there sliding, shifting around and even football style jukes, he got to the transmitter and got his kimmunicator back, almost in a flash he called Wade
WADE:"whats up Ron"
RON:"Wade, we got a problem,Kim blew the horn on me and she is now fighting Shego and i don't think that Rufus finished chewing through the self-destruct button's wires"
WADE:"that is bad ,real bad, luckily the laser is is now just a dangerous and a really heavy paper weight but don't let anyone hit that button"
RON:"got it Ron out "
Ron quickly made his way to the lab again and found that was trying to fix something on the main computer and Kim and Shego where still fighting, so he quickly went to the main computer to aprehend Drakken who was currently trying to fix his laser
DRAKKEN:"nnarrg what is wrong with this thing ,WHY won't it work!"
RON:"because I made it not work"
DRAKKEN:"YOU!... YOU! who are you again nnarg! whats your name ?"
RON :"dude .Ron Stoppable me and Kim stomp on your plans like every other day of the week "
DRAKKEN:"ah yes the buffoon "
RON:-sigh-"dude seriously how hard is it to remember my name "
DRAKKEN:"meh, what can I say it just escapes me , now where was I oh yeah SHEGOO! LETS GO!
SHEGO:"gotta run princess"
SHEGO:"here's a going a way present " she said as she through a plasma ball at them the ball was heading towards the panel but Ron intercepted it by diving at it like a bodyguard hitting him right in the arm , his left arm
SHEGO:'damn it I was aiming for the button '
hearing his master scream Rufus came out of Ron's pocket to see him clutching his arm
KIM:"DAMN IT!,they got away " she said slamming down her fist in anger on the panel
RON:"wait what's that clicking noise" still in pain he looked over to see that Kim had slammed her fist down on the button
RON:"um Kim ... you notice that you slammed you fist down on a self destruct button for a layer that is setting on a SENSITIVE VOLCANO right? "
KIM:"oh crap"
they ran and jumped out the window as the explosion set off the volcano
they landed in the water Ron was the first to surface
his eyes widen at the danger that was flowing down form the erupting mountain with a vengeance not seen since that last time it erupted in 1992 luckily every one in the area was almost gone
he could only see 3 people a child an old man and a girl around his age with attractive features
(guess who,I dare you )
the child was in grave danger because the lava was approaching fast,the girl and the old man were trying to reach him
he swam faster then he ever did in his whole life,he quickly got to land and climbed to reach the child he came up on a dead end and couldn't' go any further
RON:'this can't happen this way I have to get to that kid I have to reach him somehow '
he then felt a weird sensation in his arm like he wanted to reach for something and grab it for all it was worth
he suddenly saw his arm glowing and starting to form a projection it looked weird it was red around the arm and blue around the hand and finger tips (first x-over D.M.C.4) the projection stretched until it was near the little boy as his feet lifted off the ground and going up into the air made his stomach go to his throat it was a thrilling experience as he approached the the child he stuck his arm out and grabbed on to the boy taking them both high into the air
RON: "I gotcha don't worry how do you say it again,dai.. daijobu "
as he came back down to the ground he moved the child over to hold him with his right arm and projected out his left arm again to get the girl and the old man when he got them he was already half way to the ground when he landed he noticed the he was farther from the volcano by at least a good distance away he then saw that the girl and the old man were almost right next to him
RON:"are you guys ok? "
GIRL :"we are fine thank you for helping us in our time of need "
RON:"no problem just doing what I always do " and with that he left to go look for Kim who he found was talking to news cameras and reporters
RON:'typical Kim,-sigh- ,ok now to find out how to change my arm back ' he thought looking down on his arm and saw that it had changed back to normal the only difference is that now his left arm sported some 2nd and 3rd degree burns that were rapidly healing, he quickly pulled down on his sleeve to cover his arm and waited for his ride home
an old man and a young girl stood on the horizon,AWAY from the crowd of reporters and EMT s the eruption had stopped and the as did the lava thankfully due to the ocean being so close (go with it for the sake of the fic please) and thankfully no power lines or satellite transmitters were burned
GIRL:"do you think we will see him again, sensei"
SENSEI:"I do believe so Yori ,as I also believe that our paths were suppose to cross today"
the ride home had been quiet and intense and in short :fucking annoying
after getting his arm bandaged by and EMT he got on the plane and just stayed looking out the window seeing the city of Tokyo in the sky before leaving for Middleton
he started to nod off but that was soon interrupted when Kim who started to notice that he was in a foul mood tried to talk to him
KIM:"Ron, Ron what's wrong "
RON:"nothing, just leave me alone Kim"
he said getting off of the craft seeing as they arrived to Kim's house
KIM :"not until you tell me whats bugging you " she said, Ron finally snapped
RON:"YOU WANNA KNOW!, FINE! you didn't listen to my plan which Wade thought was a good plan so you know it could have been effective but no you rather think more of what your going to be doing with Josh tonight then how to avoid casualties, then you act like it's nothing Kim you YES YOU! BECAUSE YOU PUSHED THE BUTTON! " he stated when she was about to protest neither of them noticed that her parents where out side with them hearing everything
RON:(CONT)"and I get it you know, you ignored me OK fine so I did the plan any way I hooked up my Kimmunicator to the transmitter and it was go time I was going to damage the system after I got a look at Drakken's maps to see where he was going to strike next BUT NO! YOU GAVE AWAY MY POSITION! then when I was dodging Shego's plasma strikes you nail me with kick to the face sending me out the window and into sensitive VOLCANO! ,and you never asked me about my arm knowing i was hit by Shego's plasma ball"
her parents were shocked to say the least but they stayed quiet neighbors noticed the argument and started flocking
KIM:"well... who are you to come and take charge of the team making plans you job is to do distractions "
Anne Possible couldn't believe what her daughter said she had half a mind to go and bitch slap her daughter but her husband held her back
RON :"really!,well just remember something I go on missions to look after you, to watch your back OK,if it wasn't for that your parents probably wouldn't have agreed to let you go, and if it wasn't for the missions and the fame that you let get to your head I wouldn't have to deal with Jocks down my neck! and take beatings just so that your name wouldn't get a bad rep! "
both parents where once again shocked to say the least
neighbors were starting to gather from the yelling including Ron's parents, the Tweebs and even Bonnie showed up to see the argument
KIM:"so what you can't take a few hits for the better of the team, you big baby "
RON:"DOSE THIS LOOK LIKE A FEW HITS TO YOU !" he said ripping off his shirt showing the scars that littered his body Ranging from all sizes big and small "not to mention the second degree burns I got from Shego on my left arm"(audience gasp in shock including his parents and Bonnie)
RON:(CONT)"but you know what hurts is that, I help you talk to the guy you're crushing on and get locked in the janitor closet for it the whole weekend. no food, no water and you didn't even apologize no you didn't even acknowledge it "
KIM :"yeah well so what who are you any way last I remember the name was team POSSIBLE ..."
RON :"ITS CALLED TEAM POSSIBLE BECAUSE IT SOUNDED BETTER THEN TEAM STOPPABLE!, its not your team its OUR team you . me . Wade and Rufus, yeah Kim Possible the girl who can do anything even lose her partner and best friend,I can't do this anymore I can't take the beatings and do nothing, I don't want to be the laughing stock of the media any more "the boy who can't fight his own battles,the kid who lost his pants fifteen times in a row"and I know your the one who keeps pinning the failed missions on me and giving them my name incorrectly, I'm not stupid Kim ,just lazy there's a difference,so I'm done I quit " with that said he began to walk away
KIM:"DON'T YOU DARE WALK AWAY FROM ME RONALD DEAN STOPPABLE!,Ron get back here right now or I will show you what 16styles of Kung-Fu feel like ! "
Ron stopped for one second to say something but in the end he just waved her off and kept walking
Kim then did the unthinkable she ATTACKED Ron, when she got close enough he blocked her incoming punch , she kicks he side steps she jump kicks and lifts his foot up into the air and catches her right above the crotch, he then puts her leg in a hold to keep her still,
RON :"pstt,16 styles ok then where was your dojo located how many belts do you have, 16styles my ass Kim it was just Judo and you stopped going after 3CLASSES,(people gasp in shock)the rest of the time you practiced on ME!,that and gymnastics that is not 16 styles Kim" he said getting up off the street (also got that part of the argument from another story i think it was one of Bubba-tech's fics but can't member)
RON:"you know I think Bonnie has a right to be on your case Kim you do think every thing has to be your way well guess what you got it you want to go on missions and think of boys at the same time go ahead and put people endanger but I'm not going to be there so you can blame me for it "he said walking away it was now that they noticed that they had an audience
as he was walking home he noticed that Bonnie was following him, as he got to his house he turned to face her
BONNIE :"Ron.."
Ron put two fingers up as to say "wait" he then opened the door to his house they then went up to his room
RON :"ok now"
BONNIE :"oh my god Ron" she said throwing her arms around him not caring that he was shirtless
RON:"hi" he said as Bonnie released the hug
he then procceded to tell her about the mission, when he was done Bonnie had the look of fury on her face
RON:"Bonnie calm down "
BONNIE:(pissed)"CALM DOWN!,Ron ..."
RON:"whats done is done,so lets just move past it"
BONNIE:"so what are you going to do now"
RON:"I have to check on my arm"he said trying to un-bandage his arm
BONNIE :"here let me help you ",she said gently taking his arm and unwrapping it when she finished unwrapping it her eyes widend at the shock as she saw the second degree burns healing rapidly , and looked as if it were glowing
BONNIE:"Ron what happened to you?"
RON :"well when I fell from the windowsill that I was hanging on I fell onto a cliff that led to a cave then I saw something shiny in the cave when I got closer I saw that it was a stone called Nero's legacy,when I touched it it disappeared then when I saw some people in trouble I climbed up the Volcano to help then when I came up a block in the path ,I remember feeling this urge of wanting to save them especially the child that was there then I saw my arm change "
RON:"yeah, change" he said what not noticing that Bonnie had a question which died at her lips when she saw his arm change
BONNIE:"oh ... mY ...GOD!"
RON:"SHH, my folks will hear you"
BONNIE :"well what do you want me to do ,its not every day that your Best friend something that is so super naturally interesting , wow its so smooth and hard I bet you could stop a bullet with that thing "
RON :"yeah I know "
BONNIE :"and you say it can stretch and grow to any length "
RON:"yeah, I know weird right "
BONNIE :"well I don't think its kosher that's for sure ...we should test it out,... you know I can't stop touching it ,it just feels so good against my skin, ok ready,HEHEHE that tickles" she said as Ron tickles her from across the room using his left arm or "Nero arm"
Eugene and Miriel Stoppable made there way there Son's room
EUGENE:"wow who would have though that things would have ended up the way they have huh"
MIRIEL:"I know poor Ronald it makes me realize that we haven't been there for him much "
EUGENE :"I know,well at least Bonnie's always there one way or another look out for his well being"
as they got closer to his door they could hear voices in Ron's room
BONNIE:"oh ... mY ...GOD!"
they got startled
RON:"SHHH, my folks will hear you"
they got suspicious
BONNIE :"well what do you want me to do ,its not every day that your Best friend something that is so super naturally interesting , wow its so smooth and hard I bet you could stop a bullet with that thing "
Eugene got a look of pride on his face ,Miriel looked petrafide(sp?)
RON :"yeah I know "
BONNIE :"and you say it can stretch and grow to any length "
RON:"yeah, I know weird right "
Pride swelled so much in Eugenie's mind that he was being swept off his feet ,for his wife the exact opposite happened
BONNIE :"well I don't think its kosher that's for sure ...we should test it out,... you know I can't stop touching it ,it just feels so good against my skin, ok ready,HEHEHE that tickles"
MIRIEL:"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING!" she yells barging in to the room
both teens look at her with shock and wide eyes , in a flash Ron's arm went back to normal
RON:"MOM!,what were you doing outside my room where you listening in on my conversation with Bonnie "
MIRIEL :"I was and did not like what I heard "
RON:"MOM!, we were not doing anything, if you don't believe me take a look around"
after looking around the room for a few minutes Miriel came to the conclusion that her son was telling the truth
MIRIEL:"ok fine, you two didn't do any thing and I guess I believe you, but next time leave your door open"
EUGENE:"oh come on honey, you know as well as I do that Ron is a responsible young man "
MIRIEL:"ok I guess your right fine then carry on with your conversation , we'll be in the other room if you need us " with that being said they left Ron's room
BONNIE :"ok ... akwaired "
RON:"yeah" the two of them kept talking until 6 O clock which is when Bonnie went home
after eating dinner Ron went to his room and locked the door his arm had been bugging him since he got home , activating the 'Nero arm ' he saw that it was changing tone the fingers were no longer blue they were green and the arm was no longer red it was black ,
RON:"weird it's like it absorbed Shego's ability when the plasma ball made contact with my arm "
holding his arm up and bringing it to a close but far distance from his face he twitched his muscles in his arm and suddenly a ball of green fire with a black hue appeared ready for departure
RON:(whispering)"boohya "
staying true to his word he woke up early the next morning and started working out, the first week consistied of streches,jogging,30 crunches and 20 push ups and in the comming weeks the number of both push ups and crunches would increased by 20 by the time it reach 7:00am Ron was ready for school having already showered and gotten dressed he ate a quick breakfast he went to get Rufus who was still sleeping
and left for school regularly he would go to the possibles and eat there and wait for Kim and then head for school , but with what recently happened yesterday he can't look Kim in the face with out wanting to bitch slap her for her behavior, as he walked to school he got an Idea he immediately activated the 'Nero arm' and stretched it to its fullest extent and and grabbed on to the closest thing then he then found himself sailing through the air
he then found himself on the roof of the building a block away from his school
RON:"going to school has never been so much fun" he said as he approached his school at high speeds,
when he got to school he realizes that he is WAY early, in fact the only ones here this early are the students who have early morning club meetings like Bonnie who was in the school news paper
or the swim team and so on , as he went into the building he found that it was way different from his usual hours in school
since he had nothing to do he decided to see what Bonnie was doing , so he headed over to the school editorial office where he saw Bonnie on the computer doing today's paper with extreme focus
seeing this he decided to sneak up on her , he then started to rub her shoulders to his surprise ,Bonnie relaxed and started to enjoy it,
BONNIE :"mmmh I don't know who you are but I just wanna know where have you been all of my life and are you single? "
RON:"well, as far as I know we've been like the best of friends for like ever but I didn't know know you felt that way , you just made my mother's day "
RON:"hey Bonnie or should I now call you sweetie?"
BONNIE:"first of all I was really tense and I didn't know it was you second , what are you doing here this early?"
RON:"meh , I woke up early and I didn't know what to do what myself you know that I usually go the the Possibles in the morning but with yesterday and all I found myself with free time , you know?"
BONNIE :"well I would like to spend more time with you but I have more work to do on this article so why don't you see what clubs you would like to join "
RON:"right ok ,I 'll do that later Bon-Bon" he said as he took his leave
BONNIE :"don't call me Bon-Bon!"
Ron chuckled his way down the hallway
as he looked he saw many clubs and teams he immediately signed up for the swim team wanting improve in that area after yesterday, he joined the recently formed martial arts club, culinary diplomats of the world club , the thespian society and a music club he also saw the gymnastics club wich he knew that Kim surprizingly isnt apart of the reason was that she preferred being a cheer leader and that she already did gymnastics when she was younger , he joined
as he went to his locker he was brought to a halt when he heard his name
RON:"what's up Mr B" he said as Barkin approached
BARKIN:"what are you doing here his early?"
RON:"oh uh I was just checking out the clubs and teams"
BARKEN:"I heard that you and Possible had a falling out is that true"
RON:"yes sir,we had a disagreement and I told her what I thought about the situation"
BARKEN:"ok carry on, by the way did you see which which clubs you would like to join ?"
RON :"yeah check them out " he said handing Mr Barken the flayers he picked up when he signed up
BARKEN:"gymnastics ,music , thespian society , martial Arts club?, the Swim team?!well its nice to see that your taking advantage of the extra curricular activities in the school carry on Stoppable"
with that said Mr. Barken started down the hall
BARKEN:(thought)'finally He's taking school serious ..well in a sense I'll keep my eye on him"
he went to his locker and placed Rufus inside who was still sleeping
RON:(thought)'he must be really tired'
he looked at his locker , took what he need to get closed it and left getting his start on the was going to be a new day
AN:OK im done for now tell me what you think like it, hate it
constructive flames plz , lets act like the adults that we are
also pairing can go either way any questions review or pm me ,I was just really tired of how the other fics where going always KPXRS and it got boring for me and every time they would get into an argument they would either get back together right away or make some crappy dialogue and then get back together either way Ron looks like a sap in these fics,and the first xover is D.M.C 4 for the first time in fic-history, i think , tell me what do you want the next xover to be,