Wish Come True…

Wish Come True…

A Gravitation FanFiction…

Chapter 01: Yuki's wish…

By: anonazure

I Do Not Own Gravitation, Just Borrowing For The Sake Of My Imagination…



Shuichi shouted as he came slamming into Yuki's study.

"What the heck do you want brat?!"

Yuki shouted back as Shuichi came running towards him and sat down on his lap.

"Oh… Yuki I miss you so much" Shuichi mumbled as he rubbed his head against Yuki's chest.

Yuki pushed suddenly pushed Shuichi away causing him to fall on the floor. Shuichi made a small painful sound and pouted at Yuki.

"Look… I don't have time for you brat. I have a deadline coming up and I seriously need to finish this. So leave me the hell alone!"

Yuki yelled at Shuichi. But amazingly he didn't throw Shuichi out. Shuichi crawled back to Yuki and leaned his head on Yuki's lap.

"I'm sorry Yuki… Can I at least stay with you? I promise I'll be quiet…"

Shuichi said softly and kissed Yuki's right hand that laid on his lap. Yuki sighed at the pink hair boy and patted his head. He found it very cute on how sometimes Shuichi would ask him for something.

After a while Shuichi fell asleep by the sound of Yuki's typing. He slept resting his head on Yuki's lap. Yuki found it a little difficult, but he doesn't want to wake up the younger boy who looked absolutely so cute when he's sleeping.

It was half past one in the morning when Yuki finally finished. He saved his work, and decided he would just print it tomorrow since the sound of the printer might wake up Shuichi. He turned off the his laptop and started to shake the pink-haired boy slowly.

"Hey… wake up… it's time we go to the room…" Yuki whispered softly in Shuichi's ear.

"Mmmmhh… Yuki…" Shuichi said opening his eyes lazily.

"Let's go Shuichi…" but all that Shuichi did was yawn. So Yuki sighed and lifted Shuichi in a bridal style and carried him to the room.

Yuki laid Shuichi down and went to his side and laid down next to Shuichi. Shuichi felt the bed rocked as Yuki laid down. Shuichi turned to face Yuki and snuggled his face at Yuki's chest and Yuki kissed him.

Shuichi saw a straight bright light that came down the starry sky and realized what it was.

"Yuki, look a shooting star…" Shuichi said pointing at the bright light.

"So?" Yuki said sleepily facing Shuichi and looking into his lazily eyes, obviously fight sleep off just to see the star falling from heaven.

Shuichi closed his eyes and clasped his hands together tightly and without a doubt made his wish to the descending star.

"So… make a wish… I wish that I'll have a date with Yuki… Yuki and I on a seaside restaurant… and we'd walk by the beach and watch the sunset and when night falls… we'll watch the stars together…and we'll stay together forever… What do you wish for Yuki?"

Yuki smirked and thought what would be a good wish.

"I wish that I've never met you, brat…cause then I wouldn't have any problem every time I have a deadline to meet."

"Be careful what you wish for Yuki it might come true… um… You don't mean that do you… Yuki?"

"Shut up and go to sleep."

After that Yuki fell right asleep.


The sun has risen and shined through the curtain of the window of the bedroom and lit Yuki face causing him to wake up. Yuki yawned and finally stood up, he looked over to his side and did not find the pink-haired boy beside him.

"Must have an early job today… yawn…"

Yuki then got up and went to the bathroom to wash up. As he washed his face, he opened the cover to brush his teeth. He was dumbfounded when he didn't find Shuichi's pink toothbrush besides his.

'He must've been in a hurry… and took his toothbrush along. What am I so worried about?. It's Shuichi. Alright calm down and just relax'

He thought and went on to brushing his teeth. He then went to his study to start on his new book when…


Yuki saw his study differently. There was a shelf containing all the books his written and some books his doesn't even remember writing but had his name on it. He now also had two laptops one was his old black one the other was a new model in a dark Grey color. There were also awards on frames like 'Best Romance Novel of the year: Eiri Yuki' and more awards like that.


He shouted in his empty study like someone was there.

"Oh ohayo Yuki-san…"

Yuki heard a familiar voice and he turned around to see… Tohma?! But Tohma was different. His hair was a much richer color of yellow and his clothes were all in white, like he was some kind of angel.

"Tohma!? What the hell is going on here Tohma! Explain now!"

"Calm down… Yuki-san… I'm not Tohma… I may look like him but I'm not him…"

Okay right about now Yuki was all confused sure he looked a little different but the he still have the same evil-but-innocent smile on his face that made Yuki think that Tohma's gone nuts.

"Stop playing games with me Tohma!"

"I'm… not… Tohma!"

Yuki was then right across the room. Yuki was shocked how did Tohma do that. He felt a sort of like shock wave hit him that got him across the room. The-Tohma-Look-A-Like now was dusting his clothes, since he was all white no wonder he'd be worried if his clothes got dirty.

"Now… Yuki-san I'm not the Tohma you know, even though I look like him… My name is Hikaru… I m the falling star from the night you made your wish… I came here and granted you your wish…"

Yuki stood up and dusted himself and looked confused at Tohma or Hikaru or whatever he was confused was this a prank or what. He finally relaxed a bit and scratched the back of his head.

"Ok… I'll play along for a while… so… you came to grant my wish huh?…"

Yuki made his was to his table and opened the top drawer and took out a cigarette and his lighter. 'Thank heavens that didn't change' Yuki thought as he started to lit his cigarette.

"Ok, Hoshi right? What exactly did I wish for?"

Yuki said as he blew out a smoke. Hikaru sighed and also scratched the back of is head.

"Oh my, you've forgotten already… oh well I'm only here to grant it anyway weather you know it or not… Eiri Yuki, I Hikaru have granted your wish…"

He said pointing at Yuki who was just calmly smoking like it was nothing serious. That was really weren't serious to Yuki.

"Your wish… That you've never met Shuichi Shindou…"

At this point the cigarette on Yuki's mouth slipped out and fell on the floor. 'What I've never met Shuichi?' Yuki looked at his lighter, it was the lighter were he placed the picture he and Shuichi took on their date, but it wasn't there.

He dashed to the bedroom and saw that all of Shuichi's clothes were gone. He went to the kitchen where there was a spot that's suppose to be burnt when Shuichi tried to cook. He looked at the roof above the counter but found no signs of the burn, it was in perfect condition. Shuichi's stuff were all gone as well. His own cups and plates, his mountains of Sakuma Ryuichi's CDs were all nowhere to be found. He went back to the study and grabbed Hikaru by the neckline of his clothes.

"Alright Hikaru, what the fuck is going on?!"

"I told you, I just granted your wish… You wished you've never met Shuichi-kun so that you'll have no problem in your career. These books here, are the book you could've have finished if Shuichi wasn't around. These awards are the awards you would've won in the past year you've spent with Shuichi-kun… isn't this what you wanted Yuki-san?"

Yuki released Hikaru and bowed down. 'No way… Shuichi and I never met?… Every moment we had together was gone just like that?… I should be happy right?… I have more time to myself now?… but if I've never met Shuichi… where is he?…'

"Hey you… Star-boy… If I never met Shuichi… where is he?"

"Well Yuki-san, get dressed and I'll show you… and you might want to wear some disguise since now your fame is ten times bigger than with Shuichi-kun… You will probably be attacked by a mob once we step out of your house."

Hikaru smiled. Yuki growled at him, but since he doesn't know what happen the past year if he hadn't met Shuichi, he jus went along with Hikaru's suggestion. Yuki wore a baby blue colored shirt, black pants and to top it all his favorite black long jacket and a pair of shades to cover his eyes.

He went to the living room where Hikaru was waiting. Hikaru looked at Yuki from different angles to see how he looks.

"You'll need this…"

Hikaru said and snapped his fingers and on Hikaru's hand appeared a black colored wig with a shoulder length ponytail.

"Your not seriously suggesting I wear that do you?"

"Well if you want to stay alive, it'd be better if you wear this…"

Yuki growled again but wore it anyway. Hikaru opened the door and headed to the elevator with the Angry-Still-In-Shock-And-Confused-Yuki behind him.

"Hey, Hikaru why not just use your magic to get us where your taking me?"

"Well, I'd love to… But then you won't be able to see the change in your life without Shuichi-kun…oh and Yuki-san… phase yourself."

Phase yourself? Yuki was left confused at the last words Hikaru said before the doors stopped at the ground floor, but Hikaru pressed the hold button for a while and turned to Yuki.

"Yuki-san please. Once I open this door you must run and stay close behind me understand?…"

Yuki was still clueless but nevertheless nodded at Hikaru's advice. Hikaru removed his finger from the button and when the doors opened a large group of women charged in and Hikaru dashed with Yuki following him close behind.

Hikaru got out and Yuki followed and both watched the group of women fought to get in the elevator. Pushing and shoving every other women in their way. Yuki was on the floor watching them act like beast that weren't fed for a long, long time.

"What are they doing?"

"Why… they are your die hard fans… all wanting to get a piece of you…"

Hikaru said dusting himself again and reached out a hand to help Yuki get up. Hikaru led Yuki outside telling Yuki that they should go to the N-G building on foot. As they made their way, they saw giant posters of 'Bad Luck' and most of the posters included Shuichi hanging or hugging Hiro, so close as if they were about to kiss.

"What's going on with Shuichi and Hiro huh?"

"You'll find out soon enough Yuki-san, we're almost at the N-G building…"

After a while of a walking they finally reached the N-G building. In the building the song 'Rage Beat' was being played. Hikaru led Yuki to the place where 'Bad Luck' was practicing. Yuki could hear Shuichi's voice echoing from the hall. When they came in the room, it was like nobody can see them.

"Why don't they notice us?"

"I've placed a barrier around us, so that no one will mind us…"

"Alright that should be all for today…"

The blond longhaired American saying to the band members. Still it was like nothing change between them. Shuichi was still hyper active, Fujimori was still calm and still in though of the best thing for the band with their manager the all so powerful K-san. Hiro was still in the recording room fixing his instrument.

"So what so different with them it's like nothing change at all…"

Yuki said Hikaru placed his finger on Yuki's lips and pointed at Shuichi that was sitting on the couch with his head lying back. Yuki watched with a 'So-What's-The-Big-Deal' in his eyes. He then saw Hiro approaching Shuichi with a cup of water and handed it to Shuichi.

"Here you go Shu-Chan…"

"Thanks Hi…"

Shuichi was cut off when Hiro placed a light kiss on his lips. Then sat beside Shuichi and placed his hands over Shuichi's shoulders with Shuichi blushing like crazy. Yuki's eyes widened with the sudden development.

"Hey you two… I know about your situation and all, but please do it in private…"

Fujimori said to them while standing in front of them, and everyone else laughed inside the room at Fujimori's comment on them.


"Well since you haven't met Shuichi-kun, Hiro realized that he loved Shuichi-kun and Shuichi-kun felt the same, so they ended up together and aren't ashamed of it."

"Then what happened in the park that night I found Shuichi's crappy song?"

"Well, your wish gave out a sudden changes in the events that originally happened. That night you were there and Shuichi-kun had his song, but you didn't find the song. You simply ignored it, and Shuichi just passed by you trying to keep up with the song he wrote."

Yuki looked at Shuichi who was laughing and blushing beside Hiro and snuggled comfortably below Hiro's arm lovingly? Then Hikaru continued on.

"But some events didn't change… Like Shuichi-kun and Hiro meeting Ayaka-san, but since they don't know you they weren't able to help her locate you. Also… um… Taki of 'ASK'"

Yuki looked at Hikaru seriously since Yuki knew what that guy did to Shuichi before, that made him so angry he nearly killed one of the band members of ASK. He looked consciously hoping Hikaru won't say he did to Shuichi what he did before.

"Well, I'm sure you know that event well Yuki-san. Taki of ASK was still jealous of Shuichi-kun and, well even without meeting you. Shuichi-kun still got raped. But this time Hiro was the one who almost killed someone for Shuichi. Everything you've ever done for Shuichi, the way you made him happy… was all gone, and he found new happiness in Hiro…"

Hikaru said everything to be said and looked at Yuki's painful expression. He felt sorry and wanted to help. But like he said he was just here to grant the last wish he heard on his star.

"It's a lie! Get the barrier out he might remember me!"

"Yuki-san it's no use… he won't remember you even if you force him to…"

"Just do it!"

"Fine have it your way Yuki-san…"

Hikaru took Yuki outside and instructed him to wait for Shuichi t come out of the recording room cause it would be to awkward if they found him in the recording room and would wonder how he got there. Hikaru snapped his fingers and the barrier was gone. Yuki took off his wig and his shades and gave them to Hikaru said he had something to do for a while.

It was already about 3:45 in the noon and Shuichi and the other members were coming out of the recoding room. Not long that everyone was gone. Shuichi was going home with Hiro, but Hiro told him to wait while he went to get his motorbike.

Shuichi was alone in the main hall of the N-G building. Yuki came out from behind him and tapped Shuichi on the shoulder that made Shuichi scream out like a girl.

"Wha don't sneak up on me like that?!…"


"Wow are you a foreigner mister?"

"Hmm… no… I'm Eiri Yuki do you know me?"

"Eiri Yuki?… um… I'm sorry I don't really know who you are…"

Yuki looked down disappointed and looked up again at Shuichi whose face was now inches away from Yuki's. Shuichi stepped back and looked at him from various angles.

"Hmm…I've felt like I know you…"

"Shuichi I'm…"

'Shit what do I say? I can't say I'm his former lover… His never met me… I can't tell him about Hikaru he'll think I'm crazy… I'm in deep shit…'

"Shu-Chan! Let's go!"

"OKAY! Hey I'll see you around Ok mister… I have to go my lover's waiting for me!"

'Lover?!' "Shuichi!… Shuichi"

Shuichi rode off with Hiro waving goodbye to Yuki. Yuki tried to catch them but he couldn't.

"Hey Shu-Chan… Do you know him?"

"No… But I feel like I do… Oh well…"

Yuki fell on his knees and bowed down. Yuki's eyes ad tears falling from them. Hikaru came back wearing Yuki's wig and holding his shades and snapped his fingers and they were back at Yuki's apartment. Hikaru attempted to pat Yuki's back. When Yuki suddenly bolted up and grabbed Hikaru by the neckline of his shirt again.


Yuki bellowed. BUT Hikaru suddenly turned into smoke and vanished from Yuki's grasp.

"I'm sorry… once I grant a wish… there is no turning back… when you made that wish Yuki-san you meant it…"

Yuki fell heavily on his knees and hands. This time his tears fell heavily he was crying and sobbing why did he have to make that stupid wish?!

"please… take me back… I-I'm lost without Shuichi… out of everyone I ever knew… Shuichi was the only one who loved me truly… he said he'd die for me… when I was lost in darkness… he was my light… even though he was a brat and annoyed me… I always want him beside me… I-I never got the chance… I never got the chance to tell him… that I LOVE him… that I would die for him… that he was the happiest thing that happened in my worthless life… Shuichi… I never should've made that stupid wish!"

"Yuki… what's wrong?"

A familiar soft voice he suddenly heard and he looked up. He saw Shuichi's image it was like a hologram the image was faint but the warmth that drew out from it was real.


"Congratulations… Yuki-san"

Hikaru said coming out from behind Shuichi's image smiling happily. He kneeled don and sat Yuki up who was still in tears, he then handed something that shined brightly and felt so warm.

"Well you seemed to have found a way to refuse the wish… So now I'll give you another chance to make another wish… oh and be careful what you wish for it might come true… goodbye Yuki-san it was fun hanging out with you… now close your eyes…"

Yuki closed his eyes hoping that everything would go back.

"Yuki, look a shooting star…" Shuichi said pointing at the bright light.

"Huh?… What?"

"Make a wish Yuki… I wish that I'll have a date with Yuki… Yuki and I on a seaside restaurant… and we'd walk by the beach and watch the sunset and when night falls… we'll watch the stars together…and we'll stay together forever… What do you wish for Yuki?"

'I'm back… to where I made the wish… Shuichi… he's still here'

Yuki then started to laugh and kissed Shuichi on the forehead over and over.

"Yuki?… what's wrong with you?"

"Shu-Chan… I don't wish for anything… As long as your here beside me… Everything is simply perfect… I love you Shu-Chan…"

"Yuki… I LOVE YOU!"

Shuichi shouted kissing Yuki all over his face and Yuki welcoming each kiss and returning them when Shuichi was done kissing him.


"Hmmm? What is it Yuki?"

"Tomorrow… Let's go out…"

"But what about your work…"

"I won't work tomorrow, I want to spend tomorrow… with you Shu-Chan…"

"Oh… Yuki…"

Then they drifted into sleep.

End Of Chapter…