This is my first fic I've posted up, however its not my first CSI one. Started a Miami one thats kinda come to a halt :( This first chapter is quite short but it is really just an intro. Anyway! I hope for a first post this is okay! Been obsessed with all 3 CSIs for ages now and thought I just had to have a go! Enjoy! :D

It was January in New York. The Christmas period was definitely over and everyone in the New York Crime Lab building were well and truly back to working hard. Two women stood in an elevator. One younger than the other, who had shoulder length, dark brown, wavy hair gave a sigh.

"What's up Aiden?" the older women asked, pulling her tight curls back in one sweep over the top of her head. Aiden shook her head and smiled a bitter smile.

"I just can't get over court yesterday, I mean Sanchez still denies burning down his brother's store despite us having all that evidence pointing to him. I hope he goes down for a long time." She folded her arms over her slender body and leaned against the rail. Just then they arrived at their floor and with a ding the doors slid open.

"Ah Stella! Just the woman I was looking for." A man stood in a dark grey suit with a cheery smile on his face and his arms spread. His name was Don Flack. He was a tall man with short, almost black hair. He was also a detective with the NYPD. He had a pen in this left hand as usual. It seemed to be there permanently and Aiden had a funny feeling he may have even glued it there just to make sure. "Morning to you too Aiden." Flack continued. "Good news for you both. The Sanchez jury were called to court early this morning because they came to a decision last night." Stella glanced round at Aiden and then back to Flack.


"Oh, and they found him guilty as charged."

"YES!" cried Aiden "You are good for something Flack! And here I was thinking your only talent was salting the sidewalk outside the building."

Flack glared at Aiden as she practically skipped down the corridor.

"Hey, if I hadn't have done it no one would have n you puny CSIs would have been slippin' all over the street!"

Danny Messer glanced at his stainless steel watch. It read almost ten to nine. He knew he should have gotten on the earlier train but he just didn't want to get out of his nice warm bed, where he was snuggled next to his nice warm girlfriend. Then the shower was too hot and steamy for him to want to get out onto the cold tiled floor. The thought of having to get on the subway yet again and have to get to the office through the snow was all too much as he sipped at a hot cup of coffee. Danny snapped back to reality as the train doors on front of him flew apart and he realised he was at his stop. Climbing the stairs up onto the street he was greeted by a light but rather cold breeze. Danny hitched his collar up higher and weaved briskly in and out of his fellow pedestrians.

Two blocks away and 35 floors up, Mac Taylor had just sat down at his desk to open his mail. He hadn't been required to attend any crime scenes since he got in at 8-am. Not yet anyway. It was still rather early in the morning. But so far it seemed it had been a fairly quiet night, for New York at least. He glanced over the top of an letter to see a jubilant looking Aiden waving at him through the front glass wall of his office. Not far behind was Stella, rolling her eyes with a smile as she made eye contact with Mac. He was her superior but Mac regarded Stella's opinion and skill very highly and always involved her to as a high a level as possible.

"What are you so happy about?" Mac asked as Aiden opened his door. She grinned at his bemused look.

"Not only is Michael Sanchez going to jail for quite a while, its started snowing again!"

The snowfall had turned to a blizzard by the time dispatch paged Mac with their first case of the day. A rich Wall Street worker had been found dead in Central Park with no obvious cause of death.

"Aiden, me and you on this one." he said standing in the doorway of the break room. Danny had arrived finally and sat on a sofa pouring over paperwork.

"Good I got this to finish, I'll hang out with Stella and we can take the next one." Danny said as Stella smiled over a cup at him. Aiden was on her feet almost in an instant. She liked being Danny's unofficial partner but working with Mac was great. She loved observing him work and she always learned something new on cases with him.

"See you guys later then." she said and Mac led the way out.

It wasn't long before Stella reappeared in the break room. She pulled her coat on as she put her kit case on the floor.

"Don't tell me we got somethin'?" Danny gave a sigh and thumped his empty mug down on the work surface next to the coffee machine. Stella gave him a sympathetic smile. She knew all too well what it was like to just settle down for a break only to be told she had work to do. But that was just the way their job was and Danny headed to collect his own kit.

"Sounds like a messy one this time." Stella muttered as they stood in the lift. "3 young girls, murdered in their apartment. Flack is on his way there to take over from patrol." Stella glanced at her watch. 10.35. Not to bad a time to be starting the days work. Danny pushed his glasses up his nose a little and heaved a sigh. There was no getting used to hearing that the lives of young people had been taken, but for the most part he had learned to switch off and leave his emotions at home. The two CSIs soon reached the parking lot under the building and were on their way to the crime scene.