I must apologies profusely for taking so damn long! This chapter was positively satanic to finish! Was an awful place for me to get severe block with Danny's fate hanging in the balance! Anyway, this is it. I've ended on a rather epic chapter I must say...
So as always...ENJOY!
His sleep was being disturbed. Dreams being interrupted more and more often by the sounds of voices and this time by warm air being pumped into him without his permission, making his chest feel tight. He tried to breathe on his own but couldn't, his lungs were burning now. He retched, there was something blocking his throat. He might have thrown up if there was anything in his stomach. He wanted to reach up and pull whatever it was out, but he couldn't move his arms or call out for help. Lights began flashing behind his eyes.
"Just leave me to sleep." he thought. "Let me go...please..." The commotion finally stopped. But the silence and dark was much worse this time, he felt incredibly alone and cold. Like he was being dragged down through the murky depths of a cold, jet-black ocean.
"No, I've changed my mind, pull me back." There was pain in the light but he needed it. It was where he belonged.
Sparks flew through every inch of his body, but the warmth withdrew as quickly had it had come. Dull, far of voices, speaking hurriedly. He couldn't make out what they were saying.
"Clear!" He heard. A man's voice stuck out this time, much closer, like he was yelling in his ear. More sparks, much stronger this time. They ignited his very core and fresh, cool air rushed into his lungs.
A repetitive bleep. Then another voice. Not a new one. One he recognised. And wanted to hear again. But only if it didn't sound so distraught. He didn't like hearing her upset.
"Is he gone?! Please tell me he's not gone..."
"Miss, you can't be here. Can you take her out?"
"No, don't take her away from me. Let me hear her again, let me feel her again."
"Wake up..."
"Open your eyes, Danny."
"Open your eyes or I drop the wet dog on you." Danny jumped awake. Ellie was standing over him, Indy in her arms, his fur slicked down.
"Awright, awright!" Danny held up his hands in defence.
"What's up? Are you alright?" Ellie asked noticing beads of sweat on Danny's forehead and a distressed look in his sea blue eyes. She put Indy down on the towel she had laid out only to have him scamper all over the room and soak the carpet.
"Ooh, how you doin'? I like you in short shorts." Danny winked. Ellie smiled and rolled her eyes. She sat herself on the edge of Danny's bed and watched helplessly as Indy wreaked havoc in the living room.
"So what's with the cold sweat?" she asked.
"Its stuffy in here is all."
"You are a bad liar Danny." Ellie said, turning to face him
Danny sighed loudly. "I had that dream again. Reliving all the stuff I remember from the coma."
It had been a long nine days before Danny finally regained consciousness. As he opened his eyes fully for the first time since the shooting, Ellie was first in this line of sight. She was a fuzzy outline, but he knew it was her. He reached up and touched her hair, tendrils wrapping around his fingers. Then his mother appeared on the other side, her voice comforting him as it had always done since he was born. He had had a further two surgeries to supplement the emergency operation he received on the night he was shot. Mac decided that once Danny was finally out of hospital - more than a six weeks after he went in - that a few weeks vacation time was in order and wouldn't let him return to work without plenty of rest and time to himself.
"I think I keep having it because I got time to think about it. I need to get back to work." Ellie had turned back to check on Indy. He had jumped onto the sofa and shook himself dry all over it.
"Still, this is amazing. No pager or phones ringing at stupid hours. And you..." He reached up and gripped Ellie's shoulder. She turned and climbed over Danny's legs with the intention of straddling his lower torso, but Danny gave a groan.
"Ow, careful! That still hurts, y'know."
"You weren't saying that yesterday morning!"
"Yeah, that was before I ran out of the painkillers the doctor gave me." Danny said with a laugh. Ellie ran a finger over the long, still stitched scar on his side before she leaned over him on all fours and kissed him softly on he lips. Danny grinned his lopsided grin, that made Ellie just melt on the spot.
"Okay, time to get up lazy bones! We gotta get ready for this party, its 5 already!" she said ruffling his messy, mousy hair.
"Seriously?!" Danny asked, a look of disbelief on his face.
"Seriously." Ellie repeated, getting up to go find her ever elusive mascara. "I only have to put on my make up and dress, then I'm ready. So move your ass."
Danny hoisted himself off of the bed. "You wanna, uh...join me in the shower?"
Ellie turned to him with a smirk. "As tempting as that sounds, I've already washed my hair, sorry." She stuck her tongue out as Danny pouted and hobbled to the bathroom.
"I'll have some pain killers waiting for you when you get out!"
"Hurry up Messer! We're going to be late!" Danny was busy sticking a fresh dressing over his scar. The stitches were coming out in a few days but he wasn't taking any risks, especially with a night out on the cards. "Come on!" Ellie shouted. For a small person, she couldn't half make a lot of noise when she wanted to.
"Okay, Flack I'll only be...!" Danny paused. "Wait." he said to himself in an undertone. "That sounds so wrong."
"What sounds so wrong?" Ellie stuck her head around the half open door.
"Calling you Flack." Danny scrunched up his face. "You're way too cute for that."
"Aw, I'm glad you think so. But...sweetness aside, and as much as I love your chest, please get a shirt on. Mac called and said he's on his way."
Danny grinned and tensed his muscles.
"Enough!" Ellie said and wandered back into the living room. He spotted two white pills and a glass of water on his bedside cabinet. He smiled as he swallowed them down. He wondered what had he done to deserve someone willing to take care of him when he needed the help most. Ellie had practically moved in with him whilst he recovered fully at home. Even now, when he was much better, she hadn't left. And he liked it that way. Indy seemed to like it too. As Danny ran a little wax through his hair, he heard the door buzzer go. He listened as he heard Ellie's heels click across the wooden floor.
"Hello?" she said, pressing the silver answer button.
Adam's voice rang out over the intercom. "Move your asses! Mac's waiting in the car! He's not too happy about being double parked!"
"Yeah come on! I need a drink!"
"Sheldon?!" Ellie asked with a laugh. He wasn't the type for getting wasted. Or so she thought. "You really are a bit of a dark horse."
"Well, it is Flack's 30th! I'll have to have maybe a few...hundred or so!"
Ellie giggled. "Okay, we'll be down in a second when Danny's finished dolling himself up."
"Hey!" Ellie heard from the bedroom and let the intercom button go.
Danny took one last quick look in the mirror and pushed his glasses up his nose a little. He'd gained a small scar on his cheekbone from one of Jackie's many gold rings. He noticed it every time he looked at himself, but he thought it would serve as a good reminder that he was a survivor. He ran his hand through his hair once more, adjusted his black belt and headed for the door.
"Boom!" Danny said as his gaze travelled the length of Ellie. She stood near the door, one hand on her hip. Under her other arm was a broad purple box that nestled perfectly in the curve of her waist. That waist and the rest of her body was wrapped tightly into a bright teal satin pencil dress that reached her knees. It had two thick straps, a low neckline and her shoes and jewellery were all black.
"Right back at ya." Ellie said, taking Danny in. He was in a perfectly pressed, black suit and a crisp, white shirt with the top few buttons undone. "You do scrub up well." She added, beckoning him from the bedroom door frame where he had come to halt. "You look very pretty. Seems the wait was worth it after all." Ellie said with a grin as Danny rubbed noses with her.
"You look very pretty too." he replied and placed a kiss on her cheek. He really had to stop doing that. Ellie's face was starting to hurt with all the grinning she was doing. Danny released his grip around her waist and picked up a small gift wrapped box from the kitchen dresser along with his keys.
"What did you get him?" Danny asked as they walked down the stairs. There was a beautiful, satin bow in a darker shade of purple around the flat box Ellie was carrying.
"New pin striped shirt and a nice blue tie. It'll make up for the one that got wrecked when he decided to take my place. And the tie that you bled on." She smiled and squeezed his arm.
They had reached the main door and Danny held it open. "That was a nice thought." he said, thinking his solid silver pen suddenly seemed over the top and silly. After surviving a shooting and lying in a hospital bed for over a month, he realised the simple things in life were what mattered. Friends, family and just living life how you wanted. Danny had stopped restraining himself from eating chinese when the notion took him and started reading books again. He began to make an effort to enjoy himself as much as possible. Along with this he was honest and open with Ellie and everyone else he cared for. Life was too short to let her get away.
As they stepped outside and onto the grey sidewalk they were greeted by a warm breeze. Hawkes and Adam stood, both dressed to the nines, and gave a cheer as Ellie and Danny finally made it.
"This way!" Adam said. "Mac managed to get a space a little down the road." Ellie had parted from Danny and went to greet the two men. He watched as Hawkes kissed her on the cheek and told her how lovely she looked. Ellie moved on to Adam, who seemed unsure of just how exactly to greet her. He moved awkwardly before deciding on a hug, making Ellie giggle. White blossoms fell like snow around them and Danny hung back, walking slowly and watching. They were excitedly discussing the party and the gifts they had bought for Don. It amazed Danny how well Ellie fit into his life and how great that felt. Like finally finishing a jigsaw puzzle after finding the missing piece in the place you'd least expect.
Mac had gotten out of the car and stood smiling at the back door. He pulled it open as Ellie and Hawkes approached.
"Man, how did you get a girl like Ellie? I mean, she's actually...nice." Adam laughed.
Danny raised an eyebrow at Adam.
"I'm joking, dude!" Adam replied as he thought he saw Danny go to punch him on the arm.
"I really am lucky to have her. I don't know what I've done to deserve her looking after me."
"Well we're all lucky to have you. I thought you were checking out on us."
"Don't worry Adam." Danny put his arm around Adam's shoulders, before looking up at Ellie who was smiling back at him. "I ain't going anywhere."
Ellie sat in the stand in a vast courtroom. The dark wooden panels surrounding her seemed to close in on her as she felt all eyes on her. A sudden wave of nausea threatened to overcome her as she looked over at the young woman, sitting behind a large desk, accompanied by a stern looking, older woman. Ellie was here to testify against the pale, drained looking girl. That girl was Frankie. Tears prickled at the edge of Ellie's eyes as the prosecutor began to speak to the jury. But as much as it pained her to give what little evidence she could remember, it had to be done. A glance beyond the young man addressing the 12 people who would decide Frankie's fate and Ellie could see Don and Mac sitting the public gallery. Her brother had convinced her to say her piece, she could explain it how she liked, but he said it was her duty to come forward with what she knew whether it helped Frankie's cause or not.
"Now, Miss Flack. You were present the morning of the murder of Crystal Kelly, is that correct?"
Ellie swallowed hard. "It is."
"In you're statement you said that you found Francis Montgomery with the bodies of Miss Kelly and another young woman, later identified as Karen Rossilini. Her death being found to be an accident caused by Miss Kelly herself. Can you detail what you remember after that to the court..."
Ellie started as she felt a hand on her back.
"What are you doing out here all alone?" Carmella's strange New Jersey, yet still very Italian accent rang out in the still evening air. Ellie was on the balcony of the building, and had been staring out across the Hudson as the setting sun danced deep red flames across its grey, flowing waters. Ellie turned and smiled and leant her head against her mother's.
"Just needed some air...ended up getting distracted by the sunset and my thoughts."
"Well don't be doing too much thinking, that young man of yours will be getting lonely."
"I doubt that very much Ma, he's had several drinks already. Though I'd say its allowed, his first night out since he's been out of hospital." Ellie giggled, recalling the sheer look of satisfaction on Danny's face as he took his first sip of bourbon on the rocks.
"Drunk or not, he hasn't taken his eyes off you all night."
Ellie could feel her cheeks turning pink and her mother grasped her hand. "I'm going inside, I think I'll try organise the cake before everyone gets too worse for wear!"
Ellie leant back against the black railing of the balcony. It was still holding onto the warmth of the day as the sun finally sank beneath the horizon. She looked through the glass of the french doors and into the party. Every face had a smile. She was only a little surprised to see Stella place her hand over Mac's as she whispered something in his ear. At the next table Aiden had joined the rest of the CSIs. She was talking animatedly and appeared to be telling a story about Don as he was blushing profusely. Further round and Ellie spotted her dad. He was busy entertaining little Molly with his infamous magic tricks that only worked on kids. Beside him, Carmine and Joel were laughing. This night couldn't be more perfect for Don. Or Ellie for that matter. She gazed up at the first few stars appearing in the lilac sky and before she knew it, Don was at her side.
"Jesus Donnie! You scared me!" she cried clutching her chest.
"Oh, I'm sorry. You okay?"
"Yeah, just contemplating...things."
"Things?" Don raised an eyebrow. "What kinda things exactly?" Don leant on the railing as well, the ice in his honey-coloured drink clinking against the glass.
"Frankie and Crystal things. One of my best friends is going to jail because she drugged me and she helped protect a murderer. I still can't get my head round it."
"Yeah, its still totally crazy for me and I deal with this kinda shit everyday. I guess it was because two of the people I care about most in the world were nearly taken from me within the space of like a week." Don sighed deeply. "Yet I don't know if I'd change much of it. It reinforced several relationships and threw a lot into perspective."
"Yeah, in a strange way, I'm glad it happened. I would have never admitted that I had a huge crush on Danny."
"You and Danny would have happened anyway. And as weird as my best friend and my sister getting together is, you two are clearly meant to be." Don smiled as he saw that Danny had managed to coax Adam into taking a shot of a dark liquor of some kind. Ellie spotted this too and the siblings shared a laugh as Adam winced and stuck his tongue out. "Man, Danny is pretty wasted already."
"You're getting there yourself." Ellie grinned and pulled her slightly inebriated brother into a hug.
"I am not!" he replied.
"You always do this when you're drunk - deny it like its a bad thing."
Don shrugged. "As a cop I have to be a fine upstanding member of the communrity."
"Okay! I'm drunk and I love it! Do you know how little I get to do this these days?! Once Vitale has gone down - I am taking a vacation."
Ellie's insides still turned to ice at mention of Johnny Vitale or any of his crew. She was also having to give evidence in court at Jackie and Christopher's abduction and attempted murder trials. Don read her like a book and took hold of the nape of her neck.
"You'll do fine, I promise. They can't hurt you while me and Danny are around."
Ellie smiled and nodded. "I know."
"Anyway, back in there with you missy! I hear its some dude's birthday and by the looks of things, its cake time!"
Ellie grinned and shook her head as she watched Don stumble over the threshold before following him inside.
The End.
Thank you so much to everyone who stuck with me and read to the end, its meant a lot to me. I feel all accomplished now as this is my first totally complete fanfic! And it shouldn't be too long til I'm up and running with another story! :D