Whoo! Yeah Im surly on a roll wit dis one.
Disclamier: Owe nutihng
Will couldn't get over the fact that not only did she walked in on Taranee and Alchemy fucking, but the fact she couldn't shake the feeling she had for Taranee.
The night she saw them together she spent almost the whole night crying and trying to think of a logical way to keep hope in having a chance. None came up but one.
She was gonna take Cornelia advice and tell Taranee face to face. And that was exactly what she was gonna do when she arrived at school.
Will was practically stomping all the way to school. She had this aura around her that she was gonna kill and she might have to if her plan don't work. She entered the gates of Sheffield Institute, bumping into other students, they immediately step back when they saw that Will's eyes looked killer.
She approached her group of friends Taranee amongst them. She was quietly reading a book before Will literally pulled her up by her wrist and drags her off somewhere private. The other girls were left wondering except Cornelia who was half confused.
After securing the area from any bystanders Will finally let go of Taranee who tended to her wrist. "Damn Will think you jacked up my wrist."
"Why?" Will started.
"Hmm? Whats that?" Taranee lean forward to hear more clearer.
"Why?! Why?! Why Taranee? How could you do this to me?!" Will screamed causing Taranee to step back.
"What? What the hell are you talking about?"
"What am I talking about? How about the fact you were fucking Alchemy a day after you Fucked me!" Taranee stood there, her mouth gaping. Will looked more furiously then she did earlier.
"How you know?" Will mouth drop surprised at that statement.
"Are you kidding me? I walked in on you two! And you look like weren't holding back either!" Taranee looked around to check if no one was around or the other girls.
"Ok, so what if I fucked Alchemy, it's not like we're together. We broke up remember, and if memory serves we never got back together." Taranee folded her arms waiting for Will to respond.
"Then why did you fucked me when it never meant anything to you? Did you even think that I might want to get back together that day? And when we fucked I thought we did." Taranee breathed in. She couldn't really tell Will that she technically intoxicated that day. Taranee sighed. "Fine, do you really want to know why I fucked you that day?" Will nodded.
Taranee bit down on her lower lip. She took in a sharp breath and opened her mouth. "The reason why was that early that day I met up with a friend who was originally friends with Telly and she hooked me up with some dubs and we hotbox and then I came to you."
Will stared at Taranee not knowing what she said. "What?"
Taranee sigh, she knew she wouldn't understand. "In short I was high and I was told when I was ripped out of my skull I tend to show off some feeling and when we fucked, it was something I wanted to with you when we started out. I thought I had dreamt it all but when I awoke next to you I kinda freaked and ran." Taranee lowered her head down feeling guilty.
"Telly's been showing me a way to either forget about you or couldn't." Will's anger was lifted just a smidge.
"Then care to explain why Alchemy? Were you high and wanted as well" Taranee knew that was coming.
"No, she did not me. That day, yesterday I was waiting for you to try to talk about what happen, but you didn't show up on time and Alchemy got to me first. She told me she was curious about the whole thing and wanted to see for her self. So I thought it wouldn't hurt and went with it. And…"
"Stop." Will stopped Taranee in mid sentence. "I don't want to hear anymore." Will step forward, she brought her hand up to Taranee's face. Taranee thought that Will gonna slap her so she flinches.
"Just tell me one thing, all that bull shit to told her means nothing and I'm your only world."
"Definitely, I still love you Will even after we split, even when I was with Telly." Will lean up and places a kiss on the corner of Taranee's lips. Taranee pulled Will closer making their kiss more intense.
Will wrapped her arms around Taranee not wanting to let go, cause if she did Taranee might disappear again.
hOOOO Weeeeh! hella cussing man.
More to come hope fully