The Daughter of Black
Chapter 6: Number Four, Privet Drive
I walked down the street of finely manicured lawns and houses that all looked the same. The neighborhood was extremely quiet, the kind of quiet that could only be achieved in a suburb. The heat of the late afternoon sun beat onto my light, easily burned like a white piece of bread in the toaster oven turned to its highest setting. I sauntered down the drive and I was not unnoticed. I saw many curtains twitch with curious spectators from their houses as I proceeded.
My outfit wasn't exactly inconspicuous. It screamed American like most of my fashions seem to do. I wore a frayed jean mini skirt, navy blue halter top, and a white pair of flip flops. My hair was pulled up into a bun held with my wand and a stylish chopstick – that was the same shade as my wand – with black curls spilling over. I finally made it to the house I was looking for, number four on Privet Drive.
I hesitantly walked up their short driveway and up to their steps. It's time I've met there Dursleys treating Harry like he is nothing when he is a great wizard and man all the same. I knocked softly on the door and heard someone yell from within, "Boy! Get the door!" Virtually screaming at the only boy I wanted to see at this household. "What is taking you so long?!" The man complained inside and I could picture a big round face turning a tomato red to go along with those angry words and forced myself to hold in my giggles.
"Petunia, get the door. Boy, your going to regret not doing as you're told." The man grumbled and then a rather thin woman with a face that looks like she has been sucking on a very, very sour lemon opened the door. "Hello, does a Harry Potter live here?" I asked politely and the woman looked me over and frowned deeply. "There is no one by that name here." She said and I looked at her skeptically. She looked flustered, "Have you met my son, Dudley, he is rather handsome." She said and I gave her a slow smile. Evidently I look normal, it must be the clothes, and I've never been one for a cloak. Maybe if I was she would not try to force me on her muggle son.
"This is the Dursley residence isn't it?" I asked and she began, "It is, but –" I smiled, "Then Harry does live here; may I see him, please, so perhaps he and I can leave. He will not burden you for the rest of this summer." I said with attitude dripping from every word.
"What's going on?" A gruff voice asked and the round face of what could only be Harry's terrible uncle came into my view. "Sir, I just wish to see Harry. Maybe he will leave early with me and will not burden you for the rest of the summer." I said sweetly. He looked angry and hollered, "Boy!"
Finally, Harry's slim underfed form came quickly down the stairs. "Yes?" He asked contemptuously. "It seems you have a visitor." The red faced man said to his nephew and Harry looked surprised and I smiled and waved from the doorway. He stepped around his pretentious and rude aunt and uncle and came on the steps with me.
We walked down the drive and then I enfolded him in a warm hug. "I'm sorry you have to deal with that every single day. That really sucks." I said and he chuckled. "How was the Malfoys for three weeks?" He asked as we pulled apart. I laughed hysterically and then stopped, "It was torture, pure torture." I said darkly and he chuckled. "I wouldn't know what I'd do if I was stuck with Draco, that long in the same house never mind the whole lot of 'em."
"They wouldn't even let me send letters. I was completely isolated from the outside world for three weeks. I was going crazy the first week alone." I groaned and then added, "Then Damon Marvol kissed me." I said that last part rather quickly and Harry stopped altogether and looked at me. "Damon Marvol, the Quidditch captain for Slytherin? You snogged a Slytherin?" Harry said with utter disgust.
"Listen to yourself. Accusing before you even let me tell you exactly what happened." I said tilting my chin in the stereotypical regal fashion. Harry rolled his eyes. "Tell me then." He said in a quizzical tone.
I let out a gusty sigh and began, "well, you must understand I have become very attached to my other form." Harry nodded in understanding. "I was restricted from running for a week and it was already driving me crazy. I simply went outside to escape my gloomy room and sat outside staring at the woods that I could not enjoy. I was about to leap up and head into the forest when Damon stopped me." Harry looked at me expectantly when I paused urging me to continue as we walked down the darkening street. It was now dusk.
"He knows what I am." I said quietly and Harry spoke up angrily and very loudly might I add, "You told him you were an animagus!" I sighed and then started again. "No, he knew already, God only knows how, but you could have said that a little louder I don't think every magical being in Britain heard you." He glared at me for a moment and I just continued. "Well I covered his mouth from voicing what I was like you just did and then we were close enough to kiss. Draco accused me of trying something – like I would – and then Damon told him off. But when I stood up away from him he pulled me back down and before I knew it he was kissing me." I said and the thought of it gave me a shiver, but wasn't of lust or passion it was one of distaste of the memory.
"I spent the last couple weeks trying to avoid him. He was staying in the same house. He caught me a couple times and each time he looked at me made me shiver, made me immobile, and he somehow stole a kiss each time. They weren't enjoyed on my end, it's like he has a hold over people, like he could control them with a glance alone. It's really creepy, Harry." I said and Harry stopped once more.
"That's really strange." He said and I offered him a weak smile. "Well at least I was allowed to get away under the pretense of seeing my aunt and uncle. Which, I did, but didn't mention they were taking me to you." He smiled. "Well, Harry, are you packed and ready for the Weasleys to come for us?" I asked and he smiled. "Not quite." He said and I smiled, "Could I help?" I asked smiling; knowing the anger from the Dursleys from the mere presence of me would disturb them. "Sure." He said and unexpectedly and with much fervor I grabbed his hand full on running, dragging him clumsily with me struggling to keep up even though he is almost a foot taller than me, back to the Dursleys house.
"After you," I said and then he turned the doorknob and I walked in after him. "Boy! Where were you?!" The purpled faced man asked. He had anger built up for no reason toward Harry. Then he saw me and refrained from yelling any further. "I'm sorry sir for keeping him out." I said sweetly, looking up at him with innocent eyes. "I just missed Harry so much since we've last seen each other. Would it be a problem if I helped him pack his things? A friend will be here in no time to retrieve us; I assure I will not be a burden, sir." I said so innocently it was making me nauseous.
To Harry's surprise the portly man nodded dumbly staring at me then at him trying to make some connection between us but saw none. Harry ran up the stairs and into a small room. I looked around and sighed. Things were everywhere. "You've got to be kidding me." I said looking at him raising an eyebrow. "Have you ever heard of keeping your things together so they are easier to pack?" Harry just smiled. I rolled my eyes.
We both grabbed handfuls of the little things he has all scattered everywhere. Soon his trunk was packed to the brim. I sat on it to shove it closed and Harry lightly tapped it with his wand to lock it. "Next time at least try to keep you things together." I said aggravated and he just laughed at me. We exited his room and I accidentally bumped into a tall, chubby, ugly, – and by the looks of it – arrogant muggle kid; which could only be the infamous Dudley. "What do we have here?" The boy asked, raking his eyes over my body with unconcealed lust. Pig.
"Your worst nightmare." I said and Harry smiled as we made it down the steps. "Mr. Weasley should be here any moment to take us back to the Burrow." I said and Harry perked up at that idea. Then right on cue the doorbell rang, although, not without being jabbed several times in impatience.
A/N: Hello fair readers. Sorry for the wait, I can't really give you an excuse so I will make up for my lack of writing by starting the next chapter as soon as this is posted and perhaps after I receive some reviews. What do you guys think of Damon, what's up with him? Any theories? I would love to read them if you have them. Perhaps someone will figure it out before the big reveal. I wonder what you'll come up with.
Okay, here's the plan if your theory of what gives Damon so much power is right I will dedicate the chapter that everything unfolds to you and any of my other fans that guess correctly. Deal? Review! REview! REView! REVIew! REVIEw! REVIEW!
love you all.