As I lay in the guest room of an unfamiliar house, wishing I were in the room across the hall, I let the day's events pass through my already jumbled mind.
I had been minding my own business. I was in my room, reading a book, thinking about everything but how a proper lady was supposed to behave (which was what the subject of the book was). All of a sudden, my older sister barged in, her black hair in a mess. To me, it seemed she had run her fingers through it one too many times.
"Andromeda, what do you think you're doing?" Bellatrix screeched, using my full name for the third time in my whole life.
Raising my eyebrows, I answered, "Reading…?"
"Not that!" She crossed the room, grabbing my book (losing my page, I might add) and she tossed it onto the bed. "Where did you go last night?"
Although my stomach was now at my ankles, my face remained in a confused expression. "You saw me, I was in the library."
With a irritated sigh, Bella crossed her arms, "I saw you sneaking out, is what I saw, Andy! Where did you go?"
"Oh… you know. I just went to see some of my school friends. I did not think Mother and Father would've approved so I snuck out," I said, hoping beyond hope that she did not notice the falter in my words.
"Right," Bellatrix said, her voice full of malice, "you met your pureblood friends in Muggle London."
I knew my sister saw all the blood drain from my face. I knew she knew exactly who I was with last night. I knew what was coming next would be the moment I would have to choose. This choice was one I wished I did not have to make, but one that was, without a doubt, inevitable.
"End it now, Andromeda," she said (fourth time, I noted), "and I won't tell. Never go near that piece of filth as long as you live and I won't tell Mother and Father."
I stood from my chair, letting my dark purple robes flutter around my feet. I pushed my dark brown hair behind my ear, not caring that my eyes were welling up.
"I can't, Bella," I whisper.
The look on my sister's face, the face I had looked up to when I was younger (when I used to believe), would be etched into my brain forever. From now on, whenever I thought of her, I would see this horrid look.
With a cracking sound, she slapped my cheek and stomped out. As she let the door bang on the wall, I saw Narcissa standing there, her grey eyes wide in horror. Then, also, I understood that she knew what we were talking about.
She shook her head, her veil of white locks falling into her face. Cissy ran out of the doorway, down the hall where Bellatrix ran: towards my parents.
I let the breath fall out of my chest before I ran to the corner of my room. There, I grabbed my backpack; stuffing it with all the clothes I could get my hands on. After grabbing my wand and some Galleons, I scurried out of the room.
As I reached the top of the stairs, my father's study opened, him and the rest of the Black family that lived here behind him. If looks could kill, I would have fall down the steps as a corpse right at that minute. I met his dark eyes for a brief moment, seeing more that hatred in them. When he took a menacing step towards me, I flew down the stairs and out the door. I tried to ignore the purple jinx that hit the wall near my head, but could not.
I Apparated away with a loud bang that reminded me my cheek was stinging; I left them forever.
((A/N: Hey you guys! I hoped you liked this. I'm going to make this a two-shot and the second chapter should be up in a bit. Don't forget to review and look at my other fics!))