When I looked up, I found myself in an old fairground

When I looked up, I found myself in an old fairground. I foolishly realized, a minute too late, that it was morning. I was relieved for only a brief second that no Muggles were around. My head started spinning and I let myself slump onto the ground, my head falling into my hands.

Even though I saw it coming, I hated making the decision. I loved my family but I could not go on living with their choices. I could no longer believe what they believe.

I lifted my head, not taking the time to admire the weird contraptions that surrounded me. I made another choice and stood, Apparating dangerously to a place I'd never been before. I gasped as I Disapparated, realizing that this was a Muggle residence. I silently chastised myself for being so stupid and hoped that the resident Muggles would think it was a… car, as he had said. I took in my surroundings, letting my eyes land on the house in front of me. From what he had described, I realized it was the one I was looking for.

Hesitantly, letting nervousness join my fear, sadness, and shock, I knocked on the wooden door, knowing how odd this would look if I had gotten the wrong home. Annoyingly, I jumped slightly when an older woman opened the door, looking me up and down.

"How may I help you," she asked slowly, her eyes circling my clothes and heavy rucksack before stopping on my anxious face.

"Uh… is this the Tonks residence," I questioned, biting my lip.

"Yes it is…. Do I know you?"

"Well, no you don't but I er… know your son, Ted. I go to his school," I added, my heart lifting when comprehension dawned on her face.

"Oh! You're Andromeda, aren't you? Yes, you're all Ted has been talking about for years," Mrs. Tonks exclaimed, "Come on in!"

My eyes expressed my surprise as she grabbed my upper arm, pulling me into the cozy house (the opposite of mine).

"Thanks," I stuttered before the woman called out.

"Ted! Get down here," Mrs. Tonks yelled up the stairs, towards the upper level.

"What, Mum? I'm kinda busy," a voice said loudly.

As soon as I heard him, my heart fluttered, a pink tinge rising on my cheeks. Even though I had just seen him the night before, it was still much too long.

"Ted, get down here this minute! You have a guest," she added, her tone telling him he would like what was waiting for him.

"Mum, I-"

He stopped as he reached the first step, seeing me at the bottom with his mother. I smiled as his face lit up. He ran down the stairs, stumbling in the middle.

"Andy," Ted Tonks said breathlessly, stopping inches from me when he remembered his mother, "what're you doing here?"

"Well… my family," I started, my eyes darting to Mrs. Tonks, who still stood there, a smile on her face.

"Oh, why don't you come out to the garden," Ted got my drift as he took my hand gently, guiding me to the back of the house.

We sat down on the bench next to a patch of red roses. I looked at my hands for a moment before I quickly attached myself to Ted's side. He let my tears fall onto his blue shirt while he embraced me. Ted rubbed my back soothingly as I cried silently.

"What happened, love?" He asked as I stopped crying, leaving my head on his chest.

"Bella saw my with you last night and she told my parents," I muttered quickly, raising my head but making sure his arms were still holding me safely.

"Ah," he murmured, "and now you're here…. Does that mean…?"

"Yeah… I chose you," I whispered as I stared into his eyes.

He lips swooped down, capturing mine in a passionate kiss. The intensity was almost unbearable but I soaked it in.

While his lips moved against mine, I knew I had made the right choice.

((A/N: I guess I could add more to this if I really wanted to…. If I get enough reviews I will. wink wink, nudge nudge))