Draco Malfoy made sure she was always on his right side. His pale hand would encase her small left hand. He knew he could not prevent her from being curious or from looking, but he would rather delay the shame.
"Draco," she whispers one day, knowing this is a delicate situation.
He stops walking with a sigh, closing his eyes before turning to her. She lets her soft hand trail down his left forearm, which is covered in a long-sleeved shirt, despite the warm weather. The woman in front of him stares into his gray eyes before pushing up his cotton shirt without looking down.
"If you could, would you?" She asks, her voice still quiet, her fingers making him gasp silently as they stroked the damaged area.
"Yes," he says clearly, pulling his arm back by an inch.
As quick as lightning, her petite hand snatched his and winds it around her waist. Her left arm found its way around his neck. As her lips reached his, his arms relaxed as they drew her closer.
((A/N: I got the idea as I read a fic and they mentioned the mark and this came to my mind. I quickly stopped reading and got to writing. The girl is Astoria Greengrass, Malfoy's wife. Astoria or Asteria?))