

Ginny looked up from her plate to see Harry Potter fumbling next to her. He had just come down from the dormitories about twenty minutes before when Mrs. Weasley had bombarded him with food. She assumed Ron, Hermione, and Harry had not had much to eat while on their hunt since the three were shoving it down their throats like… Ron.

It was obvious he was nervous since he was looking everywhere but at the mob of redheads before him. He knew, like she did, that everyone at the table was watching him, wondering what he had to say.

"Yes, Harry?"

"Can I er… talk to you for a minute," he started, finally looking at her face.

"Sure," Ginny nodded, getting up from the table, ignoring the slightly movement in Ron's direction.

Knowing most of the room was following them with their eyes, the two walked outside onto the grounds. Ginny noted the fact that the sky was a bright blue, the sun sparkling off the water's edge.

While stepping over the leftover rubble, Ginny noticed how Harry kept shooting her furtive glances when he thought she was not looking. She thought it was cute how anxious he looked but was as equally eager to know what he wanted to talk about. Once they reached an unscathed tree near the lake, the two stopped.

"Ginny… I uh… I understand if you don't want… well," Harry broke off, his hand running through his hair as he blew out a breath.

"What is it, Harry?"

Then, The Boy Who Lived looked her in the eyes.

"Do you want to know what I was thinking about right before Voldemort killed me?"

Ginny's breath caught in her throat. This was the last question she had expected for him to ask. Everyone was not clear on the happenings of the last year (and of Harry's death) and expected an explanation, but Ginny did not think the topic would come up this soon.


Harry motioned for her to sit at the base of the tree and followed suit when she did. After staring at the grass for a moment, Harry reached his hand out before pulling it back abruptly. Ginny snatched his hand in hers quickly, knowing what he meant to do.


His frankness startled her again as her head popped up, her brown eyes catching his green ones.


"I was thinking about you and your lips on mine. Those were my… last thoughts," Harry all but whispered.

Once again, his eyes averted away from hers, apparently not sure what her reaction was going to be. Ginny reached out her empty hand, cupping his face in it. When he looked up, she covered his mouth in hers.

"Is that what you were thinking about," Ginny asked after she pulled back a few centimeters.

Instead of an answer, he kissed her again, his thoughts straying to his birthday now.

((A/N: I probably could have done a better job… but I've tried to write this scene a few time…. I always knew I wanted Harry to tell Ginny about this as soon as it happened (well, once I figured out he was going to live) and the same with Ron, Hermione, and the locket event… I might do that next.))