"Andy, you know this is very hypocritical of you, right

"Andy, you know this is very hypocritical of you, right?"

Andromeda Tonks turned sharply to her husband as they sat in bed.

"How so," she asked, outraged.

All the answer she got was raised eyebrows.

She sighed, figuring it out. Yes, she knew she had reacted rudely towards her daughter's news, but what mother did not want the best for her daughter? Though, she could see her husband's point.

"Ted… he's poor," she started feebly.

"I didn't have much money, either… compared to you."

After opening and closing her mouth a few times, Andromeda continued, "The boy's dangerous… oh don't start, I know, I know."

She waved off his words before he even began. Andy closed her eyes for a moment.

"Did you see the way he looked at her?"

"Yeah, I did," Ted placed his hand over his wife's.

"I guess I should apologize tomorrow…."

"It'll be hard, but you should. Dora sure isn't going to come around if you don't. She's got your stubbornness, she does."

After hitting his arm, Andromeda laid down fully, getting relaxed.

"Do you think it's a bad sign that he was friends with Sirius?" She asked, looking up into Ted's face.

"Are you kidding? He kept calling me 'sir'!"