Hi everyone! This is a new story me and my friend are writing together.

We're taking turns writing chapter together So I hope you enjoy!

It was a beautiful Monday morning. The birds were chirping, the trees gently rustling, and the-

" SUKI! GET YOUR ASS UP NOW! WE HAVE 30 MINUTES TO GET TO SCHOOL!" Well…so much for the pleasant morning.


" WELL HURRY THE HELL UP!" The girl named Niodriko yelled at her best friend. She calmly walked down the stairs. She had a smooth caramel complexion and beautiful blue/green eyes. She was excellently built with a body to die for. She had on fitting blue jean pants and a tight grey shirt that showed curves, and white tenni shoes. He long black hair was tied into a low ponytail and braided with some framing her face. He also had on white and grey bracelets and sliver hoops earrings.

She instantly heard the door slam. She looked up and smiled while putting her hands on her hips.

" Finally you got ready. I was about to leave your ass." She laughed.

" Yeah, yeah. If you left me, I would have chased you all the way down to the school ya know. " Suki said in a grumpy tone. She was not a morning person. Nidoriko wasn't either, but she knew when she had to get up.

She had a perfect clear light tan complexion. She had piercing green eyes, and medium red/blonde hair that feel into curls as it touched her shoulders. She, just like Nidoriko, had a magnificent hourglass figure that as amazing built.

She had on a cute dark blue baby T that said " Never Underestimate The Stupidity Of Boys In Large Groups" and fitting white Capri's. She also had on blue and white tenni shoes with white hoops and dark blue bracelets on each of her wrists.

" Uh oh , lookin' good there Suki-chan. Who you tryin' to empress?" Nidoriko said has they headed for the door.

" Girl no one. It's not like there's going to be anyone new here at the school." Suki said while closing the door and locking it.

" Yeah, you're right. I would be something if some new hot guys came here." Nidoriko said.

Suki nodding and the both sighed peacefully walking to the school.

They entered the school only to be greeted by there best friends Tenten and Hinata.

"Hey guys what's up?" Tenten said as she and Hinata walked with them to their lockers. Tenten had on boy shorts and a regular black T shrit that said "Bite Me" on it and black tenni shoes. Her brown hair was in two buns.

" Hi Suki-chan, Nido-chan." Hinata said. She had on a light blue skirt with a lavender spaghetti strap shirt, with purple flip flops. Her hair was left down and long to her back.

" Hey ya'll" Suki and leaning against her locker.

" What's wrong with Suki?" Hinata asked.

" She's just tired. Sick of school like everyone else in this, ass of a dungeon." Nidoriko said slamming her locker.

" Yeah I know the feeling. I tired of looking at these people's faces. It gets annoying sometimes." Tenten said taking out her MP3.

" Sometime? Let's try ALL the time." Nidoriko said. The whole group laughed. In an instant they heard two girls in the older grades squeal out in joy over something.

" Did you here?! THE two princes from the Konoha Kingdom are coming to THIS school to learn here!"

" REALLY? NO WAY! One of them have to be mine!" Both of them squealed and took of running in their slutty clothes.

They group stood in silence trying to take in what just happened, until Nidoriko broke the silence.

" Now whyt he hell would two PRINCES comet o this Rinky dink school. Ain't nothing exciting ever happens here. Plus the teachers are as perverted as they can get.

" I know, They're probably some stuck up ugly bastards who think they own everything." Suki said. With that they heard the bell ring for first period.

" Well I guess we better get going. See ya at lunch. C'mon Suki." Nidoriko said walking with Suki lazily walking beside her.

" Alright See ya" Hinata and Tenten said in unison. Then after that they dispersed, into separate hallways.

How do ya like that? I think I did a job well done. Now it's my friend's turn. Show 'em what cha got Suki-Chan!