Suki's POV

Hinata, Temari, Tenten, Nido-chan and I all walked out the school building relaxing around the gates since it was over and everything. All the students poured out like little roaches everywhere. Some guys every now and then would try to flirt saying this cheesy ass lines about how good we were and how they wouldn't mind talking me out on a date. I ignored them and stood with my buds. Nido was breathing somewhat hard since she was the last one to sing. All of us to some degree were looking like beetle juice and the gang. I was completely drenched in sweat. Kinda stank with a smell a mother herself couldn't love if she had a choice, but shit, it was awesome when we played our songs on stage together like that.

"Ya'll I think we kind of made Orochimaru-sama turned on…and I don't think a teacher is supposed to do that." Nido-chan said as she tied her hair up in a high pony-tail. All that damn hair…I'm a choppin' it off one day…and that's when I'll die because she NEVER let's anyone messes with her hair. She has to really like you in order for that to happen.

"Yeah I know. He pratically had a boner in his pants." Tenten said laughing.

"Ew! Tennie? You're looking at his be-janglers?" Temari said with a shocked expression. I heard Nidoriko made a weird laugh/snort in the back ground. She would always get us in trouble like that!

"Hell to the no girl! Shit you couldn't miss it damn." She said as she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

"You guys be nice to Tenten." Hinata said as she put a hand on her shoulder.

"Thanks Hina-chan." Tenten said smiling.

"I think that's only saved for Neji." She said as she finished. She busted out laughing till no end. Now that's the Hinata I know and love. We all pointed and "whoop-ed" at Tenten. It was even more hilarious since she didn't say anything. Her face alone made THAT explanation.

"Hinata!" Tenten squealed in frustration and within a flash put Hinata in a head lock.

"Nwooo! Tenten I was just j-joking! Stop!" She yelled pratically begging.

"Alright alright, she-hulk, let her go. She has a life to live." Temari said laughing. "So where are we going to tonight?"

"Hm… We could go to the Konoha Valley Mall. We could probably to "Hot-Topics". I heard they have some Chuck Taylor's that's half price." Nidoriko said as all of us started walking to our cars.

"Yeah I would like that. Maybe we could play a joke on Orochimaru-sama by going to Victoria Secrets! I have an awesome plan that'll blow the damn socks off the whole entire school." Hinata said laughing hard. Nidoriko started smiling widely.

"Oh wow Hina-chan I didn't know you had it in you. Break it down!" She said high-fiving her.

"You two are lame." Temari said.

"But in a good, evil malicious way. Oro-sama going to suspened you guys for that!" Tenten said. It was a long pause as they all looked at each other.

"Nah! " They said in unison laughing.

"Alright you guys, we better head on out. Make sure you wear your cute clothes!" I said walking with Nido-chan to her silver 2011 Toyota Camry. I have my own car at our house in the friggin' garage I didn't feel like driving it today. It was the same as hers but its crimson red. Cool huh?

Yeah…I know.

Well any way, I saw Tenten, Hinata climb into Temari's car. Before you start judging each and every one of us got a car. New one's that JUST came out. We just thought it would be easier to take just one car. We'll come back to pick them up and head out to the mall. But we gotta change first.

We arrived at our little condo, and dashed into the house and into out rooms and no time.

"Ouch! Nido damn! That was my motherfuckin' foot you stepped on!" I know I have a colorful vocab do I?

"Well shit move your big ass toes and I won't step on them." She said turning the corner in her room.

I went into my room and like wafted open my walk in closet with all this shit in here. Now how am I supposed to find what to wear?

I found a pretty black jean skirt that came a little higher above the thigh with a fitted graphic yellow tee with a picture of "Ichigo" from Bleach. I love me some Ichi-kun! I found me some black vans and my many of many trinkets and jewelries. I slipped them on and it fit kind of snug just to reveal the curves. Now, I ain't gonna brag but I have them like the rest of my friends, but not as much as Nido and Hinata. My damn, you think it's possible to have all that bootie and tits and shit. It's almost unreal. But it's not bad. It's just the kind of body girls are trying to get. Like the hourglass figure.

I waited for Nidoriko to finish straitening her long-ass hair.

I pounded on the bathroom door. "Hurry up! We got ten minutes!"

"I'm coming damn!" I heard her muffle on the other side.

She came out with her hair all down and straight with none laying on her face, and pulled back. Simply and extremely beautiful. It's so black it's almost blue! It's cascaded all the way down to the section between her butt and her upper thighs. You can tell it was layered buy the flowing effect it had when she walked. She had on like black and silver eye shadow with a dash of mascara and lip gloss that made her lips pop. She had on jet black short shorts that showed off her nice toned legs. Seriously she has the definition of muscle indentions, which stopped a couple of inches from her butt. Not the slutty short-shorts peoples. Then she had on black and white Chuck Taylors that when up under her knee and a red baby graphic tee that had a black Konoha Leaf symbol on it. Not to mention her signature black biker gloves. She can never leave the house with those things.

"I swear Nido-chan, I'm taking your DNA from your hair. " I said laughing as I stepped into the rest room getting ready to straighten my hair just enough to wear it in a low pony tail and some coming down around my face.

"Girl you wish. Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah let me just get my purse and I'm out. Wait did you get your purse?"

"Yeah, yeah already got it."

We walked out the door and got into Nido-chan's car and drove off to Hyuuga mansion.

Nido's POV

I pulled up to the Hyuuga Mansion waiting for our three loony friends to come out. I was getting impatient so I honked the horn. I saw Hinata peeked her head out the door.

"Daaammmn! Hold on! Impatient little terd." She yelled out to us.

"You guys take ages! C'mon! We gotta go hit the stores!" Suki yelled. But, unfortunately she was right by my ear.

"Really, ear-drums. I only have two Suki." I said annoyed.

I saw Tenten and Temari come out. Tenten, surprisingly had her hair down for what would be the longest time EVER! She had on a dark green fitted tank top that showed some of her toned abs. Her lower half was accompanied by blue skinny jeans that were ripped up the both the legs and dark green flip-flops.

Temari had on a black of the shoulder ripped shirt with a pair of flats and purple skinny jeans. Her hair was back in her usual four spiky pony-tails. She's probably like the only one who can pull that off and still look good with it.

"Okay bye dad." Hinata said as she walked out the door. She had her hair in a low side pony tail that was slightly curled. Her suit consisted of fitted white Capri pants and dark blue flip-flips. Her shirt was dark blue with light blue designs curling in the front in a sort of rock and roll fashion.

"Hinata! You will not flirt with any guys and you will be back here at 10:00p.m." Her dad said sternly. Hinata shamefully lowered her head down.

"Yes sir." He scoffed with disgust and crossed his arms.

"Leaving with your friends and you're already trying to be fast and wear inappropriate clothes. Your little sister never does that. She actually shows respect. And what are you doing? Nothing, plus being a disgrace. Be back here at 10:00p.m or you will be grounded for 2 months." He said with this eyes closed. He turned his back on her but he didn't leave.

Me and the girls eyes widened in anger. He really needs to let up off of Hinata. He hasn't done anything but try her ultimate best to show him that she can be worthy of him. She practically had a mental break-down with her grades from fear of him scolding at her. We had to practically force her to stay with us for about a week.

I saw a twinge of anger flash her eyes. I saw that finally….this girl done snapped.

She turned and looked back at us. We all nodded and with support and she knew what she had to do.

Now this is the part that caused laughter to erupt from my car.

"Damn daddy I'm tryin' to go on out the door you keepy yellin' and embarrassing me in front of my friends. You need to take a damn chill pill for cryin' out loud and get whatever stick lodged in your ass out. I'm about to be fuckin' 18 in 4 months. I'll be back when I get back. Shit!" Hinata yelled as she walked off.

Dude I've never in my natural born life seen Mr. Hyuuga with the facial expression I've seen today.

That's my baby girl!

When Hinata sat in the car I heard her father yelling at her to come back. We cheered and hugged her with so much love her eyes and demenour changed to the nice kind gentle and friggin' strong girl we grew up with.

I stepped on the gas and make a strong "Skeet!" Noise was I drove out into the road.

"Oh my gosh Hina-chan! You finally stood up to your father. Now how do you feel?" Tenten said starting laughing.

She smiled.

"I feel relieved and kind of scared that he would be pissed when I come back home. But I'm for damn sure he's not going to treat me with such disrespect again. There's only so much more I can take before I snap again." She said as she let the window down. She let down her hair and let it flow softly around her face.

"Well we don't blame you girl. There's only so much a person can take before the lose it. Plus, in order to receive respect you got to give it right?" I said turning the radio up a little.

"Exactly. You need to go and by your own house Hinata. Hell you got the money you've secretly been saving. Not to mention your WHOLE ENTIRE family is like friggin' billionaires. You can be neighbors with me and Nidoriko." Suki said.

"And don't forget about me and Temari we live right across from them. So you got us with you too." Tenten said.

"That way you'll have your own family with you. And your little sis can live with you. She practically looks up to you. And she doesn't take after your mean ass daddy." Temari said.

Hinata's eyes widen. It looks like she's completely forgotten about that. That girl.

"That's a great idea you guys! Hanabi's been down in the dumps because of father's strict rules and him pressuring her to be the best. Truly, he's not treating her any better than me."

"Well then it's a deal. When school starts again next semester, we'll help get the constructers to build you one. Plus you got all that money, it'll be like paying them a penny from your wallet." I said laughing.

"You should also sneak and use some of your dad's money. Teach that old fart a lesson." Tenten added.

"And you don't even have to tell him. We leave way far on the other side of town. He won't be able to spot you." Temari said.

"And most importantly…" Suki said cheerily.

"We got your back!" All of us said in unison, strongly and in one voice.

I saw Hinata sniffling a little bit. She's so dang sensitive. Gotta love her though.

"Thanks guys." She said softly.

"No prob. Now stop all that crying and shit. We got to sing our song on the radio!" I said laughingly loudly.

I turned up the radio and heard "Teenage Dream" by Katy Perry blast on the speakers.

And oh my gosh we started singing LOUD! I don't' want to brag but it sounded really good!

And all of a sudden Suki's stupid ass let down the window and stuck her head out singing the chorus.

"SukI! Suki get your dumb ass back in the car!" I yelled. Hinata, Tenten, ans Temari was completely laughing their socks off.

"YOU MAKE ME, FEEL LIKE I'M LIVING A, TEENAGE DREAM THE WAY YOU TURN ME ON—OW! NIDO!" She screamed as I playfully slapped her on the butt.

"Get your butt back in the car we're pulling up to the mall. People are going to think you have serious mental issues!" I said laughing. She rolled her eyes and sat back down.

I pulled up to a parking place right next to the mall. You'd think Tokyo, Japan would be crowed at the front but not really. Now I know I wasn't able to describe about my ethnicity as I said earlier with my skin color being a tan color and everything. I'm mixed with African-American, and yes I can speak Japanese fluently. We love the Japanese language it's just that we like speaking English. If you were to see us in person you would now we're not your average Japanese citizens. People look at us like we're crazy most of the time. Especially the guys…they flirt too much.

"Okay you guys let's move out!" Tenten said pumping her fist in the air.

We all calmly got out the car and started heading towards the entry to the most famous Konoha Vally Mall…

Hmmm…..I wonder what's in store for us- OH! GUMMY WORMS!

I hope you like this chapter! Please leave reviews!
