I'm not quitting! For those who wish to know I'm starting the sequel and the first chapter should be up within a week. Thank you to all my wonderful reviewers and those who took my poll. Your reviews truly mean a lot to me. So here's a preview of the sequel. If anyone has any suggestions or anything they want in the story feel free to tell me and I'll do my best to add them in!
He ran as fast as he could, twigs snapping and thorns tearing at his clothing. His breaths coming in ragged, panicked pants as he stumbled to a stop at a cross roads. 'Which way will keep me safe' he thought terror clawing at his every nerve. He heard a twig snap behind him and he shot down the left hand path running for all he was worth. He continued to run breathing becoming more ragged as time went on. And suddenly he stumbled to a stop at the edge of a cliff. He stared down into the dark churning waters below and gulped. Another twig snapped and he spun around letting out an involuntary whimper as he saw what had been chasing him.
'What do I do!' he thought as he began to tremble. He turned and looked at the cliffs edge considering his chances of surviving the fall and the tides. ' ten to one' he thought worriedly as he kept an eye on the approaching figure. "I'll take those odds!" he shouted jumping off the cliff just barely missing an attack. "I hope I make it." he murmured closing his eyes as his body hit the water.
So I hope you liked the preview(tell me what you think please) and the chapter will be up in a week.