
Changing Forever

(A.N.: It starts right after the kiss at the end of Step Up 2.)

As Andie and Chase broke apart from their kiss, they were still surrounded by rain and very, very excited people. Andie looked into Chase's eyes and smiled, her smile only widening when he smiled back.

"Wow." Chase said.

"Wow what Chase?" Andie questioned seriously, even though she knew exactly what he meant, and she felt the same way.

"Oh, you know perfectly well what." Chase said.

"No I don't." Andie replied.

"But... that, we... Did we or did we not just kiss?" Chase sputtered.

"I don't know." Andie said teasingly.

"What?" asked a very confused Chase.

"Oh... you mean like this." Andie turned and kissed him again.

Chase smiled before saying happily, "Yeah, just like that."

They were about to kiss again but Moose popped up between them with, "Will you two stop making out long enough to come celebrate?!"

"Well I don't know if I can do that." Andie said with a laugh.

Moose sighed and dragged them inside the Dragon were the crowd was cheering madly for Monster, who was, at the moment doing insane flips and tricks that some people had never even heard of before. Jenny Kido jumped a few minutes later, making the crowd roar even louder, and soon the whole crew was dancing, Chase and Andie included.

Once everyone had gotten all, or at least some of the excitement out of their system, they agreed that it was time to go home, especially seeing as it was almost 3:00 in the morning.

Chase drove Andie home and they talked about everything except the kiss. But once Chase had stopped the car and walked Andie to her door, the subject could be avoided no more.

"So... what did that kiss mean?" Chase asked.

"I guess... it means we're together." Andie said.

"Well you don't sound very happy about that!" Chase said in mock hurt.

Andie laughed and then said honestly, "I am happy, are you?"

Chase replied, "Of course." Then he kissed her again just to prove how happy he was.

Andie smiled into the kiss but then pulled away and said, "Sarah might be waiting up, I should go. I'll see you Monday, bye."

"Bye" said Chase.

Andie waited until Chase had driven away before going inside with a huge smile on her face. As she had suspected, Sarah was waiting up for her.

"Oh thank goodness Andie, I was so worried about you!" Sarah exclaimed before rushing towards her. She looked as if she were about to hug Andie, but right before she reached her, she stopped and looked around awkwardly. "Where have you been Andie!" Sarah asked with concern.

Andie said nervously, "I was at the streets, and we won!" Andie was, as much as she tried, unable to keep the pride out of her voice as she said the last part.

Sarah smiled and said, "I know I should be mad, but I'm not. Just answer me one thing. Were you doing what your mother would want you to be doing, following your heart and being yourself?"

Andie was slightly surprised and she realized that Sarah really had known her mom after all. "Yes, I am." She said without a second thought.

"Alright." Sarah said, "Now go to your room and get some sleep, you've got a big day tomorrow."

Andie was very confused and, fearing the worst, she said, "W- Wha- what do you mean?

"Well we've got to celebrate of course," Sarah replied with a wide smile, "I got a call from Director Collins; he said you're doing great and he'd love to have you back MSA!"

Andie was so happy that she ran up to Sarah and hugged her. Though Sarah was clearly surprised at this sudden change in attitude, she hugged back happily, hoping that maybe Andie would finally begin to accept her.

As Andie went off to her room that night she thought back over her life, and realized that it was finally starting to turn around. She didn't have any problems to worry about and for the first time in along time, she felt something that she had only ever felt with her mom, that she didn't have to be anyone except herself, Andie West. She didn't have to worry about her own, or anyone else's, problems, and that felt surprisingly good. She hoped it would stay that way for a long time. Then again, she was always hoping for things, and usually they didn't turn out the way that she wanted them too, maybe this time wouldn't be any different.

A.N.: Soooo... what did you guys think? I know it wasn't a very good beginning, but I suck at beginnings! This is my first FanFicion story... so please be nice, but don't hesitate to leave constructive criticism! Also I have only watched Step Up 2 once, and that was a long time ago... so if I get anything wrong, please tell me! Thanx! :) Please R&R! Mwah, kisses from Ria!