Changing Forever: Chapter 6
Looking for Changes
Hey guys! (If there's any of you left...) You can hate me, I'm a bitch for not updating in 5 months. I'm really, really sorry! I've already started on part 7, so hopefully that'll be up by next week! I know that's pretty ambitious for me, but I think I've got some motivation now! My friend Emmy edited this chapter, but the mistakes are still my fault! I'm hoping she will push me to update more! Anyway, this chapter is dedicated to her! You should visit her fanfic account, it's BleachedRedViolet, and read her Bleach one-shot! It's called Just another Love Story: A Bleach Fanfic. It is AMAZING! Seriously, read it. Even if you've never heard of Bleach (like me!) you will still love it! Thank you for reading this, and please don't hate me so much you stop reviewing! I know I've said this before, but I swear I will update very soon! Big thanks to G-da-dancing-queen, soapgirl411, charlie-pace-shall-live-again, and kelsey112! You guys are awesome, thanks for reviewing! Super huge thanks to fritznkitty2007, thanks for the story advice, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this chapter! Anyone feel free to PM me, I love it! Now on to the story! The last few chapters have been in Andie's POV and I'm gonna try Blair's POV here! Wish me luck, and review!
Disclaimer: I don't own Step Up, but having to admit this is making me angry and depressed! I also don't own Michael Jackson or any of his songs... crap. However, I do own Blair (although she disagrees), the Blistex lip chap I'm using, and the Caramilk bar I'm currently eating. But I don't own Cadbury, so do I really own this bar? There's a question to ponder.
The door to Sarah's house swung open with a surprisingly loud click. Blair jumped a little at the sound; she hadn't remembered that from her last time in Sarah's house. She felt nervous about being here again, considering all that had changed. She stood on the doorstep as Andie walked in, hovering between the past and reality.
Andie held the door open and turned to look at Blair with a confused expression. "Are you coming in?" She asked, her voice coated in a lightly teasing tone. She raised one eyebrow at Blair.
Blair shook herself out of her own thoughts of the past and plastered a smile onto her face. She forced her tone to match Andie's as she responded. "No, I think I'm gonna magically conjure up an imaginary white unicorn and ride it into the sunset instead."
"Suit yourself, although I gotta say, why white? Why not shoot for purple?" Andie replied, once again using the same light tone.
"Eww, purple is like, totally last year!" Blair said as she walked through the doorway, doing her best Valley Girl impersonation.
Andie laughed and dropped their playful banter to move onto a more serious topic. "So, what do you think?" she asked, struggling to keep her voice carefree as she gestured around the house. To an outsider, this would sound like an innocent question, but both girls knew it was full of hidden meaning.
Blair looked around the entryway in thought, taking in everything. The layout of the room (and the rest of the house, from what she could see) was generally the same as when she had last been here, although a few slight changes had been made. "I love it," she said softly, knowing this could be a touchy subject for Andie. "It feels very... like a home."
Andie was silent for a moment before she whispered, "Yeah."
Her response was addressed more to the air than to Blair herself, so Blair changed the topic as quickly as she could. "So, uh, is anybody else here?"
"No, I don't think so. Sarah's probably picking Charlie up from daycare, so..." Andie answered, sounding distracted. The truth was, she was lost in thought, just like Blair. Both of them wishing things could go back to the way they used to be. Back to the days when Andie, Blair, and Missy had been inseparable. They had been best friends, and had, in a way, been their own little crew. But things were different now, and that fact seemed to be getting more and more obvious with every passing moment the two girls were together again.
The two girls were silent for a minute. Blair was trying to pinpoint the exact last time she had been to Sarah's house when Andie's voice interrupted her train of thought.
"I wonder where Missy is, maybe she forgot." She mused, obviously hoping to start a new point of conversation.
"Oh right, you said the two of you were meeting here today! I hope she didn't forget, it'll be so good to see her again!" Blair exclaimed, sounding very enthusiastic.
"Yeah, I bet she'll be really happy you're back! Five bucks says she screams!" Andie challenged.
"You're on! I bet she's gonna drop whatever she's holding!" Blair laughed.
Andie laughed in return and then suddenly realized that they had been standing in the entryway the entire time. "Oh sorry," she said to Blair, "I guess I should show you the rest of the house!"
"Yeah, that would be nice!" Blair said, smiling.
Andie walked out of the entryway and into the kitchen, with Blair trailing close behind her. She stopped there and allowed Blair to inspect the room for changes. They continued this way through the rest of the house, until they were in Andie's room.
"Wow, it's so different from your last ro-" Blair started, then winced at her choice of words and tried to fix her mistake. "N-not that it shouldn't, and it looks really good! I mean, this room is your room now... obviously. It's just, you know..." Blair's voice trailed off at the end of her sentence.
Andie laughed, but it was forced. She was once again wishing that none of this had ever happened and that things could go back to the way they used to be.
Blair could tell that things were becoming awkward again and was in the process of thinking up something to say when the song 'Don't Stop 'til you Get Enough' by Michael Jackson started playing. Smiling, she pulled her cell phone out of her pocket while Andie looked around for the source of the sound. "Sorry, one sec." She told Andie as she pressed 'TALK' on the phone and lifted it to her ear.
As Blair started to walk towards the corner of the room, Andie heard her say, "Hey babe, what's up?" Despite the fact that she wasn't normally interested in other people's relationships, Andie found herself fascinated by this. The thought of Blair with a boyfriend was so foreign to her, even though it made perfect sense. She couldn't expect Blair to be the same as she had been in sixth grade. After all, it had been almost five years since they had last seen each other, and based on her appearance, Blair was different. Not bad different, or even drastically different. She still looked like Blair, just edgier and more grown up. Her red-gold hair had grown out almost to the middle of her back, and now she had thick side bangs. She had two piercings on each ear lobe and one in the top of her left ear. She also had a little silver bar in her right eyebrow.
While Andie began to wonder how much she herself had changed since grade six, Blair started walking back to Andie. She was still on the phone, but was obviously trying to wrap up the conversation.
"Alright, alright," she said laughingly, "I know James! I already told you, I have to go! Yeah, I love you too. Oh, don't even try to pull that! I'll talk to you later! Okay, bye." Blair reached Andie before she got off the phone, and rolled her eyes at her before hanging it up, smiling.
"So, I'm guessing that was your boyfriend, unless you're just really nice to your friends!" Andie said teasingly, but there was a questioning undertone to her voice. She was, however, trying very hard not to sound too nosy.
"Yeah," replied Blair, blushing. "His name's James. He's really sweet, you'd like him."
Andie smiled, because Blair looked really happy. "How long have you guys been together?"
Blair pondered the question for a moment before answering with, "Um, well he first asked me out about a year ago, and he asked me to be his girlfriend like, two months after that."
"Wait, people still do that?" Andie asked, surprised. The best she had ever gotten from Tuck was, 'Hey, are we hanging out tonight or what?'
"I don't know, but James does!" Blair responded, laughing.
"That's sweet," said Andie. "So does he still live in Arizona?"
"No, he actually started going to college here this year. He's part of the reason I'm back." Blair said, suddenly sounding nervous.
Andie now had what seemed like hundreds of questions running through her head, and she was having difficulty focusing on just one. She forced herself to anyway, because she could only ask Blair one question at a time. "So wait, you're telling me that your mom moved back here just so that you could be near your boyfriend?"
"Well, actually," Blair began, "My mom's not here. It's just me."
Dun- dun- dun... Suspense! Well, maybe. That's what I was going for! I think the POV transition was a little confusing, so sorry about that! I think the next chapter (or the one after) will have Chase or Moose's POV! Yay! Sorry for not saying too much about Blair and Andie's history, and for not clarifying what Blair means when she's thinking about having been in Sarah's house before. This will all be explained in the next few chapters! Please tell me what you think, REVIEW! And yes, Blair's ringtone is Michael Jackson (RIP), cause I love him! I still need names for all the crew members! I have a ton of ideas for this story ,but I'd love to hear yours! Review, review, review! Thanks for reading! Next chapter you will find out what Blair is talking about, there will be more background info about Blair and Andie (maybe even a flashback, I don't know! What do you guys think about flashbacks?), and you will meet James and Blair's friends! Sound interesting? Review and tell me about it! Here's one more shout out to Emmy aka BleachedRedViolet! Read her stories, they rock! And now, even though it's kinda like something a five year old would do, Mwah, kisses from Ria! :)