So ah…I like that I got like, 20 hits and one review. Oh, and one story alert. NOT. Honestly…le sigh. Well, in any case, thanks to Journey Maker for reviewing and to bloodoftheangels for putting my story on their alert. Well, like I said, I'm still going update because I need the practice…besides, if I don't get this out, I'll go crazy. :P So…yeah. Did I mention that I'm secretly Kazuki Takahashi in disguise and I got bored so I started writing fan fiction? XD Just kidding, in case you didn't realize. Yeah…

Oh, and did I also mention that this story is SLIGHTLY AU and that Seto will seem out of character at times because I am trying to show the other side of him (as in the side that Mokuba and Molly see)? Well, now I did.

Dear Mokuba,

Neat! I wish I had a big brother. That's how we do it in the United States. Is it true that you guys have school all year, with breaks every three months? That sounds so cool. My birthday is on May 15, and even though school is over by your birthday, I'll make sure to send you a card too! Do you like to listen to music? I love it. My mom is letting me take singing lessons and bugle lessons. They're both really fun. So what do you do when you're not in class? Do you play with your brother a lot? Sometimes I play with my friends and my dog outside. Or I practice singing and bugling. Maybe when I get into the fourth grade, I can take trumpet or something! I bet that will be fun. I like too read and watch television with my mommy (and my daddy too, if he's home). I hope that you can write back soon!

Your Friend,


Molly Benette jumped up and down in her seat as her teacher passed out the letters she had received from her friend in Japan. She couldn't wait to read what Mokuba had written. He had sounded like such a nice boy. Her letter from Mokuba landed on her desk and she picked it up. Her last name was first. Weird. She ripped the envelope open and read the letter. He had an older brother?! Lucky. She looked inside the envelope and pulled out the photograph. Aw, Mokuba was cute! And his brother was handsome. They looked so happy together. Molly wanted to learn how to play chess too. "Mrs Field?" she asked, raising her hand.

"Yes, Molly. What is it?" Mrs. Field asked, looking up from her desk.

"Can we take these letters and things home?"

"Oh course, sweetie. The letters and anything your pen pal sends you are yours to keep."

"Okay!" she chirped before muttering, "Sweet!" under her breath.

"Hey Molly!" A short, dark-haired girl leaned on Molly's desk. "What'd your pen pal say? Hey, you got a picture?! Lucky." Molly's mouth moved in protest as the photograph was snatched out of her hands. "Ooh…he's handsome. Who's the girlie next to him?"

Molly's right eyebrow quirked upward as she frowned. "Clearly," she said disdainfully, "that 'girlie' is Mokuba, my pen pal. And clearly, the other boy is his brother. His older brother."

"Oh," she said as the bell rang. She gasped, "It's lunchtime! Come on, Molly. My mom packed me an extra pack of crackers for you!"

"Gee, Erika! Thanks! All my mom did was pack an extra juice box for you." The two girls laughed as Mrs. Field attempted to get everyone in a line so they could walk to the lunchroom.

Dear Molly,

It is fun having a brother. And yes, that is how have school here. I like it this way. Bugle? That's like a big trumpet or something…right? Oh hey, guess what! My brother and me are getting adopted! He's this guy named Kaiba Gozaburo. So now my surname is going to be Kaiba! Neat, huh? Don't worry, though. It is going to be a long time before they get the paperwork done. So we can still be friends for a long time. I promise to write to you even after my brother and I are adopted. I used to listen to this really nice music that didn't have words when my parents were alive, but since we have been at the orphanage, there hasn't been much time or even music to listen to. Maybe when we leave there will be more time. When I'm not in class, I usually play with my brother. We play chess and other games that help us think. We don't watch much television here, but I like to read and build and play with models. Do you build models? Or read? I look forward to your next letter.

Your friend,


Mokuba watched in awe as his brother defeated the Kaiba Gozaburo. Seto smiled, "Well, Kaiba-san (1), it seems that I've won."

Kaiba Gozaburo smirked. "Yes, it does seem that way, Yamano-san. And I am a man of my word." He reached out to shake Seto's hand. "We shall start on the paperwork tomorrow."

"Thank you, Kaiba-san," Seto said, shaking the multi-millionaire's hand. "My brother and I look forward to it." He waved his younger brother over as Kaiba stood up, chuckling, to leave. Seto grasped Mokuba's small hand in his and both boys bowed to their father-to-be as he left the room.

"Wow, Seto! You were amazing!" Mokuba exclaimed.

"Thanks, Mokuba. But uh…" Seto looked around nervously for a moment before kneeling next to his brother. "Promise not to say anything?"

"Of course!"

Seto smiled at his younger brother's enthusiasm. "Okay," he whispered, "I…cheated. Wait! I only did so that we don't have to stay here anymore. Remember when we first came here?" Seto grabbed Mokuba's shoulders so that they were looking each other in the eyes. Mokuba nodded, still shocked that his brother would do such a thing. "I promised to keep you safe, and I know that if we live with Kaiba-san, you won't get bullied anymore, and you won't have to worry about money or food or anything at all. And we'll still be together, okay?" Mokuba nodded again. "I'm glad you understand. I'm sorry I had to do it…but I know it will be worth it."

"Okay," Mokuba whispered.

Dear Mokuba,

That's so neat! I bet you guys will have a good life there. And I'm glad that we can still be friends. Whenever I get letters from you, I feel so happy! You're always so nice and cheerful. Some kids in my class have meanies for their pen pals . I'm glad I got you and not someone else. I found out that there's a chess club in my school, but we're not allowed to join until we are in the third grade. But my mom said she would buy me a chess set and we could learn together! So now we can have more things to talk about! I've never built a model before. I usually play with dolls or I play jump rope or something. Clearly, models are a boy thing. No offence or anything. Do you like candy? Or chocolate? My teacher said that we're going to send you guys a package of sweets, so I want to know what you like. Mommy said that we could bake cookies for you too! I hope you like pumpkin cookies!

Your friend,


Mokuba laughed at the silly letter Molly sent him. She was a fun person to write to. "Hey, nii-san! (2)"

"Yeah, Mokuba?" Seto looked up from the book he was reading.

"Do I like pumpkin cookies?"

"How should I know?" Seto asked his brother, shaking his head as the younger shrugged. He laughed, "I think Molly-chan(3) is rubbing off on you."

Mokuba laughed too, "Really? I guess I have been acting more silly lately." He picked up his pencil, "I'm going to write her back."

Time Skip!


What's up? Sorry I haven't been writing much. Seto's been going crazy with all this 'Battle City' junk. He's obsessed with defeating Yugi. I wish he'd chill out and spend more time with me. But anyway, you don't want to hear my problems…or read them…whatever! Thanks for those cookies though. You're getting really good at baking. I remember the first time you sent us cookies. We were still at the orphanage, remember? I know I told you they were good, but the truth is, I couldn't even bite into them! These were really soft and good. I hope you like the candy in this package. I tried to get some that you haven't seen before. I know the melon candies are really good, and that natural flower gum is good too. Smells like sun block though. Haha. Write soon.


"Hm…" An eleven year old girl's sapphire-blue eyes scanned the letter she held in one hand while the other popped a round, green candy into her mouth. "Oh! This is good." She laughed to herself and walked out of the small, childishly decorated bedroom she was occupying. "Ma! Daddy!" She walked down the hall and down the stairs. "Ma! Da-Oh, here you guys are." She walked into a simply furnished dining room where a pretty, red-haired woman and a heavy-set., but not overweight, blonde man were talking. "Am I allowed to tell Moki that we're moving to Japan?"

"Why would you want to do that?" The man said, grinning at his only child.


"Because why?"

"Just because."

The family laughed. "Sure sweetie, go ahead," the woman said, smiling at her daughter.

"Sweet!" The young girl turned to walk out of the dining room. "Oh," she turned her head, "and clearly, I was going to tell him even if you said no." She laughed at the look her parents gave her and skipped out of the room.


Gosh, I'm sorry about your brother. Maybe he thinks that since he lost to Yugi, you don't look up to him anymore…or something. I dunno. Anyway…thanks for the candy. And you're right, the gum does smell like sun block. Gee, I'm glad we've always been honest with each other. NOT. Ha, just kidding! Did I tell you I've been learning Japanese? Well, now I did. Want to know why? Come on, guess! No…! No…! We're moving to Japan! Surprise! Haha. My dad got relocated…or whatever you call it, I don't care (I'm kidding, I'm kidding! I'm joking…), and since he's going to retire from the Navy in a couple years, we're going to buy a home there too. He wants to teach English to little kids in Japan when he leaves, so this all works out perfect. Mom's got it easy, since she's a nurse and all, so it's going to work out great. I hope. And guess what else! Dad's getting stationed near Domino! Sweet, huh? I'll look you up when we get there. I doubt I'll have any trouble. Ha. Later.


Yep. End of the chapter! :D So, a couple notes for those who just don't know random Japanese terms. Just playing it safe!

(1): -san: '-san' is a honorific that is usually tied to being the equivalent of Mr., Mrs., etc. However, although in English-speaking cultures, one may refer to oneself as Mr., Mrs., etc, it is impolite to refer to oneself as '-san' in Japanese.

(2): nii-san: Older Brother. The '-san' denotes respect.

(3): -chan: '-chan' is a friendly term that is usually directed towards females, although '-chan' can also be used towards a male to mean 'little'. Seto calls Molly 'Molly-chan' because he does not know her well. Mokuba calls Molly by her first name without a honorific because they are good friends, and honorifics are not needed in the relationship they share.

Yep. So, review? Please? It would be much appreciated.