Disclaimer: I do not own Heroes or the character Sylar. Both are owned by Tim Kring. Also Alex is the inventor of my creative title called, 'Brain Food'.

Brain Food - (Sylar)


It's all about the brain.

That's it.

The brain.

Screw Bennet's guns and brain shunts. Screw Primatech. His brain was stronger than those shunts, those walls. He had a special brain. A brain that deserved to be special.

It's all about the evolutionary imperative. Darwin got it right— survival of the fittest. Sylar was the fittest. The other special people, they weren't fit to be special. They didn't want it. Didn't deserve it. So it was all about being fit.

The others weren't fit to have special brains, so it was up to Sylar to put them to good use. The other so-called special people, they were brain food. Screw fish oils. Bring on the brains, and soon he would have all the speciality he would need.

Sylar escaped from Primatech and from the sadistic bastard Bennet with the girl from the cell next to his, Alexis Heller. They had parted ways with her still standing and now he was on his way to make an enlightening visit to Zane Taylor. The last name on Sandra Suresh's list. No one else— nothing else could bring him to Virginia Beach with such urgency. No one named Zane could possibly realize their own potential. And that was all the better for Sylar.

He had yet to meet someone special who really deserved what they had. Either being special was a curse or a way to be selfish or an invasion of the body by the devil. But Sylar, Sylar had a purpose. He had a mission. They only had excuses.

And they all had different gifts. If they hadn't...

Well, he would let some of them live. He would have less brain food to gather.

Sometimes he regretted killing the women. He couldn't completely squash his childhood morals. He couldn't kill Alexis Heller as he helped her escape, or even leave her there. But even when his conscience whispered in his ear, he ignored it as best he could. There were exceptions to every rule. There were exceptions to everything. The special people, the ones who never saw their own potential— they ignored the rule of elimination. So Sylar weeded them out; he was the natural evolutionary tool. Natural selection at work: the weak ones die, the strong ones become stronger.

In the end, Sylar would be the only one left standing.

Not that he wanted to be alone.

But he couldn't leave nature untended. He couldn't ignore the rules. And there would always be another exception to the rules.

Sylar rang Zane Taylor's doorbell. As a sweating, wide-eyed man opened the door, he knew he had once again found an exception to the rule.

Zane Taylor was nothing more than brain food.

A/N: Thank you for reading and please review. Check out Alex's profile (Shostakovish) for her own wonderful fics!
