Ch. 2 - Decisions!

"You see nothing hap-"That was as far as James got before he saw the smoky wreck of his house. Flames were licking the edges and the door was blown to pieces. Both James and Lily were scared to death! You see when Voldemort left he didn't notice his Adava Kedava curse hit a support beam, which in turn caught it on fire. Nor did he notice the plaster falling from the ceiling and hitting Adrian giving him a cut in the shape of a V.

"Oh Merlin!" Screamed Lily and James simultaneously, running to the house as fast as they could, wanting to see if everyone was ok. As soon as they stepped in the door they saw the unconscious babysitting lying motionlessly on the floor. As one they walked towards her, scared that she might be dead. To their utter relief she was still breathing.

"Enervate!" whispered James, pointing his wand at Jean. Slowly Jean came to. "Jean what happened?" James asked her quickly.

"Voldemort!" They old babysitter said sadly, scared for the babies upstairs.

As soon as Lily heard her she ran up the stairs to the nursery to see if her babies were still living.

The sight of the room was shocking; the support beam opposite of the crib was on fire. Adrian sat up balling his eyes out, harry seemed to be asleep. The most shocking thing of all was the black robes on the ground. Her babies defeated Voldemort.

At that second Dumbledore and James came into the room.

Dumbledore looked over the two boys and declared foolishly that Adrian was the boy-who-lived. "You see Adrian defeated Voldemort, you can tell by the V mark on his forehead." He looked at both boys then continued. "Harry probably got his scar from magical backlash. I believe that Voldemort is probably not dead, we should give Adrian all the love and training he can get so that he can defeat Voldemort without a doubt."

James and Lily were exubant; their baby boy was the savior of the wizarding world! With celebration in mind they set off towards one of their other homes, almost forgetting little Harry in the process…


Voldemort stepped into the musty chambers where he had left his faithful followers. They were all waiting for him, just as he had commanded.

"I have led the light side fools to believe that I am dead, tell anyone I am living and you will suffer the worst death imaginable." Voldemort stated emotionlessly, with a cold glare for good measures.

"Leave, now!" He ordered to all but his friends. He and his friends soon retired to his sitting room. It was a huge room decorated in green, silver, and black. Tons of smiling portraits, gorgeous paintings, and giant windows smothered the walls.

"Why did you want to fake your death?" Asked Lucius curiously.

"It will give people a fake sense of security. If they don't think I'm there they won't be battle ready." Answered a smiling Voldemort.

"I see, so did you kill the Potter spawn?" Severus said calculatingly.

"No, the oddest thing happened that I was meaning to ask you about Sev. You see when I cast the killing curse the potter brat somehow made a shield appear and the spell bounced back, almost hitting me." Voldemort stated, confused by the events.

"Why didn't you try to kill them again?" Lucius replied.

"I don't want to try again in fear of the same thing happening." Voldemort swiftly answered.

"OK, I guess we'll just have to keep an eye on the potter twins?" Severus proposed

"Agreed," Answered Lucius and Voldemort immediately.


So how did you like it? Review? Tell me what you think! Give me suggestions on what you want to happen later in the story! I made this at school instead of homework so I want reviews! Poles will be up for awhile so vote while you can! Oh and thanks for the great reviews!


Narcissus good – 4

Narcissus bad –

Remus/Sirius – 4

Lucius/narcissus – 1

Severus/lucius - 3

Blaise/harry/draco – 1

Harry/severus/draco – 1

Harry/draco – 3

Harry/lucius – 1

Harry/tom – 1

Harry/severus - 1


Remus & Sirius good – 3

Remus sirisu bad - 1

Bella good – 2

Bella/voldemort -1

Voldemort/narcissus - 1

Wormtail good -1

Wormtail bad –2

Nevile good- 3

Neville bad -