This is for Lioness who is always jealous of Axel's friends that are girls

"Dudes, this is totally awesome," Shark said enthusiastically, "these waves are kick-ass!"

"HEY! Watch where you shake your mane, you'll mess up my hair," Hawk said angrily

"What hair, Hawk, all you have is a centimeter of fuzz," King said laughing

"Hey, anyone seen Lioness?" asked Axel holding a sandwich with her name on it.

"Last I saw her she was playing some hard-core volleyball, but that was like an hour ago," King said shrugging.

"I didn't know Li played volleyball," Hawk cut-in.

"Dude, that chick rocks at volleyball," Shark's eyes widened, "she's killer on the court."

"Well she's missing lunch," exclaimed Axel as he took out his own sandwich and started eating.


"ALL ACE," the crowd yelled loudly

Lioness smiled this was game point; Emma and her were ahead by 6. All she had to do was get this last point. She took a deep breath. Focus, Focus she told herself. She tossed the ball high, jumped up, pulled her arm back, locking her shoulder, and just at the right moment she released and smacked the ball with all her might and watched as it skimmed over the net.

Sarah and Emily, their opponents, returned the ball, as did Lioness and Emma. Back and forth the ball went; the crowd fell silent not daring to breath afraid to break the girls' concentration. Lioness could tell Emma, Sarah, and Emily were getting tiered, because they were sweating and panting like dogs in the sun. As Emily passed the ball to Sarah, Lioness caught Emma's eye and mouthed 'pepper' Emma gave a small nod. When the ball came back over the net Lioness passed it to Emma who set it up, Lioness jumped with all her might and spike the ball over the net with such force that when it hit Sarah she fell back onto the sand. The crowd screamed and money was exchange because of bets on the game.

Lioness high-fived Emma, "Nice game," but Emma was too tiered to answer, so she just smiled. They walked over to Emily and Sarah, "Great game," said Lioness and gave the girls a big smile.

"Yeah, great fun," Emily breathed, she and Sarah were leaning against each other, breathing hard.

As the crowd dispersed Lioness walked over to her stuff and pulled her board shorts back on, she found it easier to play volleyball without them, in just her bikini. When she reached for her water she noticed that one of her sandals was missing. She looked around the lounge chair, but it wasn't anywhere in sight. Then she heard a short loud bark and looked up. There lying in the sand with his butt in the air ready to play was a tri-colored dog with a sandal in his mouth. Lioness was sure it was her sandal.

Lioness stepped forward, "Here boy, give me the sandal, drop it," but as Lioness took another step forward the dog took off with. Lioness fallowed right behind him. After awhile of chasing the dog Lioness decided to cut him off, but as she made a sharp right turn she ran head long into a brick wall.

Lioness blinked a couple of times trying to clear her head, but while she lay in the sand she felt blood running from her nose. "I must have been running pretty hard," she thought. As she sat up she realized it wasn't a brick wall she had run into, but a person.

She scrambled over to his side, "Crap, are you ok, I'm so sorry I should have been paying more attention."

"Uhhhhh," came a muffled voice.


"I'm fine," the man mumbled as he pulled his face from the sand.

"You sure?" As he sat up Lioness realized he was about a year older than her, maybe 19 or 20.

"Yeah, it takes more than a girl to—" he cut himself off, "—you're bleeding!"

"I'm good, what's a little blood," she replied smiling.

"Here," he handed her a towel, "names Denzell."


"So why weren't you paying attention to where you were running?" he asked curiously.

"I was chasing that dog," she said angrily, nodding at the dog a few meters away.

"Logan!? What did he do?" Denzell asked with a serious concerned look on his face.

"You know him?" Lioness asked surprised.

"He's mine," he still had a serious look on his face.

"Well he took my sandal." Lioness said grinning.

Relief crossed Denzell's face, "Logan, come here boy."

At the sound of his name Logan looked up and wagged his tail, but he stayed where he was.

"Doesn't look like its working, you sure he's—" Lioness had been laughing while she said this, but blood spilled into her mouth and now she started coughing.

Denzell ran to a cooler pulled out a water bottle and handed it to Lioness, "Drink it."

She did as she was told. When he saw that she was fine he walked back to the cooler and pulled out a bone the size of Lioness' forearm. She sprayed water everywhere, "You want me to eat that?"

"No!" he grinned, "Watch this. Logan, here boy, round-up, come on boy." He waved the bone back and forth in the air.

Logan stood up and sniffed the air, then he dropped Lioness' sandal and ran toward Denzell and the bone.

As soon as Denzell saw Logan running for the bone he dropped it and went to retrieve the sandal. Then he approached Lioness and held up her sandal, but she shook her head and started laughing again when she saw a chuck missing, bite-marks were all over it, and slobber covering it.

"I don't think I want that back," Lioness said grinning as she wiped a tear away.

"I feel really bad, let me buy you a new pair."

"No, it's ok"

"No, it's not; I'm gonna buy you a new pair."

"No really, don't, they're only—"

"Be here tomorrow at 11:30 by the lifeguard office, I'm going to buy you a new pair of sandals."

And with that he grabbed the cooler and left with Logan at his side. Leaving Lioness standing there with a- now blood -red towel pressed against her nose wondering how she lost an argument with a perfect stranger.

The guys were lying in the sun taking an after-lunch nap when a shadow passed over their heads. Shark opened one eye, "hey dude you're blocking my sun," but when saw it was Lioness he sat up, "whoa, what happened to you," he asked looking at the bloody towel.

Axel opened his eyes to see Lioness sitting on the sand holding a bloody towel to her still bleeding nose. King walked over to her and sat down, "let me take a look," he pulled the towel away. After a moments he said, "Well it isn't broken, but you must have hit it hard 'cause it hasn't stopped bleeding, but it will in a little."

"So you going to tell us what happened," Axel asked

"Let's just say a dog got the best of me and I lost an argument," she said jokingly.