Well my writers block isn't so bad anymore, for this story, but now I have writers block for my other one, it sucks, burt lucky i'm on summer vacation so...yeah. Anyway: De told Lioness he liked her, but then he ran off.
Denzell's POV
When I was a good seven blocks from the park I slowed to a walk. I couldn't believe I just told Lioness I liked her, she probably never talk to me again. Shit, Shit, Shit! Why am I such an idiot. I need to talk to Mari she would know what to do...No I can't talk to her, because she'll talk about all that "well if she feels the same way" stuff. This was something I had to figure out on my own. I hailed a cab and headed back to my apartment.
I paid the driver and entered my apartment building.
"Morning De," Carl said opening the door for me, "Long night?"
"You've got no idea," I replied.
Carl smiled, "Try me, I get off in ten minutes."
"Okay, you know where I live," I said. Carl just laughed.
I got into the elevator and headed to the top floor. I quickly unlocked my door and went to the bar, I poured myself a shot and downed it, calming some of my nerves.
Then it came to me, what I could do, to solve this whole thing. I grab the phone and called Li's cell. Come on...pick up.
"Hello, De, where in the world did you run off to," she asked.
"Hey, um Li I need to tell you something... you know what I said in the park..."
"Yeah, hey I wanted to talk to you about that... De I should tell you-"
I cut her off before I lost the guts to do this and said something that would really screw with our friendship. "Listen Li, let me say this first... I feel terrible, about what I said-"
"De I told- wait what do you mean you feel terrible?" Her voice sounded shaky, but it was probably just the connection.
"I can't lie to you, my buddies and I made a bet about your reaction if I told you that I... that I liked you, and I feel really bad about the whole thing, because I hate lying to my friends, so can you forgive me." I waited, this was scaring the crap out of me.
Li was quite for so long I thought she had hung up, but then I heard a long intake of breath, "...Oh ...well ...thanks. I mean... you know... for telling me the truth."
"Okay, yeah... well, bye."
"Bye." and with that she hung up. I could have sworn her voice was trembling towards the end of our conversation. I rubbed a hand across my face. I really hope I didn't royally screw us both over.
There was a knock at the door and I heard it open. "Living room," I called. Carl appeared in the doorway, "Come on in," I said motioning to the recliner.
"So, hit me with it, what ya'd do wrong this time," Carl asked.
I stood up and walked into the kitchen, "Long story, you want something to drink?"
"I got time, and I'll take a beer," Carl replied.
I popped the bottles open and handed a beer to him and sat back down. "So Li and a bunch of her friends came to Fat Joint with me last night and we were all having fun..."
Lioness POV
I looked at my cell phone strangely, there was no way De was pulling a prank on me, was he. I mean he sounded so sincere. But why did I care so much, I mean I didn't like him, sure he's smart, funny, and really good looking and I get a weird feeling in my stomach when he smiles... oh shit I do like him. I can't, I mean he just told me he said that was for a bet. Breath woman! You are strong and smart don't let this get to you, we can be friends... right?
My cell went off again and I flipped it open, " 'Ello?"
"Hey Li, you okay you sound funny." Madison asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine, just tired."
"Where'd you go last night, you never came home, you with De?"
"No! No... after we left we walked to the park and wondered around, I'm still here, De took off he had some things to do," I said quickly.
"Oh, okay, well you want me to come get you?"
"Nah, I'm going to go talk to Mari for a little, I'm close to her place."
"Kay, call me when you done, Rachel and I are going shopping you guys should meet up with us, we need dresses for the Lee Industries Gala."
"That sounds great, I'll see if Mari wants to go."
"Kay, later."
"Bye." I hung up and found myself on Mari front porch. I knocked.
"Be there in a sec," Mari called. A minute later the door opened and Mari stepped out covered in flour. "Hi Li!" She said cheerily.
"Hey Mari, having fun," I asked.
She grinned, "Yep, want to help us make cookies?"
"I don't want to intrude," I said cautiously.
"Are you kidding. Come in!" She stepped aside and let me in.
"Li!" a tiny voice screamed, I looked towards the kitchen to see a miniature version of Mari come flying at me.
"Hey Kari. I heard you were making cookies."
"Yeah. You should help, but mom say we'll never finish cause the 'gredients go in the bowl, but we can't them in there," Kari smiled showing off her pearly whites. I laughed as she skipped back into the kitchen.
"See, I told you. Come on, I could use all the help I can get." Grinning I followed her into the flour covered kitchen, I needed a distraction.
~ Hour Later ~
"Wow I didn't know making cookies could be so exhausting," I sighed collapsing on the couch.
"Agreed," Mari sighed. "So do you want to tell me why you came over?"
"Do I need a reason, I visits my friends," I asked raising an eyebrow.
Mari looked at me, "Yeah!"
I laughed, "So mean."
"So come on spit it out."
I sighed again and told Mari want happened.
"My brother is an idiot," Mari said shaking her head. "Li, my brother really does like you, after his last relationship I'm not surprised he did this, but please give him time. He needs time to figure out his mistake, I want him to pay."
"What happened in his last relationship," I asked quietly.
"That's for him to tell you, not me, sorry. But can you promise me one thing."
"Sure anything," I said.
Mari took a deep breath, "Promise me you'll take care of him, no matter what, even if you in a big fight or something. He needs someone he can go to no matter what, and before you say anything," She said holding up a hand to stop me, "I can't be that person, because I've been there his whole life, plus now I have Kari. So please just promise me you'll be there for him."
I licked my dry lips, "Yeah," I whispered, "I can do that."
"Thank you. Now what was that you said about shopping?"
Okay so it's definitely not my best chapter or my longest, but I'm getting back into this, so please bare with me. Reviews are loved.
Those of you reading my JL story, I'm working on it! Sorry.