Here Is my Second Story and My First Multi-Chap.
All praise be to the best Beta On the Planet ...
Zee! You Rock!
Chapter 1: Prologue
Dr. Temperance Brennan was staring at a blank page. She could not think of anything at all to write about that was in anyway pertaining to her book because a certain FBI agent in reality kept appearing in her thoughts and wouldn't let her think of anything else, whether it be remotely productive or not.
Fine, she thought. I write it out now and hopefully, it'll leave me alone long enough to meet my deadline this time.
Here goes nothing.
I am Dr. Temperance Brennan, Forensic Anthropologist. I firmly believe that my partner, Special Agent Seeley Booth is in love with me because of several reasons he's shown including but limited to:
A) the fact that he looks at me in a "checking-me-in"(or is it out?)manner.
B) Although he uses his charm smile often on females suspects to get them to tell him things they wouldn't normally, it doesn't reach into his eyes like it does when he uses it on me for something that's good for me, as in getting out of the lab before 3:00 a.m.
C) He always acts jealous of every boyfriend I introduce or even mention to him.
D) Every time I use a pop culture reference correctly he smiles at me like I just climbed Mount Everest. (Memo to me, buy an idiom dictionary).
E) When we go anywhere he puts his hand on the small of my back, almost like he's claiming possession of me. (Which I am not entirely impressed with, but like "Bones" it's starting to grow on me)
F)His constant jumping to reject any guy that asks me out in his presence even though the type of guys that ask me out while he's around are idiotic, I was going to say no anyway, and I can speak for myself, thank you very much.
I have feelings for him of a romantic nature. I know because:
A) I look just as often as he looks at me
B) When he smiles I melt (obviously not literally as it's scientifically impossible for a human being to melt unless exposed to extreme heat or an acidic substance and even then it's extremely difficult as more then likely that they would burn intensively rather then melt …)
C) I'm jealous of any girl he says he's dating. (Even though I know jealousy is highly irrational)
D) I actually am starting to enjoy the way he treats me as a woman as in never letting me pay, (ridiculous because I make more money than him), opening the doors for me (excepting the car door that's just absurd). I find that it's nice being treated as precious once in a while.
E) I'm constantly researching new ways to make Mac 'n' Cheese so the next time he asks for it I will make the absolutely best kind, ever.
F) I think he's cute when he's all Knight-in-shining-FBI-standard-issue-body-armor.
G)He invades my personal space, often putting his face a scant inch away from mine sometimes, and all I can think of is... will he kiss me this time?
Now that this is established, comes the inevitable complications which occurs when conducting any type of theory, hypothesis or experiment . . .
A) He's my partner.
B) He's my best guy-friend.
C) I've been hurt so many times that if this started and I screwed this up I think I would mentally and emotionally break down.
D) He can't see that I need him to make the first move.
Every relationship I have ever had that I have started ended far too quickly. I am afraid if I start it, it will die of the curse. That the part of me that blooms in the time that he's here will wilt and as much as he holds my heart in his hands, that something will cause it to fall, and I'll never be able to connect with people again.
I find it funny how he's my protector, my rock. He'd never let anything bad happen to me. I mean, he hunted down Ortez when he put a hit out on me(he doesn't know I know), he's very brave. But he's scared . . . of me. He can't come up with the courage to create a move on me. The bravest man I know is scared of a woman.
Knowing this, I try to hint around or push him in the right direction. I play dumb to his looks, but I wear shirts that show just a little too much. I have never made him leave when he shows up in the middle of the night with Thai food. In fact, I've stopped eating dinner at the end of a case because I know he'll be coming. I go home, sleep, and wake up before he comes, in case he stays a long time.
I date total jerks to see if his protectiveness will set him off to finally say something. NO. I dated Sully because:
A) I thought he would be a good substitute for Booth. He's FBI, good at his job, cute( not hot like Booth but then again, who is?), and he's a good man.
B) I thought maybe if Booth saw him as I did, as a replica of him, maybe if he saw me in a serious relationship, the thought of losing me like that would spark something. But NO, when it came right down to me leaving, I got the sorrow look on his face, I didn't get him saying, "Don't go, I couldn't handle you leaving." Instead, I got the "if-you-really-love her-let-her-go-face." "You should go." It broke my heart that he couldn't say something like the previous.
How else can I hint around and play the girl without acting too obviously? I have no clue. I can't understand how he can see if I'm lying about being fine after a case, but not that I'm falling for him. I think he can see through everything but my heart. First thought when I wake up is, My god, he's beautiful. So I put on my makeup, and pray for a miracle (yes, yes, yes, I still believe god is nonexistent but Booth doesn't agree, so maybe his faith will work for me in the creation of the highly nearly impossible). But Alas, he comes and he goes, and I get Nothing.
No, not nothing, I get worse. I get teasing, being so close but not in that way. Sometimes when we argue, he backs me up against the wall, making the tension so thick you could cut it with a sword. I can feel his breath on my face but unfortunately his tongue stays in his mouth and doesn't enter mine. It's extremely frustrating! I do believe someone sent that perfect man here to torture me. When he's stressed, he bounces his little blue ball. I can come up with a better use for his hands.
It amuses me though he still continually thinks he's Andy Lister, he is completely not. No more than I am Kathy. This doesn't mean I don't write about him, just not as Andy. When I write him, he's never Andy, he's Booth. If he ever read a tenth of what I have written about him, I'd almost bet money he'd request a transfer in ten seconds.
P.S. If you ever read this Angie, bad, bad things will happen. Worse if you show Booth.
There. Now, feelings, leave me alone.
Dr. Temperance Brennan sighed and shut down her computer before looking at
the clock.
Smiling softly she thought, there's just enough time for me to finish the chapter and get home for two hours of sleep before going back to work.
Now Here is the Space where it is Anthropologically accepted for the author to say when they post next, and to beg for reveiws, So Ahemmmm... I don't want to post stuff that people don't like, So if you like, post. It will speed up the process. If you don't like tell me why, then next time I post It might be better. Did you have cereal for breakfast? tell me what kind. I like been talked to for whatever reason.