Random Fact: there is a Feast of Booths. It starts today and ends in seven days. On the First and Eighth Days, there are Displays of Art and all sorts of good things, So my good things are Two chapters of my story. One now, and one in seven days. If I finish more I'll publish sooner but no later than then. Also, all praise and glory be to my beta, Zee!

Chapter 2 Plan B&B

Temperance Brennan did finish her chapter, and she did go home. However, she didn't go to sleep. She was tired surely, but although she had been nodding off while she was writing her chapter, now she just couldn't fall asleep… The two hours she meant to sleep during dragged on and on until finally, sick of waiting for sleep to claim her, she just took four triple-shot espressos and went back to the Jeffersonian.

There she worked until her protector, the cause of her sleeplessness, dragged her out to Wong Foo's. After that she went back home and tried, unsuccessfully, to fall asleep. That was how it went on for a week, work, Wong Foo's, home, no sleep. Work, Wong Foo's, home, no sleep. She knew why she couldn't, but chose to ignore it until she could take it no longer. Then she made another deal with herself.

"Okay, let me sleep tonight, and I will fix this tomorrow." As soon as the words were out of her mouth, her head drooped on the pillow, and she fell into unconsciousness.

Morning came too quickly, Brennan decided. She had gotten a full eight hours, but they weren't peaceful. While she was having them, they were blissful, but now that she was awake, she knew she had to face the real world, meaning Booth. This revealed her dreams to be torture.

But worse than that is knowing she had to act on the visions, emotions and desires she'd been having for, let's face it, two and a half years. Something had to be done. So after doing some research and yanking a few strings, Brennan was off to see an expert about this sort of thing. Upon entering the Jeffersonian, she realized she was about ten minutes late. Boy, Angela's going to have a fit with this one. She thought to herself as she knocked on the office door.

"Come in," came a voice from within.

Angela Montenegro looked up from her sketch pad.

"So…what's going on, Bren?" she asked, seeing the anxious look on Brennan s face as she shut the door.

Brennan gave her the file she wrote a week ago.

"Read this", she replied in a mono-tone voice.

As Angela read the report her face quickly changed from intrigue to ten different stages of glee.

"Sweetie, why didn't you say this before? You know he likes you, and you obviously love him. Plus, since last Christmas the sexual tension you two have has increased from powering a small Midwestern city to a large Midwestern state!" she exclaimed heartily as if she were stating the obvious.

Brennan rolled her eyes, "Because Ange, can't you see? If he's my Knight-In-Shining-FBI-Standard-Issue-Body-Armor, then I'm the princess awaiting rescue. He was so close to opening up to me last year, but then Cam came. She stole his attention for awhile and when she was poisoned, it scared him. That's why he drew the line. It's his line, and although I want to so badly, I can't make it go away. He has to do that himself", she finished, feeling foolish.

"So what do you want me to do? I'm already risking bad, bad, things by reading this," mumbled Angela, feeling utterly confused.

"Oh speaking of which, remember that band you love um Parkin Link?"

"It's Linkin Park sweetie."

"Well whatever they're called, they're coming to D.C., I just Googled them."

"How is this a bad, bad thing?"

"Well, by my calculations there must be someone in this town that can t see them. Notice how I just stated, bad, bad things will happen. I didn't specify to whom", she replied, an odd smirk covering her face as a sharp gleam invaded her eyes…

Brennan went to leave, but turned back once she had gotten to the door.

"By the way," she added, "if you would like to discover what is worse, I'd advise you to use your Angela skills to put those papers I gave you where Booth can accidentally find them."

Then she left without a backwards glance.

And remind me again why I am doing this, Angela Montenegro thought as she walked into the FBI building.

Oh yeah, Bren finally admitted she loves our favorite Mr. F-B-Eye candy and sent me to get him to fess up to her but making it seem like she inadvertently fessed up to him via this Love Report. For all their denials, they still act like two love-stuck teens afraid of getting hot and heavy!

Angela did a primary glance into Special Agent Seeley Booth's office, unfortunately for her, it was occupied. Booth seemed to be hard at work doing some very late paperwork, and being severely frustrated by it. Finally he just shut the file and put his face in his hands.

Time For Plan B&B, She thought.

"Hi Booth," smirked Angela after she knocked on the door.

Booth head shot out of his hands.

"Angela?! Is Bones okay? Why are you here?" Booth s eyes were the size of dinner plates.

she chuckled, "you're so cute when you get worked up, you know that right? Bren's fine, she's her typical workaholic self. She finished her side of the paperwork, and since I was going on a coffee run, she asked me to drop these off for her before she started yet another limbo case."

Booth face molded into a look of disgust and annoyance. "Arrgh, you've got to be kidding me, another one? She must be stopped. She's going to work until three a.m. again. I m going to go get her and MAKE her stop working! His dark-chocolate eyes flashing with a mixture of protectiveness and love.

With that Booth strode out like the knight he was, never realizing that Angela didn't leave his office.

Okay plan B was a snap and look at him go. Man, If I didn't have Hodgins and he wasn't Brennan's, I know I'd be testing if a certain Seeley B, would beat a Sealy P. as for beds , She thought as she dropped the real case on his desk. She had just finished arranging the more important, emotional file when she knocked the file he d been working on the floor.

Oh, triple dancing cat dirt flew across her mind as she bent to get it. Being Angela, she started to read it...

As she did, her thoughts quickly changed to Oh. My. God. Oh my God, oh my God! Okay, Rule number three, no squealing while on mission from Brennan until you get back in the car. OH MY GOD!

Well there it is. I Survive on food, but I thrive solely on reviews. So Please Review.