Random Sesshomaru, Edward, and Harry Thoughts:

Sesshomaru is in a green G-string (nothing else) on a clear pole with multi-colored strobe lights.

Edward in doing the Macarana wearing a really creepy smile.

Harry running through a Wizarding mall, throwing bouncy balls, screaming "Go, Pikachu, go!" (A/N: See, 15 ways to annoy people at Walmart Cullen Style.)

Sesshy wearing "gangsta" clothes and singing 50 Cents lyrics.

Eddy-kins digging in his nose.

Harry randomly runs and glops people.

Fluffy bobbing his head to mute music.

Edward sreaming "The voices! . . . Make them stop! Make the voices stop!" running and scarring the random passerbys.

Harry getting emotional and crying for no reason.

Sesshou, Eddie, and Harry skipping down a town's dirt roads, arms linked, and singing the tracks from Hairspray.

(A/N: This is only some of my thoughts. I might have some more and put them up, but this was mostly posted so I would have my fifth story up so I can become a Beta reader. I have to fufill the requirements, so here we are! It may not be too funny, but I tried to put some of everything up for the versatile peeps. So, later, if you need help, I'll be here, give me am e-mail and be on your way!)