Sound the Bugle; You're a Soldier.

"This wasn't supposed to happen." Winry whispered, standing in the doorway of her house. But the blond only told her good-bye and left, trudging through the rain, already late. Winry tried hard not to fall to her knees; it already took most of her strength not to cry.

Ed had been waiting for so long, years even, to say these words. Now was the moment, now was the time. He couldn't hesitate any longer.
He knocked on the door, clenching the small black box in his pocket.
"Ed?" Winry answered the door. "What a surprise! I have good news!" She smiled and gestured him in, closing the door behind him. She looked beautiful: Her golden hair was up in the back, and strands fell on either side of her face where her ocean blue eyes sparkled.
"Winry, look I"
"Guess what"
"Um, what"
From a door behind her, Russell Tringham appeared. Ed looked puzzled; he knew Russell had been friends with Winry, and he'd been there to comfort her when her granny died, but he thought he'd left by now.
"Russell and I are getting married"
Time was still. Russell wrapped his arms around Winry from behind, and the girl beamed with ecstasy. Ed couldn't take it in.
"Oh. I.. uh... That's great"
"Sorry I cut you off. What were you going to say"
"It's nothing.. I'm happy for you guys. That's great, really. Married. hm"

It was two weeks later. Ed approached Winry in her doorway, rain soaking him through.
"Ed! Are you crazy? Get inside before you catch a cold!" the blond girl cried, hugging her robe tight around her body.
"I can't, I have to go. I just wanted to give you something"
"Where are you going in this weather"
"The military needs me in the war. They wanted me fighting on the front line. We're being deported tomorrow"
"What?! Ed! But- I thought the war was over! And... you can't go! Oh, Edward!" she wrapped her arms around him, despite him being soaking wet, and held him tightly. "This is terrible, Ed.." She supressed her tears as Ed continued talking.
"I wanted to give you something." He repeated, reaching into his pocket. Winry retracted, wiping her eyes.
"What is it"
He held out the box he'd intended to give her two weeks ago and put it in her hand.
"Two weeks ago, I wanted to give this to you. But I'm sure Russell is much better for you than I am"
Winry gave him a puzzled look and opened the box, gasping when she saw it: a beautiful diamond ring, sitting on a sparkling silver band, and the words "Be Mine, Forever" in a note stuck in the top of the box.
"Ed, this is..." She could only remember how long they'd struggled romantically, and how she'd always ached for him to ask her to be his. Once he returned from the other side of the gate, she thought it was a miracle, and they might finally be together. So she waited, and waited for Ed to finally ask. But the question never came. She exploded in outrage, heartbroken, and cried when he explained that he never knew she even took an interest in him as more than a friend. "This wasn't supposed to happen"
"I'll be late for my train. Goodbye, Winry. Good luck with the wedding"
And he left, trudging through the rain, down the long dirt driveway.

2 months later

To: Edward Elric Region II - Camp 3 From: Winry Rockbell 273 Timber ln. Resembool May 12

Dear Ed,
I hope you're doing well. I know the war must be taking its toll on you. Just try not to bang up your autmail too bad )
We all miss you here in Resembool. Most of all me, I think. The wedding is only a few weeks away and I can only think of you. I keep the ring you gave me under my pillow. A few times I've tried it on, trying to imagine how things would be if you were the one sleeping quietly in my bed, while I write this letter in the dark, instead of Russell.
I miss you so much, Edward.
I hope one day you'll forgive my impatience. For the longest time I wanted only to be with you- but I gave up. I was sick of waiting. Now I know I'd wait a million years for you if it just meant you'd make it home safely.
Please be careful.
Write back soon.
Love, Winry.

To: Winry Rockbell 273 Timber ln. Resembool From: Edward Elric Region II - Camp 3 May 17

Dear Winry,
The war is tough, but I'm still alive. It has to count for something. )
I couldn't put in words how much I want to be home again. I can't wait till we're deported back to Amestris and I can sleep in my own bed without being woken in the night by roadside bombings, and I can eat one of your homecooked dinners, but most of all, see your face again. I miss you so much, Winry. I'm glad you like the ring. Just make sure Russell doesn't find it. I'm afraid he'd be angry with me.
You don't have to ask my forgiveness. I was stupid and ignorant for not reaching out to you sooner. I was so afraid you'd reject me. Please forgive me.
I can't promise you my safe return. But I will wish you good luck with the wedding. Tell everyone hi for me and I love you all.
Love, Ed.

To: Edward Elric Region II - Camp 3 From: Winry Rockbell 273 Timber ln. Resembool May 25

Dear Ed,
I'm glad you're okay. The wedding was beautiful. I wish you could have been there. As far as I know, Russell doesn't know about the ring. But I wouldn't be ashamed if he found it. I miss you too much to be ashamed of it.
I wish so much that you were home again.
You are not at all stupid or ignorant, Ed. And there's nothing to forgive you for. Every day I find myself trying not to cry when I think of you. It's wearing me out, thinking of you all the time. Russell's starting to worry about me. Alphonse can see it, too.
Everyone says hi back, and they love you so much and wish you were safe and home again.
I miss you so, so much, Ed.
I love you.

To: Edward Elric Region II - Camp 3 From: Winry Rockbell 273 Timber ln. Resembool June 6

Dear Ed,
I was wondering if my last letter got lost in the mail because you haven't written me back. Just in case, I've enclosed a copy.
Please be safe. We all love you so much.
Love, Winry.

To: Winry Rockbell 273 Timber ln. Resembool From: Roy Mustang Region II - Camp 3 June 14

I'm very sorry that I must inform you Ed has gone missing. We haven't found a body so we can't say for sure whether or not he's dead. I know the ishbalans do not take prisoners in this area, though.
As of now we have only declared him M.I.A. (Missing In Action). We will only announce him dead if we do not find him alive by the time we deport three weeks from now. We have secured the region and our services are no longer needed.
I send you my condolences, and I wish you well.
Take care.
Roy Mustang -

Winry couldn't look at it; it was a terrible sight. The black casket was being lowered into the ground, a military flag and hat laid across it in honor of Ed's service to the country. Russell wrapped an arm around her and allowed her to bury her face in his chest as she sobbed, though Russell's arms were the last place she wanted to be.
Edward had never been found since he went missing in Ishbal. He and few others were declared dead the day they before they left the encampment. An empty casket was being buried under his headstone instead, next to his mother and granny Rockbell.

2 years later

The man meandered his way out of the station, gazing around in wonderment at how different it was since he'd last seen it. His freshly cut hair was hitched back in a simple ponytail and he wore new, itchy clothes. He walked away from the station and through the small town, smiling to himself at how it hadn't changed much. Trusting his memory, he took a path that eventually led to a long, dirt driveway. Atop the hill where it ended was a yellow house.
"Winry." the man whispered, and quickened his step, till he was in a full run. He knocked on the door, almost out of breath, and waited.
The door swung open.
"I'm sorry, but the shop is closed for the weekend-" The man smiled. Winry hadn't changed at all. Though there was an air about her that seemed totally different, in a sense, she was exactly the same.
"Winry?" He said breathlessly.
"...Ed?" she whispered, looking close to tears. He gave a slight nod, and she pounced, wrapping her arms excitedly around his neck and nearly knocking him over. "Edward! You're back, you're finally back! I was so scared you were dead! Oh, Ed! I can't believe you're back!" she exclaimed, tears streaming down her face.
"I know, I know, Winry. I'm back. I'm so glad I finally get to see you"
Winry invited him inside and fixed a cup of tea while he told her about the past two years.
"I was taken prisoner," he explained. "I was one of the few who survived. When I finally escaped, I went to Xing. I stayed there for a year or so, and then tried to make my way back to Amestris. I met Fuhrer Mustang at East headquarters and I've been filling out paperwork for weeks"
"Wait, so you've been in East city for weeks and didn't even bother to write me?!" Winry complained, pouring the tea.
"Well, I really preferred to tell you in person, plus I couldn't remember your address"
The blond girl shook her head. "It doesn't matter now. You're home. and You're safe"
"Yea. I am." they shared a long embrace before finally picking up their tea.
"So, where's Russell? Are you still together?" Ed asked, looking around the kitchen. Winry shook her head sadly.
"After your funeral, things were rough. I couldn't even look at him without thinking of you. We filed for divorce six months after they announced you dead"
"I'm sorry to hear that"
"Don't be sorry. I'm glad it happened. And now you're here, and everything's... perfect." she smiled at him, eyes shining with tears.
"Winry, do you still have that ring I gave you"
She held up her right hand, the diamond sparkling on her ring finger. "I never took it off"
Ed smiled and got up, kneeling next to her at the table. He took the ring from her right hand and slipped it onto her left, kissing the back of her hand gently.
"Winry, I've wanted to ask you this question for years. First I was too scared, and then when I finally mustered up the courage, it was too late. So, even though it's two years later, I just wanted to ask you... Will you marry me, and be mine forever"
Through her tears, she managed to choke out a tiny "Yes."