DISCLAIMER:I don't own Inuyasha or any characters.



A month later

With Sango and Kagome

"Come on Kagome we have to hurry up we have to go to Kaede's."

Sango says as she grabs the sutra Miroku gave her a month ago.

"I'm coming." Kagome said as she entered the hut they stead at.

"Here, Kagome. Do you still know how to use it?"

"Yep, I still remember."

With that Kagome puts her Hiraikotsu down and grabs the sutra from Sango channels her spiritual powers into it and throws it at her newly weapon. There was a big flash of light but when it dimed and the girls could see again they looked at the spot the Hiraikotsu was and all that was there was a long bow similar to the bow Kikyo uses.

"Ok, Let's see if it works."

With that Kagome grabs the bow and think of the Hiraikotsu and it changed to their excitement then she thought of the bow and it change back to it.

"Sango we did it. Oh and it stays the same weight as the Hiraikotsu thank god, cause if you think about it if it changed weight I might not get uses to using the Hiraikotsu cause it will still be like caring a bow and I might get out of shape."

"Yep I have to agree but we got to go now."

And with that bother girls left and headed to Kaede's village.

With Kaede

'Knock! Knock!'

"Come in."

"Lady Kaede."

When the girls came in the explained to Kaede about what happened and she agreed with the girls gave them some medicine for the group. Sango and Kagome each hugged the old priestess and said their thanks and left to find Inuyasha and the others.

With Inuyasha

"Hey Inuyasha isn't that Kirara?" Shippou said looking into the sky.

As Shippou said that the girls landed in the clearing.

"We're back." Kagome said jumping off Kirara.

"Hey how was everything?"

"Good thank you Miroku." Sango said as she got off the fire cat.

"Sango, why do you have two swords?"


'Shit me and Kagome forgot about hiding her sword. Think girl think…I got.'

"Um well I thought when I was doing repairs on my Hiraikotsu that I should make it stronger so I don't have to worry about it breaking as much and I don't have to go to my village so I added more to my Hiraikotsu. But I would still have to go back to my village if my sword broke so I thought I could bring a spare just in case, so we have more time to look for Naraku."

"Ok. Let's go."

With that Inuyasha starts to walk off.

"Hey Inuyasha isn't to night the new moon?"

"Yes so let's keep going."

"Thank you Sango." Kagome whispers to Sango only low enough for Sango to here.

"No problem." Sango says just as low.

With the Band of seven

"Big brother Bankotsu when will I be able to see my puppy Inuyasha Big brother."

"Jakotsu will you shut the fuck up!" Renkotsu yelled.

"For the last month all you do is whine about that flea bag Inuyasha! Would you give it a rest?"

"Shut Renkotsu. You don't know how I want to chop him all up see his blood running down my sword….ahhh I can't wait."

"Hey there's a village. How about some fun brothers." Bankotsu said.

And with that the band toke off to the village. By the time every villager was dead it was at sunset.

"Hey is there any sake around?"

"Yes Big brother Bankotsu."

With that all the band members sat down and were drinking sake. Then when all the sake was gone the band got up and left to look for the mutt.

"Hey Big brother Bankotsu isn't that Inuyasha and his gang up there?" "Um…yeah but something's different…he's looks human. Let's go."

With Inuyasha and the gang

"Look a village Inuyasha."

Was all that Kagome could say, before coming face to face with the band of seven.

"Hey mutt face so the night of the new moon."

That was all that was said before a fight broke out. Suikotsu and Jakotsu were fight Sango with Shippo's help, Renkotsu and Ginkotsu were fighting Miroku. Bankotsu ran at Inuyasha but Kirara grabbed Inuyasha by his kimono then put him on the ground near Shippou, returning to Kagome.

"Shippou take Inuyasha away."

"What about you though?"

"Go now!"

Was all Kagome said and Shippou went into the air. Bankotsu went to go after Inuyasha and Shippou but Kagome fired an arrow that just missed his head by an inch.

"Bankotsu you are fighting me." Kagome said getting the sword Sango had made for her.

"Girl you have to be joking like you could ever bet me."

And with that said Bankotsu went at Kagome and brought his sword down only to hit her Hiraikotsu.

"What the hell. Where did that come from?"

Kagome toke that moment to attack. With her enemy distracted she swung her Hiraikotsu but Bankotsu jump away from her just in the nick of time. Kagome throw her Hiraikotsu only for Bankotsu to hit it off course so it wouldn't return to her and Bankotsu ran at her.


Just as Bankotsu was about to hit Kagome, Kirara grabbed Kagome and throw Kagome on her back.

"Kirara, the Hiraikotsu!"

With that Kirara flow to the Hiraikotsu and Kagome put her hand down and grabbed the Hiraikotsu.

After that Bankotsu used dragon thunder and Kirara and Kagome got hit but not head on. They we're ok but the Band of Seven leader run to attack her they went on for at least 3 hours straight as the rest we're resting as they watched the fight.

Finally what seemed like days Kagome and Bankotsu clasped and their allies ran to them and the band of seven retreated for the time being.

Kagome's Dream

Kagome woke up in a blacker then the night sky. Then a woman with long black hair a little longer then Kikyo's, she had four markings that made a diamond shape on her forehead and was dressed in miko robes and old armor with a single sword was in front of her.

"Kagome you are not just Kikyo's reincarnation."

"Who are…you?"

"I am Midoriko the creator of the Shikon Jewel or Jewel of four souls."

"Why are you here and where am I?"

"I am here to tell you the truth of you pasted live as I have said you have more power then I, but it was sealed until I thought right to unseal it. Kagome you are the most powerful being in the world if you train, you are not just Kikyo's reincarnation you have four souls in you. You have mine, Sango, yes the one you travel with as well as Kikyo's and you have your own soul. Kagome you must not go back to Inuyasha that he will be your down fall. If you stay with him after the Jewel is complete the same thing that happened to Kikyo will happen to you and this will all happen again that is all I can say when you wake you must tell them of this dream but don't tell Inuyasha about what will happen if you stay with him Kagome after the jewel is complete. Kagome this is for the world of humans and demons alike that you can't stay with him. Kagome when you wake you will have all your powers and know who to use them. When you tell them Kirara well listen to you for I was her first owner and Kagome please listen to what I said."

With that Midoriko started to fade away and Kagome started to come to.

"Wait! Midoriko please wait!"

End of dream

Kagome woke up from her dream only to see all her friends around her with clear worry in their eyes all except Inuyasha. Inuyasha looked pissed.

"Kagome you're up I am so happy." Shippo said running into her arms.

"Kagome are you all right?"

"Yes Sango I feel fine. Inuyasha…what's wrong with him?"

"Well I had to tell him what happened and he's mad." Sango said with guilt on her face.

"It's ok Sango but I have to tell you all something."


Kagome woke up in a blacker then the night sky. Then a woman with long black hair a little longer then Kikyo's, she had four markings that made a diamond shape on her forehead and was dressed in miko robes and old armor with a single sword was in front of her.

"Kagome you are not just Kikyo's reincarnation."

"Who are…you?"

"I am Midoriko the creator of the Shikon Jewel or Jewel of four souls."

"Why are you here and where am I?"

"I am here to tell you the truth of you pasted live as I have said you have more power then I, but it was sealed until I thought right to unseal it. Kagome you are the most powerful being in the world if you train, you are not just Kikyo's reincarnation you have four souls in you. You have mine, Sango, yes the one you travel with as well as Kikyo's and you have your own soul. Kagome when you wake you will have all your powers and know who to use them. When you tell them Kirara well listen to you for I was her first owner and Kagome please listen to what I said."

With that Midoriko started to fade away and Kagome started to come to.

"Wait! Midoriko please wait!"

End of flashback

"And that's when I woke up."

Everyone in the group was speechless even Inuyasha and that's something to say.

"I don't believe you Kagome." Inuyasha says as he jumps out of the tree he was in.

"Inuyasha….SIT BOY!"

After about five minutes Inuyasha finally got out of the 10 foot crater that look like him with Kagome only using one sit wow. Kagome wasn't that mad so she was surprised the most.

"Kagome want to go to the hot springs with me before we have to leave because we didn't get to take one last night with the band of seven and you sleeping the rest of the night."

"No problem Sango let's me get my stuff ok."

With that Kagome grabbed her bag and left with Sango to the hot springs yelling as she goes for Miroku not to peak and for Kirara to make sure he doesn't.

At the hot springs

"I can't believe you are my reincarnation." Sango said sitting next to Kagome in the hot springs.

"Neither can I mean that's weird."

"Yeah but it is cool to cause at least I know that my reincarnation is nice, sweet and loving."

"Sango I have to tell you something I couldn't tell the others about my dream."

"Ok, what is it?"

"Well Midoriko said that I must not go back to Inuyasha that he will be my down fall. If I stay with him after the Jewel is complete the same thing that happened to Kikyo will happen to me and this will all happen again, that is all she said she can say and when I wake I must tell you all about the dream but not to tell Inuyasha about what will happen if I stayed with him after we complete the jewel. And that this is for the world of humans and demons alike that I can't stay with him. And that's what happened."

"Oh Kagome I am so sorry it's like everything is against you. Don't worry there is someone better then him."

"Yeah I know because if he liked me for me then he wouldn't care if I was Kikyo's reincarnation. Now that I think about Midoriko's message it means that he will come for me now knowing I am stronger then Kikyo and Midoriko herself and if that's all he cares about then I don't care about him."

With the band of seven

"Suikotsu is Big brother Bankotsu going to be ok?"

"Yes Jakotsu."

About the same time Kagome woke up with her friends Bankotsu woke up.

"Bankotsu, you're up."

'What happened? Oh yeah that girl, how could I loser to her. I want a rematch.'

With that thought Bankotsu went to get up only to be pushed back down.

"Big brother you need to rest for at least a couple of hours."


Is all that Suikotsu could get for a reply. As the day went on the band of seven sat there for about three hours after Bankotsu work up then they left to find a village to wreak havoc on.

So how is it the second chapters done and it only toke me a little over half the day so how is it is it better then my first please let me know and I give thanks out to my reviewers