DISCLAIMER:I don't own Inuyasha or any characters.



With Sango and Kagome

After Kagome told Sango about the dream about Inuyasha that she didn't tell the rest of the group they got out of the spring got dressed and left.

"Hey Sango I can't believe I stood against Bankotsu."

"I know that was awesome."Sango says.

They girls walk and talk about Kagome's fight till they get to the camp.

With the Band of seven

"Damn! Damn! Damn! I can't believe that little odd dressed girl can take me on that is… ahhhhh!" said a very pissed mercenary.

"Come on Bankotsu claim down." Jakotsu said.

"How can I claim down when a little girl knocked me out? Well, that's what I thought!?"

"Well we could always kidnap her…"Said Renkotsu.

"That's the stupidest…..that's a great idea!" Bankotsu said jumping up for his seat on the ground.

"Renkotsu you are awesome." Bankotsu said with a weird smirk.

"Well then we have to wait before we do kidnap her. At least 2 days."

"Alright then in 2 days we get her back."

With Inuyasha and the gang

With night setting in the gang got ready for bed as always the girls coming back from the hot springs, cooking ramen, and then going to bed. Inuyasha was asleep in a tree Miroku was leaning on a tree, Sango leaning on Kirara in her big form and kagome and Shippo in her sleeping bag.

Kagome's dream

Kagome was walking in a field with flowers and a beautiful waterfall. There were millions of different flowers surrounding the field rose, tulips, daisies, blue bonnets, and so much more. Kagome was amazed with the beauty of the field and walked around it until she heard her name, stopping to turn around to see who called her.

"Midoriko!"Kagome said with joy.

"Kagome how are you, my child?"

"Fine thanks."

Kagome looked around one more time then turned back to the older woman.

"Midoriko if I may can I ask you a question?"

"What is it did you what to ask child?"

"First why I am I here and what am I to do with the power I have? I know how to use it but how do I control it without harming my friends and family?"

"Well to answer your first question you called to me in your dream and I came to see what you wanted. For your second question you have to choose how you wish to use it and the other problem I can help train you if you wish."

"Could you train me?"

"Yes child as long as it will take but I can only train you in your dreams. Child I will start to train you as soon as you wish just call me in your dreams and I will come now child I most go for you are starting to worry you friends be safe my child."

And with that Midoriko faded away.

Waking up

"Miroku I am getting worried Kagome is always up before us." Said the slayer.

"Oh my dear Sango don't worry everything will be fine." Said the monk.

With Sango worried about her sister she never seen the monks hand moving to low for comfort. The next thing you now there is a knocked out monk and a twitching demon slayer. Kagome sat up and yawned.

"Oh Kagome your awake. Are you okay?" The slayer said for going from mad to caring in a second.

"Oh yea I am fine. Hey where's Inuyasha?"


"He what?"

"Well I don't know. When I woke up he was already gone." Sango said sadly.

"It's ok. I don't care anymore so don't worry ok. 'Oh Kagome I am so so sorry.'

"Oh ok"

Kagome and Sango just got stopped talking when Miroku woke up. After another 10 minutes Inuyasha came.

"Inuyasha, where did you go?" Kagome said.


Inuyasha said as he gave her so water.

"I was out." Was the only thing he said before jumping back up in a tree.

'Inuyasha what are you up to?' both Kagome and Sango thought.

'I hope she will forgive me.' Inuyasha thought as he looked at Kagome.

Later that day with the Inu gang

"Inuyasha I sense a jewel shard." Kagome said as she stopped.

"Where do you sense it, Kagome?" Inuyasha says as he goes to Kagome.

Kagome taking the hint got on his back and pointed to the east.

"Just a little east from here." With that said the gang toke off to where Kagome sensed the shard.

After 5 minutes at the most they stopped to see a big ugly demon attacking a cat demon like Kirara. The cat demon was snow white were Kirara was tan had the same places black were Kirara was, her eyes were red and she had a big black diamond in the middle of her forehead much like Kirara but had to small ones near the top part.

(The big diamond its top looked like this ^ and the small ones wear -^- right above the lines one on each side. just to help you know what it looks like.)

"Kagome wear is the jewel on the demon?"

"The neck."

" Wind Sca-"

"Sit boy!"

"What was that for woman." Inuyasha said as he got off the ground.

"Inuyasha you could of hit the cat."

"So your point?"

"Sit boy!" Kagome said.

Kagome grabbed her bow and aimed for the demon. With her arrow aimed she let it go and it soared through the air.

'Please hit! Please hit!' Kagome chanted as the arrow was soaring in the air.

Kagome watched as the arrow hit the target.

'Yes! I hit it!' Kagome thought.

As Kagome was pulled out of her thoughts she walked ignoring Inuyasha as he said to get the jewel but went to the cat demon. As Kagome got closer the demon hissed.

'God I wish Midoriko was here!'

'You called?'

'Mid..oriko I thought you could only talk to me in my dreams?'

'No child I said that I could only train you in your dreams. Now what is it you need?'

'Well how do I get this demon to trust me?'

'Well put your weapons down then slowly walk up to it and put your hand out, so it can smell you as you walk.'

'Thank you Midoriko.'

And as Midoriko said kagome did just that. Slowly she walked to the neko and it slowly let her. After Kagome got close enough she patted the neko's head. The neko slowly leaned into her hand and then the neko fainted.

(If that's what they call it for animals at least. Lol)

Kagome got up with the neko in her arms and walk to the jewel, picked it up and walked to the group.

"Kagome we are not keeping that thing." Inuyasha said.

"Yes we are."


"Sit! I said yes and that means yes!"

And with that the group walked till they were back to the road they were on then stopped for lunch.

"Hey Sango can you help me rape up the neko's wounds please."


With Kikyo

Kikyo walked out of the village she had stayed the night at.

"Kagura what are you doing here?"

"Naraku wants to know why you are taking so long."

Kikyo just ignored Kagura and kept walking.

With the Band of Seven

The Band of Seven had walked to a small village.

"Hey lets go have fun brothers."

And with that the Band ran to the village. Bankotsu and his brothers ran into the village and after the first kill there was running and screaming. Bankotsu was swinging Banryuu at every person he saw. Renkotsu was using his fire spitting ability; Jakotsu was using his Jakotsutou. Ginkotsu was using his guns, and Suikotsu was using his iron tiger claws. When all the villagers were dead it was sunset.

"Team rest up, we will be kidnapping that girl tomorrow night so get a good night sleep."

With the Inu gang

After their lunch everyone started to walk again. All afternoon they had not come to find a jewel shard. They walked nonstop all day after fighting that demon with the jewel.

"Inuyasha can we please stop it's getting late."

"Fine." With that said Inuyasha jumped up in the closes tree.

"Hey Inuyasha is there a hot spring nearby?"


With that answer Kagome and Sango started to make dinner.

"Guys dinner's done. Come eat."

When everyone was sitting near the food Kagome gave everyone there share and they eat. Kagome before she started to eat she grabbed two extra bowls to feed the neko's none as Kirara and the new one Sauiki. (Sign-u-key) As the neko's ate Kagome sat down and ate as well. When everyone was done Kagome got a plastic bag and put all the dirty dishes in it so not to ruin everything else in the bag. With that done everyone got in the same position they slept in last night with the exception of Sauiki sleeping next to Kagome's face.

Kagome's dream

Kagome woke up in the same field as last time but this time she was wearing a miko outfit just like Midoriko's in stand of her school uniform she still wore. As Kagome was about to call Midoriko's name she heard her name from the very person she was going to call.

"Midoriko your hear I was just about to call you."

"Alright my child we are going to start to teach you to heal wounds such as a broken bone or a stab from a sword. Are you ready child?"


"Alright then."

The field Kagome and Midoriko were in change to a forest.

"It will be best if we start with an animal ok."


Then dog appeared with a broken done.

"Ok Kagome close your eyes and focus then tell me what you see."

Kagome did as told. After about 5 minutes Kagome finally spoke.

"Midoriko I see a pink and silver ball."

"Ok Kagome focus and call on the silver energy to your hands."

Kagome did what the woman said and her hands started to glow a silver color.

"Now Kagome open your eyes,"

Kagome did so.

"Now put your hands to where the wound is then focus on it healing."

Kagome did this but nothing happened.

"Kagome focus on only it healing."

After about another 10 minutes the wound still did not show any signs of healing.

"Ok Kagome let try it this way, will it to heal."


"In other words ask it to."


This time it healed as soon as Kagome asked.

"That was perfect and it makes things easier."

"What do you mean?"

"Well People start off with focusing on the wound then when they get good enough they can will it. So that means you can heal faster than a regular beginner, and heal more complicated wounds. Just will it to heal and it will but if a wound is too strong to heal it will only heal what you power can so you won't be able to heal it all but able to heal it somewhat ok."

"Yes. Thank you Midoriko."

"No problem child now we must end this if you what to get up at the regular time you do. But if your power ever gets out of control then will it all back to a orb like when you said you saw to balls. Now I must go and be safe."

With that Midoriko faded away.

Waking up

Kagome woke up right at dawn and got up to start breakfast when she got done everyone woke up with the exception of Inuyasha since he was up before Kagome.

"Oh good morning Kagome and how are you this morning?"

"Good and keep your hands off monk."

The monk's hand dropped back to his side.

Well everyone was getting their breakfast Kagome put so food down for Kirara and Sauiki. After everyone was done eating the gang headed out to search for more jewel shards.

With the Band of Seven

It was around noon when the Band got out of bed.

"Ok everyone lets go."

The Band of Seven walked out of the village that they destroyed. After what seem like minutes Jakotsu started to talk.

"I can't wait to see Inuyasha ahhh! Those little doggy ears and ahhh! I can't wait till Inuyasha I would love to chop him to pieces ahh-"

"Jakotsu shut the hell up!" Renkotsu said with a little of annoyance in his voice.

Later that evening

"Ginkotsu shot." Renkotsu said as he aimed from the ground.

Sango and Kirara moved out of the way. Inuyasha was fighting Jakotsu And Miroku was fight Suikotsu. Kagome like last time was fighting Bankotsu and his Banryuu. As Bankotsu was about to hit Kagome, Sauiki turned in to a lager form of herself just like Kirara does but she had black flames on her paws and tails, and grabbed Kagome and put her on her back and toke to the sky.

"Sauiki?" Kagome asked confused.

The cat just purred. But the next thing that happened was the Sauiki and her were hit by Ginkotsu's guns. Kagome fell for the sky only to fall into Inuyasha's arms.

"Kagome! Kagome!"

When Inuyasha landed Jakotsu hit him and he was knocked out. The last thing Inuyasha seen was Kagome in Bankotsu's arms.

I am so sorry for not updating sooner it is just with everything going on but I promise to have the next chapter out before the end of the month.