Hi there everyone, I hope you've all enjoyed the summer holidays and are having a good time whether you are back to school yet or not. I apologize hugely for not updating for months but honestly I lost the groove of writing. I found it again today but this is still a very rough piece of work and not one of my proudest chapters, however I felt a compelling need to just get it out there. I'm sorry for not updating but my summer was taking over by uni preparation and working out what I was going to do with my life, I'm sure at least some of you can sympathize.

Anyway enjoy the chapter and let me know what you think.

As always,

T x

The date

"I can't do this. I'm going to throw up." James had turned a colour that vaguely resembled the colour of the frog Peter had sat on-and subsequently killed- the night before. Sirius rolled his mocha eyes and grabbed James tanned forearm, yanking him back from the doorway as he tried to dash to the bathroom.

Sirius pushed his best friend against the worn walls, scarred by burn marks, holes and other evidence of pranks gone wrong. "Man up Prongs! You are not going to throw up! Stop being a little girl," Sirius shook James' shoulders and peered into his hazel eyes, softening his tone a little when he saw the worry reflected back at him. Sirius nudged his best friend when his hazel gaze dropped to the scuffed wooden floorboards beneath their bare feet. "What are you so worried about eh? You're James Potter, ladies man, Maruader..."

"And she's Lily Evans, way out of my league." James interrupted; biting his lip and lifting his eyes, letting his best friend stare into the window of his soul. Sirius searched his eyes, a frown puckering his brow when he saw the depth of James' anxiety. He truly didn't understand how special he was.

"No one is out of your league."Sirius said sharply, forcing down the urge to shake his best friend until he could finally see what Sirius did. Sirius gaze pinned James to the wall and the intensity made him squirm.

"You have to say that, you're my best friend." James grumbled, accompanied by a deep sigh that rumbled its way from the base of his chest. It seemed the euphoria of Lily saying yes had worn off into panic about living up to the high expectations that had been set.

Sirius folded his arms and planted his feet squarely, silently showing James the gravity of his words. "I'm not your best friend Prongs, I'm your brother. The only thing I'm obligated to do is tell you the truth." At this statement James couldn't help but let a diminutive smile curl the ends of his lips up and slowly take over his whole face.

"I love you," James grasped Sirius and held him tightly, trying to savour the little moments he had with his friends.

"Enough of the mushy stuff, yeah? We're starting to turn into chicks." Sirius answered gruffly, but unable to keep the smile off his face either, and James nodded, letting Sirius out of his embrace with a wide grin. Sirius ruffled James' hair in a brotherly fashion and James' didn't even bother pretending to let a scowl take over his grinning face. "But I love you too...now get in the bathroom! Merlin knows it's going to take a miracle to get perfection like this!" Sirius waved a hand down his body, shaking his long ebony locks out of his face arrogantly, ignoring the snorts of Remus and Peter who were rousing from sleep.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night Pad," James shot back with an impish smile, before finally disappearing into the bathroom.

Lily scanned the corridor worriedly; James was already 5 minutes late, maybe he wasn't coming? Maybe he had changed his mind. Oh Merlin she knew she should have never said yes, should have never let him into her heart. Stupid stupid girl.

Without warning she felt two warm hands cover her eyes; a smile lit up her face as her body reacted immediately letting her know it was James.

"Guess who?" Came a low rumble of James' distinctive voice in her voice, sending a delicious shiver up her spine.

"James," She breathed, turning around to find him standing before her, looking adorably flushed and excited, her favourite crooked smile hanging off his lips and his hazel orbs sparkling with animation.

"Sorry I'm late, Sirius spent about 40 minutes in the bathroom fixing his hair," Lily laughing turned into a delighted gasp as James pulled out a red rose from his back pocket and wrapped her fingers around it. "And I wanted to get you this,"

"Thank you, it's beautiful," Lily's smile dazzled James and her soft embrace made him weak-kneed. He held her in his arms a moment longer than was acceptable for a first-date, letting his cheek rest against her flawless one, breathing in the scent that was so distinctly Lily with a sense of homecoming.

Both of their faces were dusted with rogue as they broke apart, Lily's darkening as James captured her hand in his and gently pulled her towards the exit, their hands tingling the whole way.

"This way," James held a branch back so Lily could pass, not missing the slightly hesitant look that passed her face as the sounds of Hogsmeade started to drift away. A frown marred his features for but a second before his trade-mark confidence in everything he did returned. James recaptured her hand and tugged her closer to him under the guise of pulling her away from the brambles, a knowing smile passed across Lily's lips and she darted a sensuous look at him from under her fair eyelashes.

"James," Lily sighed in exasperation as she almost tripped over yet another branch springing from the ground, "Where are we going?" She glanced backwards to see Hogsmeade had faded into a blanket of browny-orange leaves and bare trees.

"It's a secret," James smirked, playfully lifting an eyebrow and nudging her gently.

"Of course, James Potter couldn't do the normal 3 Broomsticks date, you had to go for something out of the ordinary." Lily shook her head, fake grumbling as they clambered over another fallen log.

"I'm James Potter, I could never be ordinary." James grinned, his face threatening to split in half as he bounded ahead, pulling the slower Lily along with him.

"And I wouldn't want you to be," Lily said shyly, delighting in the fact she caused a rogue to colour James' cheeks.

Green met hazel and the world spun.

Their eyes disconnected and they gasped, drawing air into their lungs simultaneously, hands still gripping tightly. They stood for a moment in the silence, with only the trickle of water and whisper of birdsong to interrupt.

James disentangled his fingers from Lily's and felt the loss immediately, craving the warmth that spread through his body when her tiny fingers clutched his. A fleeting look of rejection darkened Lily's features and her heart dropped, before James' mischievous smile and "Race you?" made her heart jolt with childish joy. Lily barely had time to see the challenge spark in his eyes before James took off down the path in front of them, sending her a wink over his fast retreating shoulder.

"I don't ever know where we are going!" Lily shouted after James with a laugh, tearing after him down the grassy track. Lily followed James' footsteps and shouts, keeping him barely in sight, laughing with him at the exhilaration and feeling of freedom.

Lily tumbled into the clearing after James, a squeal falling from her lips when arms caught her from behind and twirled her round, her feet spinning off the floor. "James!" She scolded without heart, finding herself trapped in his hazel gaze once again. James lowered her to the floor slowly, taking his time to enjoy the feel of her caged in his arms, her warm body pressed against his. James inhaled her light floral scent and let his arms fall to his sides, stepping out of the way so Lily could what was behind him.

Her eyes grew wide, "Oh James, it's perfect." Behind James lay a picnic blanket and basket, filled with all her favourite foods. Flickering flames were dancing in candle holders, hovering around the trees. It was simple, yet beautiful.

"Shall we?" James smiled smugly, pleased with her reaction, and offered her his coat covered arm.

"We shall."

"You hardly expect me to believe they are not for you James Potter," Lily raised a sceptical eyebrow, fighting the keep the smile off her face-she seemed to always have to fight them around James.

"Lily, I am Head Boy, do you really think I would be so irresponsible as to get these all for me?" James question was asked with a mask of utmost innocence, the kind that made you ashamed to have even thought of accusing him of anything. That was until a smirk crept onto his face and he rattled the overflowing bag of Zonkos goodies in her face.

"Damn you James Potter." Lily grumbled half heartedly, "You are far too good a manipulator to give anyone a chance." The gorgeous git just grinned.

"Where do you want to go now love, it's not quite time to leave?" Lily's heart fluttered at the endearment he used, and Lily cursed her weakness for his charms.

"Honeydukes?" Lily suggested and James nodded enthusiastically, his windswept ebony locks flying around his face as he did so.

"I'm running low on my stash to bribe Moony with." Lily could do nothing but shake her head at his childishness and be glad that part of him still remained untouched by the horrors of the outside world.

The door tinkled pleasantly as they strolled into the shop. They perused the aisles quickly, gathering what sweets and treats they wanted and ignored the blatant staring. For the first time that day Lily was glad that she had relinquished James' hand. "You finished?" James whispered lowly, seemingly indifferent to the stares of all the Hogwarts students. Lily nodded, eager to get away from everyone's judgemental gazes, it wasn't any of their business whether she and James were dating, Lily huffed internally. They shuffled towards the cashier and Lily paused while James paid for his mass of chocolate frogs and sugar quills. Lily then dumped her armful of sweets onto the counter, almost losing a couple of the flying Frisbees.

"That's two galleons and 5 knuts," The bored frizzy haired blonde behind the counter sighed. Lily fished in her bag for the correct change but James beat her two it, paying for her sweets with a winning smile towards the dubious looking cashier.

"James you didn't have to do that, let me pay you back!" Lily protested as James swept her sweets into a bag and started towards the door.

"Forget about it Lily," James called over his shoulder, losing her in the throng of students that frequented the shop.

"James, please" Lily said as she managed to wrestle her way out the flop, albeit with a flushed face and wild hair.

James placed his hand on Lily's and looked deeply into her eyes, "Please Lily, we are on a date, let me pay for your things." James pleading expression melted her stubborn nature as they started the long walk back up to the castle.

"James I think someone's following us," Lily whispered a few minutes later, breathing hot air into James ear, causing a shiver to snake its way down his spine. James wrapped his arm around Lily and pulled her tight against her body, her fingers clutching onto the buttons of his coat, one hand on the handle of her wand. James glanced covertly behind him, one hand slipped into his pocket cradling his wand while the other was wrapped protectively around Lily, and laughed.

"It's just Sirius, Remus and Peter spying on us, you can come out guys." He called and after a lot of shuffling and a slither of silver material that promptly disappeared, a sheepish Sirius, Remus and Peter materialized.

"It was Moony's idea to follow you two; he was desperate to see how the date went." Sirius drawled unconvincingly, strolling towards James with an unusually warm smile as his gaze fell on James' arm, still wrapped around Lily's petite shoulders.

"Of course it was Padfoot," James shared a roll of his eyes with Remus and a long telling look with Sirius before he was towed off. "Sorry about that," James apologized, letting his gaze linger on the brilliant red of the crown of Lily's head.

"I think it's sweet," Lily professed, emerald orbs shining with respect, "That they care so much about whether you are happy. They really love you."

James shrugged, his eyes smiling as they followed his friends jostling silhouettes back to the castle. "They are my brothers."

The rest of the walk was filled with companionable silence, swinging hands and sly glances, in the fading light of the day. The silence was broken by the roar of the fire as they stepped into their common room, enveloped by the warmth and cosiness of the room.

"Lily," James voice was a low tenor, emotion making his voice huskier than usual. "Thank you. That date...meant more to me than I can express." His eyes searched Lily's, the sincerity of his words shining through his hazel orbs. "I hope it lived up to your expectations." A touch of insecurity made James seem even more attractive to Lily as his gaze dropped from hers to stare at his feet.

Her sweet, tender voice brought his eyes back up to hers, "It exceeded anything I could have ever have dreamed. It was the perfect first date." Lily squeezed James hand; he tucked a tendril of hair behind her ear and pressed a gentle kiss onto her cheek.

"Does this mean I get a second date?" His eyes were so hopefully pathetic they were starling and seemed as far away from the cocky James that most of the world got to see that they could be. Lily bobbed her head and the look of unadulterated elation on James' face made her eyes grow moist.

They walked up the stairs hand in hand and the only thought on both of their minds was how right it felt.

"Padfoot," James' muffled voice greeted Sirius and Lily could hear the smile on James face. She wondered absent-mindedly whether Sirius had been waiting in James' room for the whole time until he got back. Lily pressed her ear to the wooden oak door to hear James voice more clearly.

"You look happy," Sirius' sleepy voice floated through the door to Lily, a low rumble. "How did it go?"

"It was better than I ever dreamt it could be. I didn't know someone could make me feel so complete." Lily wrapped her arms around herself, happiness seeping through her body. That was all she needed to hear. Lily quietly padded to her own room, brushed her teeth and slid underneath her silk covers. As she slept, a soft smile lay dormant on her lips, a silent reminder of young love.