Okay, I was thinking about new ideas for my other Gilmore Girls pieces and then this idea came to me. What if, during the fourth season, Logan had met Rory while she, for that short time, worked as the card swiper at the Yale dining hall? It's just an idea I've been dying to get out there (and I'm not a big fan of Logan) but I'd really appreciate some feedback! If you don't like it, I'll delete this story and finish out my other ones.

I don't own Gilmore Girls, but if I did, Jess and Rory would've ended up a couple in the second season.

-Beautiful Bluebird

Rory Gilmore slipped on her Yale cap and gaped at the long line of hungry college kids waiting for her to swipe their food cards so they could eat.

"Ah, this is going to be a long night," she thought as the first one in line handed her his card.

"Next!" she exclaimed.

It was like clockwork for the first fifteen minutes; take the card, swipe it in the machine, hand it back to the lucky kid who didn't have to do the demeaning job, smile, hand back the card, and say thank you and scream, "Next!" She even got the chance to talk to Lorelai while working, which was good for Rory because she rarely got the chance to talk to her mother now that she was at Yale.

"So, how is work, kid?"

"It's really, really boring. But, you know I need the extra cash."

"Well, Andrew told me that whenever you're in town and have some free time you can do some inventory work at the book store."

"Really? Oh, bless you!"

"Wow. That job must be really boring if you want to go catalog books at Andrew's."

"Must you mock me? I know you're not a big fan of books, but they've done nothing wrong to me these past eighteen years."

"Favorite daughter of mine, as your mother, it is my job to mock you every chance I get."

"I'm your only daughter."

"That I know of."

Rory laughed as she swiped yet another piece of plastic. It didn't matter how old that piece of banter was; it was something they always did together and she would never grow tired of it. They kept talking and when Lorelai mentioned something about the Gilmores inviting Jason Stiles over for dinner next Friday, Rory laughed even harder and said, "Yeah, sure, mom! Emily Gilmore is going to invite your secret boyfriend over to dinner! She hates Jason and you know it. There's no way!"

The next person in line interrupted her conversation.

"Excuse me, but did I just hear you say that your grandmother was Emily Gilmore?"

She looked up at the intruder. Oh, he was a looker; spiky blonde hair, warm brown eyes and a very polite smile…

"Yes, she is."

"Kid, what's going on?"

"Um, mom, I'll have to call you back after my shift. The line's getting longer."

That was a lie, but Rory, even if it was unlike her, really wanted to talk to this boy.

"You met a guy, didn't you?"

"I'll call you back later! Bye!"

"Fine, bye sweets."

She hung up the phone and set it on the table.

"Why were you wondering about my grandma?" she asked, while taking the boy's card.

"Well, my parents are very good friends of Richard and Emily. I've known them for a while. I'm Logan Huntzberger, by the way," he said; extending out his hand.

Rory put hers out and shook it; all while giving Logan back his card and introducing herself as well.

"Hmm… maybe it was a good thing I decided to eat in the dining hall today, Rory. I guess I'll have to do it more often. See you later."

He winked at her and casually walked away from her. Rory, in another non-Rory moment, stared at his retreating body and forgot all about the last few kids in line. She only snapped out of it when she realized the kids were just standing around with glares on their faces.

"Hey! Move it along! Come on! Let's go!" she exclaimed, finally having come back to reality.

Reviews are welcome! Thanks a ton! Sorry if it is a bit short…