Rory's cell phone rang as she was working on yet another article for the Yale Daily News. She was expecting it to be Lorelai, Lane, or worst case scenario, Emily, so she was caught off-guard when she heard the deep, steady voice of one Logan Huntzberger.

"Hey, Ace. Catch you at a bad time?"

"Oh, you know. I'm just writing an article that no doubt Doyle will probably reject at least twice before deciding to put it next to some piece about the Yale rowing team. You know. A Crazy Doyle News Piece. I'm just about finished."

He smirked; she was so adorable when she babbled.

"Great, so…uh, do you want to maybe come over to my place? We could watch a movie or something. Or maybe we could go get some coffee?" He added the coffee idea in sneakily; he knew coffee was something that she could not say no to. He had noticed recently that whenever Rory left the YDN room, she usually came back with a cup of fresh coffee, and it was never a small sized cup either. She also never passed up any opportunity for coffee whenever one of the writers offered to go on a coffee run.

Coffee plus Rory equals success.

"I could really use some coffee right now."

I totally knew it.

Despite his train of thoughts, he continued to listen to Rory talk.

"How about you bring some over to my dorm and we could hang out here? I don't feel like leaving my dorm, but I really would like to see you."

Logan smiled into his phone, pleased that he was already having an effect on Rory so soon into their 'relationship,' and started going for his jacket.

"Which dorm are you in, Rory?"

"Branford. Suite 5. See you soon, Logan."

He couldn't believe that he was on his way to a pretty girl's dorm without the preconceived idea that he would be having sex with said pretty girl. He was watching a movie with Rory. Drinking coffee. Perhaps she'd make a bag of popcorn for them to share. But nowhere in his night's plans did sex come up. Logan found a coffee cart nearby Branford and had a hunch that Rory was a regular at it, as it seemed quite convenient to just grab a cup on her way to her morning classes He bought two large black coffees and though he did pick up sugar and creamer, he figured it was moot, as she seemed like the type to drink it black.

Logan knocked at the door of Branford, Suite 5 and was greeted by a loud, "It's open!" He opened the door, and there was Rory, her hair nice and loose, dressed in a casual fitted sweater and jeans, as if she'd been expecting company all night long. He had half-expected her to be in sweats and a t-shirt; whenever he had to do a "Crazy Doyle News Piece," which was rare, he was up practically all night in the aforementioned outfit, strung out on coffee and tea (mixed together), angry, and his inbox littered with emails from Crazy Doyle, all saying the same thing…that his articles, and the rewrites that followed, were just not good enough.

She works well…and looks good…under pressure.

She was perched on the "Emily" sofa, laptop in her lap and blue eyes shining.

One, two, three, four. No…five coffee cups.

"Hi, Logan. Sorry I'm being a bit err, inattentive right now. I'm editing this last part and I'm just about to send it to Doyle. Ooh, coffee!"


"No worries, Ace," he said, as he took a seat on one of the "Emily" chairs. He handed her the coffee and, he was right. Rory instantly took a sip, no sugar or creamer needed.

"Ah, good stuff. Did you get this at…The Cart?"

"Let me guess. The one right outside Branford?"

"Yes! Oh, Ben and his amazing coffee making skills."

"Coffee making skills? Rory, it's brewed black coffee. It doesn't take a genius to make straight up coffee."

Rory made a 'how dare you' face and looked at him in horror.

"You, Logan Huntzberger, do not know what amazing coffee is. You have to learn the way of the coffee gurus. I, and my esteemed coffee junkie, my mother Lorelai Gilmore the second, will guide you in the path that is unadulterated caffeine and force you to become as addictive as we are."

"Does drinking this unadulterated caffeine cause you to ramble on as much as you?"

She smiled. "You should see my mom talk if you think I'm a rambler." Rory took a long drink, looked at her laptop and sighed in relief.

"Done. Another Crazy Doyle News Piece complete…until next week…and click…send." She shut the lid of the laptop and got up.

"So, is this your idea of a hot date?" she joked.

"Oh yeah. Paper coffee cups, casual wear and the dorm rooms that all look exactly the same. Definitely beats dinner, dancing and drinks in late-night New York City."

"Okay…so, this isn't exactly amusing, but if it wasn't for Doyle, we could be doing dinner, dancing and drinks. However, it would be in Hartford, instead of New York…so that doesn't really make it as cool as a night out in the City. It's Hartford. What would be worse is if we did it here in New Haven."

"It still beats this. Get your coat on. I know a great sushi place. You like sushi?"

"A Gilmore likes food in all shapes and forms, unless it looks like if it was, a: plucked off a tree, or b: taken straight off from a farm. So, yes. I like sushi. Very much."

"This is your car?" she asked, gesturing to the Porsche in the student parking lot.


"It's nice. Damn, I guess the rumors about the Huntzberger family are true. You're loaded."

"Okay, yeah, but I mean it's not like the Gilmores are lacking in the money."

"Poor little rich boy."

"Judgmental little rich girl."

Rory could only stick her tongue out playfully as Logan smirked and opened the passenger side door for her. He started up the car, and left the campus onto the road to Hartford. Logan's CD player had been left on, so when the car had been started, the CD he'd left in had continued playing. Rory recognized the music…soft, acoustic guitar music.

"You like The Shins?"

He turned his attention to her from the road and passed her the CD case of their album, Oh, Inverted World.

"This is one of my favorite albums! God, I listened to this all throughout my junior year of high school!"

So far, so good. Great music tastes, enjoys coffee—though not to a Gilmore extent—but better than him hating it in general, but what about...

"I fell in love with them after hearing their songs in Garden State."

Movies. And he picked a good one too…Gilmore, this boy has got 'potential' written all over him. Almost a mix of Dean and Jess. Hmm…the cuteness factor of Dean and the never ending conversations Jess and I had. I could get used to this. This…this is really happening.

"I really enjoyed that movie. Quite thought-provoking and melancholy. But not in some overly cliché way, you know?" Logan nodded his head in agreement.

"My mom thought it was stupid, but then again, this is coming from Shira Huntzberger, who thinks the best movie ever made was Glitter."

Oh my God. Mocking Mariah Carey in Glitter? Logan Huntzberger, you will fit right in with the Gilmore girls.

Rory started to laugh at this confession.

"No way! She loves Glitter? Wow! My mom and I couldn't stop making fun of that pathetic excuse of a movie for weeks. I think we decided to go see it just to make fun of it…we were the only idiots in there adding in our own uh, 'commentaries' to the movie and throwing popcorn at the screen. Amazing."

"My mom made me go see it with her. Five times. It was, shall we say, embarrassing. Mortifying."

I never thought I'd thank Emily Gilmore for shanghaiing me at dinner, but I will. Thanks, grandma. Your little plan…your hidden agenda for wanting me to marry a wealthy, handsome blue-blood…well-played, grandma. Well-played.

Girl inform me all my senses warn me
Your clever eyes could easily disguise
Some backwards purpose
It's enough to make me nervous.
Do you harbor sighs, or spit in my eye

The Shins, "Girl Inform Me"

Rather short, but sweet! Kind of a filler to get me back in the groove of writing this story after, gee, two years? Well, Beautiful Bluebird is BACK and better than ever!

Thanks to my reviewers. I'm sorry for making you all wait.